Before I Start My Homework

In category:Life
Post by:Levres

There are so many things that I don't understand in this world. Stone, I agree. I do not understand frisbee or hacky sack for the same reasons you cited. It seems to have no point and only make participants look foolish.

I don't understand why work is not evenly distributed. At the beginning of the semester I had more stuff to do than I could handle. I had homework coming out of my rear end for cripe's sake. Then in the middle somewhere I felt like a UMass English major with nothing to do all day but lay around and play frisbee. Now, nearing the end of the semester, I realize I have so many loose ends to tied up and so much work to do before finals and what not. Why couldn't it have been evenly distributed? Is that really so much to ask? Do the professors get together and gang up on the students planning all midterms and homework assignments to all be due for every class on the same day. I'm sure it's coincidence and there really is no great conspiracy, but a little more even distribution would be nice.

Another thing I don't understand is people that can't let go. One of my dear friends was with a guy for 9 months. This was in high school. They never slept together or anything. He wasn't her first boyfriend. However, it took her, I'd say, a good few YEARS to get over him. She now has a new boyfriend and things are going very well for them. I'm happy for her. I still will never understand what took her so long to get over the other guy.

Along those same lines, I don't understand why people deny that they're not over someone. I mean, everyone can see it, the signs are obvious, why not admit. Why continue to put up a facade that you're "living the single life and loving it?" Why not just admit that you aren't over him, accept that you'll never get back together, and then try to move on through some nice healthy mental therapy. Don't play games, you're not fooling anyone except maybe yourself.

I don't understand people who are gluttons for punishment. Picture this: you're a loser and you have this group of so called friends. Everytime you go out with these friends, they make fun of you an pick on you and such. You try to take it in fun and think they're joking, but deep down you probably know they're not. Why would you continue to spend time with these friends? Why wouldn't you try to find new friends who actually like you and don't see you as a loser? Or why don't you find hobbies that you can enjoy alone, such as masturbating, or knitting? I don't understand people who like to be made fun of and constantly subject themselves to a confidence beating.

There are so many things I may never understand. Like, why all the damn secrecy. What are you trying to hide? I just don't understand.

1212 Out.

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