Beautiful Days

In category:Journal
Post by:Caniprokis

So this weekend in Ct was just amazingly beautiful. saterday i woke up and left my house at around 11 am, i went for a ride down 146 which i forgot that during the day was a visually pleasent road to drive down. windows open music blasting smile on my face i was crusin, and it felt good. so around 1 or 2 i meet up with Jim and Meg and we went for an awesome hike through supply pond, the air had this smell, a smell that i have only ever smelled in supply pond when things are damp but not wet and there is a cool breeze, as i sat waiting for them to arrive i got a nice blast of fresh air off the water that brought the biggest smile to my face i can remember. saterday night was nothing special just a good cap to a great day. Sunday was also great, colder than saterday but still clear and warm and just a great day. it was nice again today unfortunatly i was inside most of the day at work, but i got a quick ride in before i left this moring thanks to Flying Tim having me work for him late today. over all i suppose things are looking up, we shall see i suppose.

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