
In category:Sports
Post by:SpoDudeZ0r

Baseball is the greatest sport in the world, it's America's sport, has been for over a hundred years. Sure, people follow and enjoy other sports as well, but baseball is the only one where your team is your religion. Where people follow the same team their grandparents did. Baseball's with you every day, a constant companion. And the game is the most perfect analogy for life, think about every part of the game and you'll find life lessons everywhere. For example, the greatest hitters only get a hit 3 out of 10 times, but as long as you have good at bats you never are really failing, because you're working the pitcher, moving the runners with a fly ball or a bunt. Just like in life, sure no one succeeds all the time, or even half the time, but if you approach things trying to always have good at bats and hang in there you'll rarely fail completely, and your success rate goes up too.

Or take bunting, you're sacrificing yourself for the greater good, which sometimes sucks because you want to be the hero and get a big hit, but it doesn't count as an out on your stats when you sacrifice and you might even get an rbi. In life sacrificing for the greater good doesn't always seem worth it, but in the end other people do notice those things and repect as well as admire you for them. And you might even get a tangible reward out of the deal later, from someone that appreciates what you did or just through happenstance.

I could go on all day giving more examples but I won't, since I'm sure you all get the idea and I'm sure a lot of you don't care. But if 3 out of 10 of you do, I'm batting .300

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