Bah. Meh. Ffeh.

In category:Journal
Post by:FlyingTim

Here's the thing, kiddies. Listen up, take out your spiral notebook and a sharpened No. 2 Eberhard-Faber or Ticonderoga, and write this shit down. This is goddam gospel.

I think I should preface my posts with that all the time. Anyhow.

Irregardless is NOT a word. NOT NOT NOT a fucking word. Don't use it. Do you know what that means? Gardless. Which is also NOT NOT NOT a word. I hear idiots on television and idiots during my day use it all the time. They use it to mean regardless, which is a word. But they stick that 'ir' on the front of it, to make it seem like they're smarter than they really are. It's like a WonderBra. Your tits aren't that big, and it's really going to make some poor guy mad if he ever gets you out of it. At the end of the day, it doesn't mean anything, and neither does irregardless.

On an unrelated topic, I own a '51 Chevrolet 3800 series pickup truck, that is a wrecker. (Tow Truck) I've owned it for a year now, and whenever I tell people that I'm going to work on it, or I'm buying parts for it, they laugh, and say something like, " still have that?" YES, motherfucker, I still have it. And no, I'm not going to get rid of it. This slides into my whole 'people are idiots' personal philosophy. Until they prove to me otherwise... So I bought this truck because it belonged to my uncle. He's the mechanic in the family, and he's the one that got me interested in getting my hands dirty and banging my knuckles on crossmembers trying to free a frozen bolt. And this particular truck is in some of my earliest memories. So no, dickhole, I'm not going to get rid of it because it's rusty, or because it doesn't have power windows and locks. Fuck off. It's MY truck. I don't need to explain myself to you. Eat shit and die, to invoke an eighties insult. You're an idiot. You just bought a Mazda Miata. I don't need to say anymore than that.

Which reminds me. Some stupid prick came in today wanting free advice, and free parts. So he's really fucking stupid, and he was changing the fuel filter on his Bronco. (Imagine that, he's a Ford guy) He didn't buy the filter from us. Not even from NAPA. Some PepBoys 4 dollar special. Ford has these little plasic clips in their fule lines, that hold the filter in place. Which is stupid to begin with, because a fuel injected vehicle like his runs about 40 pounds of fuel pressure, and the filter is held on with plasic clips? Anyway, numbmuts breaks both clips. So he comes walking in the store, and wants to know, A. Do we have clips we can GIVE him, seperately, and, B. If not, how can he fix it without spending ANY money, least of all in our store? Sure, asshole. Crack the fuel like open while the truck is running and let some 87 octane squirt into your eye. Fuck you. Get the fuck out.

Next on the rant agenda, that whole thing about Wilson and Levres' sexual escapades...It wasn't particularly classy. I mean, you two do what you two do, and we all know what that is, but I think the particulars should probably stay between you two. When you talk about shit like that, it sounds like you're gloating or something, or trying to show off, which is why it made me scratch my head. In the same post, you denied being a drama queen, but thought it would be a perfectly good idea to let everyone know exactly what goes on, with no real reason or point. At any rate, it's none of my business, which is my point.

And I realize that this is just another statement from the Department of People Who's Opinions Don't Matter, but I don't think that Pappy should feel pressured from anyone on where to live. 12 months might seem like nothing to two people who already live with each other and have made an obvious commitment, but something totally different to an outsider. Yeah, you're all good friends with each other, but you're used to seeing them, not living with them. It sort of is like a marriage, because you all have responsibilites to uphold around the apartment, you all sleep in the same place, you have to be able to depend on each other, and, most of all, you have to be able to tolerate one another. I think that if Pappy is already having second thoughts about it, it probably won't work. It's 3 different people, with 3 different personalities, who expect 3 diffrent things from that setting. It's real hard to live with friends, and make it work, without ending up hating each other. I think Pappy and I can attest to that.

Not that my opinion is worth a shit in this situation, but I have to listen to all the 'discussions' about it, so that's what I think.

Lastly, I was speaking to my good friend the Goofster this afternoon, who was in town for Easter, and didn't say hi, but that's besides the point. The point is, while he was home, his family saw Kate's family. You all remember Kate, the second one. So they're chillin and shit, and she brings up how she has to get back to school, because she has to see her boyfriend on their 4 month anniversary. Now, that statement means nothing to any of you. But it means something to me, oh yes, it certainly does. It confirmed my suspicions, that she was a rude fucking cunt. Her excuse to me, after she ignored me for 2 weeks, that she wasn't ready for a relationship. That was all she could think up in two weeks. I wasn't ready. Well, for christ's sake, I wasn't trying to sell you a goddam house, I just wanted to hang around with you. So now, let's do the math. She saw the Goofster on Easter Sunday, which was April 15th. Rewind 4 months, and that's January 15th. Wait a minute...We started hanging out on January first, a Monday, cause we had it off from work. We hung out until the 12th, I think, or thereabouts. After that I couldn't get ahold of her. I guess I know why now. Gee, isn't that just my luck, 3 days short of her being 'ready.' Meh. Maybe I'm weird for remembering all those dates, but fuck off, cause you're just as weird as I am. I'll bet you have a pee fetish. This thing doesn't make me mad, cause I'm done with that. But it really opened my eyes to how some people really are. Rude. Shitty. Fuckin gutter balls. Now, this is the last thing. That girl is a very religious person. She goes to service every Sunday. I wonder how God looks at deceptive people like that. I suppose you get what you put in, and people get what they deserve, according to Kid Rock. And McCartney/Lennon say that In the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make. Does any of it mean anything, or are they just farts in the wind? Who the hell knows. I'm gonna go work on my tow truck, motherfucker.

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