Bah.. Damn Mass

In category:Misc
Post by:Pappy

The picture to the right was found by searching on for fuck massachusetts. It was the second image listed. The first was of some weird man. I didn't really bother reading up what it was all about tho. You can do that yourself.

Missing image: /pics/fuckmass.jpg

I really hate the state of massachusetts. I think that every time I cross the border, which I do several times a week. It's over 125 miles to my apartment from the town in Connecticut. It's a long drive, but I can generally get it to go quickly by speeding a little. Keeps me alert and passes the time.

Today I entered I-91 in New Haven by going over the draw bridge (Thomlinson sp?). I immediately started changing lanes to the far left lane because there were clumps of cars all being grouped together from the other highways and the far left is one people for some reason don't bother to use. Either they think staying out of that lane will avoid a speeding ticket, or they think the lane will end.. it does, but not for a while. By the time the lane ended, I was in a big open stretch with sparse traffic.

Around exit 13, I see a clump of cars all going about 70mph. A peter pan bus was amongst them, and I was angry because you should be fucking driving on the right, passing on the left god damnit. Anyway, I then notice most of the cars had Mass plates, one had Vermont. So then I was like "Fuck Massachusetts" because they have horrible drivers. When I am driving like this, I am in my own little world.. no one else is in the car, and there is nothing else in my mind but the annoyance I feel by going 70mph.

Eventually this GMC Blazer type thing changes lanes to the right and I scoot on by. There are some nice long straight stretches up along by exit 16, and if you slow down before the crest of the hill, you can generally see quite a ways and pretty easily spot the troopers where they often sit. That is also a 55mph stretch for some reason.. nobody listens and quite a few people (myself included) can go through at 75mph.

Then once you get into the twenties, you are in some sort of trooper den.. because they are so often there. Today there were none, and this kid in a white Lexus ES300 with gold trim flies by at around 90, so I followed him hoping he'd get pulled over before me.

I made it all the way to the I-84 merge like that, and then was hit with traffic. Who the fuck goes on that road? Who lives out there? I haven't ever gone, and I don't care to. What is in north eastern Connecticut? It's not like everybody is moving into UCONN this weekend. And I would think people would be leaving the GHO, not going, if it were down there. So what the fuck. Anyway.. I scoot by yet again, go through the capital, and a guy in some dodge roadster thing (never seen one before) flew by me.

I followed him through to Enfield before I lost him by being cut off by an Oldsmobile with Mass plates. Even the dual letter thing pisses me off.. and then I get to the border. Everybody slows down to a crawl for no reason, nobody is in the left lane for long though so I can move on by. And then it began to rain.. the skies were grey, and my A/C was now too high. Have I ever mentioned how un-livable I consider England?

Anyway, I keep on my way through that 50mph sharp turn on the interstate at around 70mph.. quite fun on my car with bald tires in the rain with a Quick (strawberry milk.. the rabbit.. you know) semi to my right.

Anyway, my story has no point.. and maybe that is the point, but I don't really know. All I know is that I really hate Massachusetts and can't wait to leave. And I don't ever want to come back.. even to Boston. At least not for a while.

Rhode Island is on my list too I think.. god damn their water. Too bad they have such wonderfully convenient beaches. Must remember to bring cans or bottles of coke instead of buying it there... yeck.

Anyway, here is something to help you forget the photo above.

Missing image: /pics/fuckmass01t.jpgMissing image: /pics/fuckmass02t.jpgMissing image: /pics/fuckmass03t.jpgMissing image: /pics/fuckmass04t.jpg
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