
In category:Money
Post by:Pappy

Times have changed. I have had a complete financial turn-around over the past 20 months. Somewhat like the freakin' economy.

It's funny how things work. Like.. 20 months ago I felt secure and stuff. So when I stopped growth, I didn't really care. Twelve months ago I started to feel the crunch of lack of grown (since I spent about fifteen grand in early 2000).

By the time I realized the trouble I was in, I was too busy to fix it. See, for hte past 18 months I have been working on a particular project. This project has sucked everything from me. Originally, I thought the project would be done in February 2000. Things blew out of proportion and the project turned into a large scale operation. By June, it was huge. I really thought I'd be totally done by then.. and I tried my best to get it done before going to Africa.

Okay, so now it is more than six months since then... what happened? Well.. the project has grown yet again, totally out of expected proportion. What I have now is a fantastic product (even if I do say so myself), an empty wallet, and a tired brain. Like.. I am feeling like I've missed out on a whole bunch of crap. Like.. 20 months of my life.

Like... a lot still has happened to me despite the 60 hour work weeks (plus school). But still.. I feel like I am missing out on my college life. Like.. I am supposed to be able to sit around and do nothing every day and play frisbee and do lots of drugs..

I look around and see what people are doing around me.. people just hanging out, nothing pressing to do except maybe some homework here and there.

I suppose I will get my reward.. at least, I hope so. It's days like today that make me nervous that I threw away 20 months of my life.

Today was one of those days which wasn't absolutely horrible, but just was not good. No sunshine. I got the results for two of my midterms.. neither please me, but I am not going to cry over either of them. I also went to the ATM to take out money, and it wouldn't let me because I don't have $20 to take out.

I'm still peddling my wheels, but I am not going anywhere.

Sure, tell me to shut hte hell up. 1999 spoiled me, and I got too comfortable. Bah.

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