Bad drivers out there: DIE!

In category:People
Post by:Pappy

This evening I was driving to Wilson's place with Wilson and MC. There is a stop sign down the road from the house, and MC was on the phone, so I was going slow so we don't hit the signal limit before she's done on the phone. So I stop at the stop sign for a second when a blue car (with one headlight) comes up behind me and overtakes me. This person did not even stop at the stop sign.. which I didn't care too much about, except for the fact they overtook me for no real reason.

So the chase was on. I accelerated quickly and was on their tail very soon after they overtook me. We went by Wilson's road, and I kept following them. I stayed on their ass till the end of the road, where there was a red light. The blue car (one occupant, male) started inching through the red light, and actually hit the gas through the light. I followed (it just turned green) and accelerated to catch up.

This car then turned down a back road that goes northeast, and I stayed on their ass.. I was just looking for a fight. About 10 miles up (speeds varied, but averaged around 55mph on the road) there was a red light (turned red about 10 seconds prior to reaching the light).. the fucker went right through, so I followed because I really wanted to show I was following him.

After a while I started to lose interest, but it ended when he suddenly turned down a side road and by the time I could turn around to go down the road, he was gone.

But here's the message, kids: Don't fuck with people on the road, you might be fucking with someone who has very little to do on a Wednesday night (c'est moi). If you drive slow, keep to the right. If you don't believe in stop signs, don't go through them if there is already a car stopped.

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