Apology to hunch.

In category:Insult
Post by:Peps

I'm just kidding you hunch. I certainly don't think that you wrote that e-mail. I was just commenting about the usage of single letters in leiu of complete words. I really don't think that you would write something as completely stupid as that e-mail. I mean no harm by that last post. In fact I'd like to commend you on some of your most recent posts. The comentary about particular authors was really hilarious, and truly lives up to the spirit of this web site. In fact, I think I'll go and read a couple in particular right now. He he. Yeah.

In addition. I still find it amazing that people send out e-mails to this site entitled "I like buttplugs." And then they go and dispense advice about virtues of shoving objects into your rectum. Well at least its good to see that we have an audience. I guess.

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