Anthony's Song

In category:Life
Post by:Calliander

Hello everyone, just wondering how you're all doing and wanted to give you some important details concerning my life.

Recently, with the not-so-great economy, the security of my job has been called into question. The owner of the company I work for has laid off a few people to lighten the load since we have many techs and not so many calls anymore. The unfortunate end of this is that my job, along with another person there who I'm friends with, could be terminated next. The owner fired one of  the people who works up in the Dispatch department (scheduling and dealing with customers setting up calls and whatnot) and another was called off to serve our country a few weeks later so that left only one person up there. Now, it's not exactly busy, but you need two people up there. So, for some reason, instead of firing me, the owner offered to put me in the Dispatch department.

Many of you will remember that I was damn good at the gas station and at the video store but I absolutely loathed my job. Working to fix computers is something I love to do. I've become Apple Desktop Certified. As a service tech for my company I was getting my weekly pay, reimbursement for mileage and expenses (which, because of my car's phenomenal gas mileage, made me money) and a monthly bonus commission on all of my billable calls. I was getting about 400 bucks a month bonus, which equates to about 5 extra dollars an hour. Now, up in Dispatch, I'm only getting my pay plus a dollar an hour increase with no bonus and no reimbursement.

Some would say I was getting stiffed. I tolerate it only because I NEED THE JOB. Why did I stay at the gas station? I NEEDED THE JOB. Stone and all you others bitched at me about it like you do Lio Convoy for staying at the deli. Why did I stay at the video store? I NEEDED THE JOB. Stone and all you others bitched at me about it like you do Lio Convoy for staying at the deli. See a pattern? There's no reason for me to stay in a position I was not hired for, for functionally less pay, with more responsibility when I don't even like the position. None. Other than needing the job. I have bills to pay, I have things to do, I need to get out on my own instead of sitting at my parents' house!

So the friend I work with proposed a very interesting idea to me and I wanted to let you all know that around the end of June and the middle of July, I will be moving to California, fairly close to LA.

This is, of course, pending on being able to get a job out there, but from the several different businesses we've been checking into, my co-worker and I have come up with some interesting prospects and even some job offers. I guess Apple techs are in demand.

I'll keep you all informed on the details, but I'm thinking that I'll go out there regardless. I need this push out the door and I need it badly.


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