Another Response

In category:Life
Post by:Pappy

I meant to respond to Levres' last post, but I didn't so here I go.

I agree with you on the whole spring break thing. I had a more stressful spring break than the week of school prior to the break. But, I didn't really have a choice.

I don't view things as disappointments myself. I rarely have expectations. When I have expectations, I make sure I get what I expect. If I can't get what I expect, I don't expect it in the first place.

Take women for instance.. or men if you're a girl.. you can't expect anything from them since they're a total wildcard.

So, if you expected to go somewhere.. then you should have gone somewhere.

If you believe life is drab and bleak, then it will be drab and bleak. If you want it to be different, you need to MAKE it different. Life is what you make of it, so if you are not getting what you want out of it, you are doing something wrong.

There are two things missing from my life right now. Those two things will hopefully make me a happier person. I know I want those two things, but I have only begun to do something about it. Neither are beyond my reach at the present time, but I have yet to actually make attempts at grabbing it.

Failing to grab something doesn't make life bleak, it actually mixes things up a lot in many good ways... so you try again. When you finally do get it, it's either a relief or a shout for joy. Like when I was nine years-old and saving up for something. When I finally had enough money, I was so happy, but it was more of a relief because I could relax.

I'm starting to mumble and lose track of what I'm saying... so I'll just shut the hell up now.

One more thing.. the distraction issue. That is more of something between you (Levres) and wilson. You are NOT a bother at all to him I don't think. The problem is just the opposite.

Bad analogy: You are like a toy he can't sit still unless he's playing with it.

Bad analogy.. really bad... hopefully you'll know what I mean. (I don't mean you're a toy). If I had said puppy, you probably wouldn't liek that either.

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