Another cold.. and some more snow

In category:Journal
Post by:Pappy

Bleh. I have a cold again. It sucks. Levres pointed out that it could be due to high stress making my body more likely to catch a cold.. makes sense, so I'll go along with it. Anyway, it sucks.. I hate the zombie like state it puts me in.

Supposed to have some MORE SNOW tomorrow. Supposed to be the mother of all storms or some shit. Gah. I hate it... I bitch way too much about the cold weather. I am sure everyone is sick of me bitching about it, but its so hard to stop.

Last night was.. interesting. Ate dinner at Chili's.. I don't generally like the place, but I had the fish & chips, and its hard to fuck up fish and chips. I wish they didnt put seasoning on the french fries tho. Applebees does the same.. I hate it.

After dinner we all went back to my place. It was only like 11:30 when i was out of my gord. It was fun.

Now... to respond to Levres. We all love you, you brighten the room. I do not think you are crazy (except for the overload on credits thing.. that's damn silly). Now... when I am not sober, and you are also not sober, but also rambling.. some things can be sort of disturbing. The only thing that makes it uncomfortable is because it's like listening to someone talk in their sleep.. like evesdropping. As far as continued use goes.. that is purely up to you. It's something like 1 out of 10 people who smoke pot have bad experiences while under the influence. Maybe paint huffing is better.. I don't know. Hell, it makes some people feel ill if they're around the smoke.

I have never had such an experience.. and the having no control over the dream-like high is really up to the person. You can learn to control things, and create things.. one of the reasons it works out so well as a social thing is that you are prone to the suggestions of others.

If someone says that the music is making their blood wave or heart beat slow, everyone else tends to start feeling the same thing.. although not everybody. It works that way for me anyway.

Also, let me add one thing.. not under my covers, k? On the covers, maybe add a towel.. or on the floor.. that's fine. Just.. not under the covers.

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