And they were one.

In category:Journal
Post by:Pappy

So, FlyingTim got married today. Wilson, Stone, Caniprokis, Erin/Rudegirl/whatever-she's-called-here, and myself were in attendance.

We pregamed behind Caniprokis' old house, sans Caniprokis. The wedding was catholic, and required a lot of kneeling, standing, and sitting without much direction. I had no idea what I was doing, and everyone seemed to know all of these responses to things the priest/whoever said. I would not find that odd at a regular catholic service, but a wedding is going to include a lot of denominations, no? It lasted a little longer than I would have personally liked (like I matter), and there ceremony was surprisingly political. I feel like an anarchist when politics come up.

The weather here is about as foul as you can get, but today the skies were clear. Snow was on the ground though. And it's COLD. Last night it was raining lightly and freezing, which is the most uncomfortable form of weather I can think of. Cold and damp. Later on, it started sleeting and eventually turned into all out snow. I can't say how surprised I was to see snow in southern Connecticut on November 13th. Fucking crazy.

Oh, and did I mention that FlyingTim is going north for his honeymoon? I can't imagine what Vermont is like right now (that's his destination).

The reception was good. Canadians know how to party. I like Canada.

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