...and now, the musical stylings of....

In category:Music
Post by:Caniprokis

popular music is on an up swing, i think at least. i know most people on this fucking site hate popular music just because its main stream but whatever, im tired of not likeing something because too many people like it, fuck you. take these bands, puddle of mud, seven channels, pod, and hoobastank. now, all of these bands have been around for at leat 5 years, and only now are enjoying success. pod, probly the band that has changed the least to meet success is an interesting mix of rapcore and rock, with a positive message weather you belive in god or not, something we dont see in music alot, very cool. seven channels and puddle of mud, both ex-hardcore bands that really dident change anything except how there vocalists sang from screaming to singing, i like them both alot. hoobastank is interesting cs there a ska band for the most part but have these two singles that are kinda emo kinda jimmy eat world kinda stuff, its cool though and there album rocks, they have taken a page from incubus but its the S.C.I.E.N.C.E. era incubus so its really dope. speaking of jimmy eat world, theyve been around a while and i dont claim to have like them befor tj played some stuff for me a while ago, they seem to be making a chagre to the maistreem also with a little help from tvs very own carson daily. unfortunaly A New Found Glory has been droping back into the underground, there really good, another band intoduces to me through tj.

enough of this editorial on music im out

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