And new rules, too

In category:Life
Post by:Calliander

From now on, whenever I say something is true it's true. If I say something's not true, it's not true. "Facts" presented towards statements deemed untrue by myself will obviously become "lies" or "misconstrued details". If you don't like these new rules, you can continue believing your lies. I, however, will be progressing forward and deeming more things true and false. For starters:

  • Weathermen know nothing.
  • Little monkeys clean my nosehairs for me.

And lastly, let me make up for the past three weeks of missing my Bean-ism queue:

Get off me bitch! I'm impotent!

What? I was feeling froggy!

We used to do yay-o, back in the day-o!

Bean is cooler than you, the reader. Goodnight.

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