And Marvel Knocks Another One Out of the Park…

In category:Entertainment
Post by:LioConvoy

Went to see "The Incredible Hulk" today, and it was THE shit. I'm not sure if I liked it more than Iron Man (prolly not), but it was definitely the better film. It was a good synthesis of elements of the TV show (which I would truly classify as one of the true classics of television) and the comics. The characterization of Banner was well done and nicely achieved, this was where the TV series excelled but the comic was always kinda weak with. It also brought what is in my opinion one of the top 3 super hero brawls in cinema history, this is where the comic normally shines and the series was weak.

Geek nods in this film include mentions of: Stark Industries, Weapon Plus (responsible for Cap and Wolvie), Nick Fury, SHIELD, The Leader, and the master stroke? An appearance by Robert Downey Jr. recruiting for the Avengers.

In other Marvel news, Marvel Studios is jerking Jon Favreau around on the money for Iron Man 2. This is how shit like Image Comics happens. Marvel fosters talent, jerks them around financially, until they say Fuck You. This strategy led to Marvel's bankruptcy in the late 90's, and is going to lead to some cinematic abortions if they continue it. Casting talk for the Captain America movie has been narrowed to Leonardo DiCaprio, with Brad Pitt being their plan B. Though I would prefer Brad Pitt, Leonardo DiCaprio is a little bit closer in age to what Steve Rogers would have been in WWII. I can see him being frail Steve Rogers, but I don't see him having the physicality to be a super soldier. Whenever I see him all I see is that skinny kid from the last seasons of Growing Pains.

There were some decent trailers with Hulk, Tropic Thunder as stone stated looks fantastic. Having seen the trailer for Hancock, it actually appears Will Smith isn't digging in my craw so much in that role. I might actually rent that.

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