In category:Entertainment
Post by:LioConvoy

Ok douchingtons (this includes you my beloved wife), Anyone who has an opinion different than mine regarding Highlander is wrong. An opinion by definition cannot be wrong or right, it simply is. However you've managed to do it, you've come up with a wrong opinion, it's like dividing by 0... congratulations, you should be proud of yourselves.

Now as for the rest of you faggots on this board you have the the right opinion on Highlander, but an almost wrong opinion regarding your 5 movie list. I agree, asking Calliander about his 5 favorite action films is much like asking Richard Simmons to list the top 5 vaginas he's ever slid his penis into. So step back while I drop some knowledge on your asses with my five movie list of action!

Aliens - James Cameron had a tough act to follow. Alien was a tight, well paced, sci fi thriller that reinvented sci fi a mere 2 years after Star Wars had reinvented the genre itself. It was responsible for putting real blue collar people that you might know in every day life in a fantastic environment. So Cameron flipped it on it's ear, deciding to make a riveting allegory for Viet Nam, while making with enough ball rocking action to keep from getting ham-handed with it's commentary. Incredible ensemble cast (most of them wound up in Near Dark, my favorite vampire film), you care about all the characters no matter how short they are on the screen. Notable Kick Ass Weapons: Sentry Guns, Smart Guns, M41A pulse rifles, Grenade Launchers, and the effing Power Loader.

Kill Bill - Volume 1 if I have to choose one, Tarantino is waiting on the Weinsteins to fork over more cash to complete the animation and add 20 minutes to the origin of O-Ren Ishii before releasing "The Whole Bloody Affair" edition. This is a kickass simple revenge flick blown out to mammoth proportions. The fight with the Crazy 88 at The House of Blue Leaves is quite possibly the best choreographed sword fight I've ever seen. Notable Kick Ass Weapon: Hattori Hanzo Swords

Equilibrium - A Matrix rip-off if there ever was one, this flick has some key things going for it that the Matrix didn't. It's not trying so hard to appear that it has some kind of greater philosophy (instead retreading the old Orwell chestnut, unoriginal but not as vomit inducing), its got Christian Bale the man single-handedly saving every last one of the movie franchises I thought dead, and it committed to film something that Stone and I had been saying should have been invented on screen since we met: Gun-Fu, or Gun Kata as it's called in the film. Notable Kick Ass Weapons: Full Auto Pistols, a Katana that slices faces off.

Predator - Not as smart as Aliens, this movie typifies Arnold at his finest. He's shredded, carrying an M-16 assault rifle with grenade launcher, and the quotable one liners are flying. Additionally like Aliens this has a strong ensemble cast that you care about, but unlike Aliens, I would go and see a solo film about any one of the soldiers in this film. Notable Kickass Weapons: Ol' Painless and An explosive Bow and Arrow Arnold MacGuyvers together out of old twigs and gun powder that shoots through trees.

The Transporter - Let's just face it... Jason Statham is the white Jackie Chan and the only thing close to an action star we have these days. And this is the movie that made him an action star. The levels of old school beat down in this movie are amazing, and some truly great car chases. Notable Kick Ass Weapons: A BMW, a barrel of oil.

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