Ahh, Calliander

In category:Music
Post by:Stone

"I don't care how good a band is: no tickets in any stadium or concert hall or wherever are worth more than $100.00. If you would spend $500.00 on a ticket to see a band, you're a fucking moron."

That's stupid. You're saying that some kid who makes $12,000 a year at his job is allowed to spend $100 on a band ticket, but a grown man with a great job, making $80,000 a year, can't spend $500 on band ticket? It's their money. If you want to judge things like this, maybe you could say that it's stupid for people without any money to spend $100+ on a ticket, but someone who makes a good amount of money can and should spend his cash on whatever the fuck he wants, as long as he's willing to pay for it.

Stupid is a minimum wage earner buying expensive, cheaply-made clothing at some mall store, not a wealthy guy spending $3,000 per on Oxxford suits that are going to last and look good forever.

A kid who goes out and buys a $20,000 car on a $40,000 a year salary is more of a moron than the guy who buys a $225,000 Bentley and makes $500k a year. You understand where I'm going?

Hell, I think a $20,000 watch, an instant heirloom type watch that qualifies as wearable art, something like that, is more justifiable than a $20 watch that'll get thrown out or lost within a year.

Bottom line, demand is its own justification. A person's only a moron if they're paying more for X than most people would pay for X - what X is doesn't matter. That's all.


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