
In category:Politics
Post by:FlyingTim

You're right, arcee. Bureaucracies like those don't really care about individuals. Unfortunately, they only look at the fact that you were present while people were drinking in a room with your name on it. They don't seem to care that you don't partake in such activities, or that you had a problem having those people there to begin with. So scream and yell and write housing and the chancellor nasty letters. Tell that that they are going to lose a valuable alumni if they don't get their act together and rethink their policies. Tell them you know people at the New York Times who would be happy to write a story on the ineffectiveness of the alcohol on campus policies, and how that particular school rewards those students that follow the rules. Then claim to be gay and call them on discrimination. They might even pay for your room and board for a semester. Whatever you do, don't lay down and take it. Go down kicking. That's all I have to say.

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