In category:Education
Post by:Pappy

Just had a really shitty exam.. interesting, but really shitty. First of all, it is Friday. Like a Friday exam isn't bad enough, the test was in the evening.. I just got back now. Add onto that the fact that we're getting ANOTHER SIX INCHES of snow, and you have one fine evening for a test.

Anyway.. the professor sucks.. quite a bit in fact. Well, in the first five minutes of the test (after they were handed out), some dude in teh back grunted very loudly AGGHGGG. There was a slight pause and then another grunt. Then, he yelled out TEST.. HARD!. This was all in the voice of someone with a mental illness.. such as Tourette's. Now.. I don't mean necessarily the variation with massive swearing.. just the odd twitching/yelling. Anyway, get that mental audio running and listen to the grunting and yelling.

It was pretty fucking funny. The professor didn't like it.. so he went up to the kid, and asked him to leave.. the kid pleaded that he is okay now, and teh prof let him stay. Five minute later, the kid stood up... said "Fuck this" and ripped it up. The kid spent the next twenty minutes occasionally yelling and grunting in the hallway. At some point he even sang opera style.

This was all after a really really odd passing out of tests. It was like we were about to be given this strict government exam. He was keeping track of the exam papers like a hawk.

Several other disruptions occured... all quite necessary.

The test itself wasnt bad. Unf Unf. I didnt ace it by any means... and the short answer technical definitions will fuck me. As will my syntax if they're strict on that.

The professor doesnt hate me... he does probably hate Danz0r, and wilson too if he knew wilson's name. Unf. See, i emailed him about doing this other project instead of the labs, and I was like the only person who showed up to meet with him about it. Danz0r emailed him too.. but his pen exploded and he left in the middle of class and didnt come back to see him. He's a silly hungarian tho.

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