A Toast to Summer

In category:Life
Post by:Calliander

Here, here! Give Caniprokis a hand for his eloquent ode to the most beautiful season of all. clapping This summer definitely needs to be spent doing lots of things outdoors. Lots of streaking, lots of Connie-ing, lots of frisbee, home run derby, derelict villages, eating outside, barbeques, and sex. Especially the sex. We need to have wanton orgies and zany trips to strip clubs.

There's a Svedish girl in my comp sci class and I never noticed her before, but today I did and damn, is she attractive. That kid who sits next to me keeps failing and the woman in front of me pestered me constantly because she doesn't understand things. If you don't have the desire to learn computers, don't expect to get them, that's all I have to say. The professor goes over everything twice, giving a person plenty of time to jot what they don't know down. Oh well, some peoples is dumb.

My sister is sleeping down here now, complaining that her room is too hot. I avoid close contact with her at all times possible, so I wasn't aware of how she smelled before this morning. I had to get a pair of shoes from the other room and as I stepped into the room, this wretched stench assaulted my nostrils. Needless to say, I quickly grabbed the shoes and got out. So tonight, I just went up to her room to see how hot it is. It's no different than the second floor, but noticeably different from the rooms down here. It's like a meat locker down here. You don't even need air conditioning. But that's what her fat ass is going to need once it starts being hot at night, because the temperature jacks up a bit with the weather. Meh.

FlyingTim is correct, as well. My mother used to say "irregardless" all the time until I corrected her. But the "ir" makes it just "regard" because the "less" is the negative. But yeah, I hear people say that all the time. Why not just toss a focking "dis" onto there to throw things completely off kilter? Disirregardless! "Whoa," as Keanu would utter.

That is all for now. Let there be heat!

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