3 Ads, 3 Worms, 3 Commies

In category:Technology
Post by:Calliander

Um, if your browser doesn't work, the only other way to get VMU saves onto or off of the internet is with that special VMU that some third party makes. But that defeats the purpose. =)

Okay. I don't know if this is a trend yet, but it's certainly disturbing, so I'm going to call it a disturbing trend I've noticed. Before I come here to Insult I visit three sites. Two of them are e-mail accounts and the other is a video game site. As per usual, some ads popped up. Now, popup ads are extra annoying as it is these days - they disappear after they pop up, which means you have to at least look at the window before you close it. But, and here's the disturbing part, tonight, all three ads popped up new ads when I closed them. That should be against the law. If I close your window, I clearly don't want to see any of the fucking crap you want to hawk to me. Don't fucking try to solicit me a second time with your stupid shit! Is there a way to track these assholes down? I don't usually agree with killing anyone, but dammit, whoever invented JavaScript should be SHOT, dragged into the street, SHOT again, curbed, SHOT another time, then tossed into a vat of acid. I can't turn the shit off because I need it and these people are abusing it. I mean, what the fuck could I possibly want from "NetFlip"? WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT EVEN MEAN?!? Do they sell me a product that stops popup ads from popping up? I'll take it!!!

You all remember the Commie. Well, I work with her now, at the video store. She's a Commie. Yeah. Communists.

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