
Political spam messages

In category:Technology

Though I'm registered to vote, I'm not affiliated with a party. This means that while everyone around me gets a billion texts/emails/phone calls/postcards about election stuff, I only deal with the occasional scam car insurance b.s.

People have shown me some of the political messages they get, however.


The junk fundraising crap from Republicans is about as laughable as could be expected. What takes my breath away is the language used by the Democrats in their messaging. A couple of samples:

  • I'm so disappointed in you...
  • If you don't verify your information soon...
  • Trump did THIS and it's DISGUSTING...

It's super aggressive, guilt-trippy, and disingenuous. It's grifter speak. And, as we all know, I really don't like grifters - irrespective of their politics.

How is this shit even legal?

Post by:Calliander

How to Make Thousands of Dollars From Home on Twitter

In category:Technology

Are you tired of the 9-5 work week? Annoying bosses who micro-manage your every move? Paychecks that can’t cover your bills?

Well, we at Twitter Blue have great news: A new way to make money from home and be your own boss.

Twitter Creator Ads Revenue Sharing

As a Twitter Blue Content Creatornot a sales person – you’ll be an ambassador for a globally recognized brand. If you’re dedicated to improving your life by working hard, you can leverage audience engagement into money. Most Twitter Blue Content Creators who follow our plan can make an average of $5,000 a week!

If you’re great at networking, you can earn even more money – by putting your followers to work for you. You can recruit the Twitter users who love your content to become Twitter Blue Content Creators, as well. And if they make their own network of subscribers? You get a percentage of their earnings!

As a Twitter Blue Content Creator with multiple levels of Content Creators under you, the earnings potential is limitless. Some users have made as much as $50,000 a month.

All it takes an $8.00/month expenditure for your Twitter Blue subscription ($11.00/month for iOS users) or a discounted yearly rate of $84.00 ($114.9 per year for iOS users). Once you’ve got Twitter Blue and you sign up for our Creator Ads Revenue Sharing plan, you can start creating content and building your own network of Content Creators.

There’s no way this is a multi-level marketing program, it’s not a pyramid scheme, and it totally isn’t a scam. We promise!

† Amounts made may vary per user.

Post by:Calliander

Ad-blocker Popup Companies Must Die

In category:Technology

That's a screenshot of a popup message on a website, saying, "It looks like you're using an ad blocker," and asking to disable it. The particular one in the screenshot has some awful kawaii nonsense wording but that's beside the point. There's a whole industry of places that pop these messages up and they're showing up on nearly every website. I work from home, and my company provides a high speed connection with ad blocking built in. But even if I was just your average asshole who doesn't want to see ads, this crap is untenable.

These companies must be stopped.

I'm, of course, pretending I'm talking to reasonable people. Not capitalist ghouls who would respond to this post with bullshit like, "The websites make money off those ads!" If your site can't exist without ad revenue then it shouldn't exist.

Fuck off and die. Along with the adblocker popup companies.

Post by:Calliander

Let Me Run Twitter

In category:Technology

I'm marking this is a joke but I'm partially serious. Let me run Twitter.

Immediate Suspensions

Day one of my rule, I'll immediately and permanently suspend all the grifters and bullies I know of. Accounts like @JDCocchiarella, @ACTBrigitte, @realTuckFrumper, and @libsoftiktok. Gone for good. Check out my "Raise Your Hand if You're a Grifter" for more detail but bannable offenses include:

  • TDS

  • Special characters in usernames/bios/posts

  • Overuse of GIFs and emojis

  • Anti-vaccine

  • Complaining about pronouns

  • Being Dinesh D'Souza or the Meiselas brothers

The Main Feed

As soon as possible, the main twitter feed will change so that all users are opted-out of the algorithm by default. They can opt back in if they want to see trending bullshit. If you want to use the algorithm you see ads. If you stay opted out, no ads. If you're opted out, you'll be able to toggle whether you see activity of your mutuals beyond their posts (ex: you can hide retweets or likes).


Verification goes away. End of discussion. Users will be able to flag impersonations, and an account that, say, is pretending to be Neil Young, will be suspended.


The main feed will be moderated to typical standards. Not Musk's idea of free speech. So conservative crybabies will hate it. My guidelines are pretty liberal. You get a strike for stuff like:

  • Misgendering

  • Making fun of someone's appearance/weight/etc.

  • Mis/disinformation

  • Inaccessible media (see below)

  • Hashtag spam

Three strikes and you're permanently suspended.

Mass-Reporting Campaigns

If a post/user gets a flood of reports we'll investigate. If it turns out that it was a mass-report campaign (a user/users/group encouraging others to report for whatever reason) then all the users who filed the reports get two strikes – even if the report is accurate.


All images will be required to have ALT text or be marked as decorative only. Users will be able to report bad ALT text (user fills in a random characters to hit the minimum) or images marked as decorative but aren't. The poster can fix the issue or get a strike.

All videos will be required to have a transcript, be marked as containing accurate captions, or be marked as audio-only or no audio. Users will be able to report problems for this and the poster can fix the issue or get a strike.

Users can report accounts/posts using special characters. The issue can be fixed or a strike can be issued.


In contrast to the main feed, users will be able to create communities and moderate them independent of Twitter – very much like discussion forums. Want to talk about guns & ammo? Make a community. Keep that shit off the main feed. Romance writers? Community.

Communities that violate some of the main feed rules will be removed and the participants will get strikes. Ex: None of that "gender critical" bullshit as a community.

Ingrid Jacques

As promised, let me explain why she's as bad as Rex Huppke.

She was hired to be the polar opposite of him. Accordingly, she posts dumb articles with the same smarmy tone from the other end of the field. Stories like, "‘Inclusive’ restaurant turns away Christian group because of its beliefs. Who's the bigot?" and, "Progressives want to ban Amy Coney Barrett's book. How can they think that's OK?"

Shut up, Ingrid. You're a lousy excuse for a journalist.

Post by:Calliander

Stop Being Manipulated

In category:Technology

A desperate plea for people to stop enabling lousy news.

Hey there, kids. How are you doing? I've got a long one for ya but I promise it's worth the read.

I've been trying to stay on an even keel here since the Presidential election. While I've always been a fairly liberal person, I haven't been a registered Democrat since the 2004 Presidential election because I recognized that the Democratic party was a corrupt mess. Similarly, I've known for even longer that the Republican party doesn't have the best interests of the United States in mind. In other words, I'm pretty jaded, politically. I have hopes and dreams about a utopian society but I'm a realist and recognize those are silly.

Now despite the man's obvious lunacy, his associations with awful people, and the terrible things he said (and the shitty way he said them), I opted to hunker down and let Donald J. Trump get his Presidency on. In my mind, most of his campaign promises - while vile and moronic - were inattainable fluff. (LOL)

In an attempt to inform myself, I made a post-election quest to talk to people who voted and figure out what made them tick. Now, I had come across Michael Moore's speech about the Ford plant and the molotov cocktail and had dismissed it as irrelevant at some point, but with hindsight deigned to view it again. In combination with the insightful series that Van Jones made (The Messy Truth) I felt genuinely awful about the circumstances that lead people to voting Trump.

The unrestrained liberal left was so smug, haughty, and stuck in their echo chamber that a good majority of his supporters desperately needed to tell them to fuck off. So I sought to let the man do his work. Obviously, Trump has come at the job like a whirlwind already, but that isn't a topic I'm going to be discussing.

You see, there's a different thing that's got my panties in a bunch: Both sides are in their echo chambers and it's only gotten worse. The divide is being strengthened via partisan news sources, something many of you know will know I've been railing against for years now.

What am I talking about? Facebook pages that share stupid memes and news stories bearing emotionally manipulative headlines - and the lousy web sites that peddle those things. You know what I'm talking about:


Oh really, destroyed, you say? I guess we'll need to get some new Republicans.


I'll bet whatever this article contains, it's either misleading or an extreme stretch.


I'm not even going to point out the stupidity of this meme.


Real mature, guys. Why bother writing this?

The news feed of your average liberal or conservative right now is a mix of completely worthless junk like that. My problem here is that these kinds of pages/web sites don't offer anything constructive. All they do is give the average idiot who thinks they are politically active the simulation of sticking it to someone they disagree with. It's emotional manipulation, it's bald-faced, and it's utterly confusing to me that people let themselves be swindled by it.

Being the computer nerd I am, I did some digging on six liberal sites, six liberal Facebook pages, six conservative sites, and six conservative Facebook pages: A single person holds the domain name registration of every single site I came across. With what little information is available through Facebook, I noticed that the email addresses attached to the accounts of each page's primary admins, while different, followed similar patterns - consistent with generated names, like the ones you see in those spam emails about your missed FedEx delivery.

In most cases, these articles that people see and click "share" or "like" on are stolen/repurposed from other websites and given inflammatory headlines to induce clicking. Several sites, once the page is loaded, access the Facebook information of the visitors - something that goes against Facebook's explicitly stated rules. Most do not pay too much attention to how their site looks, as it's just a vehicle to serve ads and misleading information. All twelve sites serve their images, JavaScripts, and other assets from the same, single CloudFlare account. Almost all of them had malicious scripts that simulated you having clicked an ad that generates money for them, and they probably sell the information they harvested about you for further gain.

That's right: They're playing both sides for profit.

So not only are you helping to propagate the basis for the "fake news" complaints across the web, you're also giving personally identifiable information to untrustworthy sources. Perhaps it's time for you to both wise up on attempts to manipulate your emotions and to broaden your horizons, kids.

† CloudFlare is a web-hosting company. Each user can generate multiple "properties" but each of those properties are tied back to the account. So there may be a unique ID associated with Liberal Site A and Conservative Site A, but both of those IDs are subdivisions of one account.

Post by:Calliander

Love That JBOD

In category:Technology

See: Non-RAID drive architectures

My favorite computer-related acronym has always been "JBOD" or "Just a Bunch of Disks" (or you can use "Drives" instead of "Disks"). It's a somewhat disparaging term for when someone effectively "tapes" drives together to make them one big drive.

Nerd 1: "Yo dude, I RAIDed my five 1TB drives together and now I have 5TB!"

Nerd 2: "You didn't RAID anything, moron. You just roped a bunch of disks together. You made a JBOD."

I'd like to thank the new AppleTV for being "Just Another Box" and reminding me of it.

Post by:Calliander

Hashtags are for mongrel idiots

In category:Technology

Listen, people. It's the year 2012, almost 2013. The hashtag has overstayed not only its original usage but also its welcome. It is absolutely unacceptable any more to say something anywhere - including on Twitter - and then tag it. I might even go so far as to say that the general idea of tags has come and gone. If you still use hashtags I think your IQ is low, whichever piece of anatomy is most prized for your gender is underwhelming, I'm much more intelligent than you; also, I hope you die. And I'm not going to end this paragraph with one to perhaps intimate that I'm joking. I'm not joking. Go to hell.

If you've ever watched the TV show "Arrested Development" then this reference will make sense to you: Hashtags are the effective equivalent of "STEVE HOLT!" Though I understand there is a point to them they are ultimately useless because they are indicative of either (or both) of two things.

  • General laziness and a lack of concern for the conventions of communication.
  • Shitty, douchey, shameless self-promotion.
Aside: If you've never watched the TV show "Arrested Development" then you need to remedy that. I don't believe there's anyone who doesn't like the show but just in case, if you don't like the show, drive off a cliff and do the rest of us a favor you intellectual pedestrian.

Hashtags represent inane, meaningless, throwaway thoughts or observations. There's absolutely no reason that someone should write something about a baseball game and then consolidate a sentence like: "I really hope the Athletics win this game. Come on, team, let's really buckle down, get some hits, and win," into "WOOO! #athletics #alds #scoresomeruns": Doing that is called being a douchebag. If you do that, you'd best be wearing Ed Hardy, a scumbag hat, and have a chinstrap beard. "Obama's killing it #debates #democrats #romneysucks" = I hope that person is crossing the street, gets hit by a bus and lives, goes to the hospital to get a blood transfusion, gets AIDS, has several good years where it looks like they're going to be okay, and then dies in the middle of their daughter's wedding.

I make the rules. Hashtags: done. So stop it.

Post by:Calliander

Bring Those Jobs Back

In category:Technology

Apple’s iPad and the Human Costs for Workers in China

There have been several articles in the media lately about the manufacturing process for the myriad electronic devices we use. From concerns about human rights violations to the state of the American economy, there seems to be a general feeling that something needs to change. The article above is just a small piece of the pie that represents the problems we face not just in making the things we like but also compensating those who make them.

Apple has a feedback page ( where you can tell them about problems or give them suggestions. While they don't respond to those e-mails, they do take them into account. I'm urging everyone to submit feedback to them: Let Apple know that we want a change. Give them the confidence that it's what we want. Here's what I said, and feel free to copy/paste if you'd like.

Your company gave us the first personal computers. It gave us the best way to play music portably. It gave us the first real super phone. It gave us the first real tablet. It even gave us a wonderful store to visit in order to buy these products and to take them if we ever have any issues with them.

It is understood that demand and cost have made overseas plants a necessity. But the company that gave us all of those things has to also be able to find a way to get those jobs back to America.

Your company has already demonstrated beyond question the value and stability of its products - from the devices themselves to the software that runs on them. Paying a little more or waiting just a bit longer for them seems like such a paltry trade-off for knowing that it was built in the country where the workers' rights are taken seriously.

Everyone claims that transforming the supply chain would be an intensive and excruciatingly long task. Steve told President Obama that those jobs are not coming back. But he also said, "The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do."

Let's do this - because if any company can, it's this one.

Please share this around your circle of friends. Maybe if enough people bring it to the spotlight, Apple will know we trust them to be the ones to revolutionize yet another facet of the world. We also have to be ready to eat our own words on this one - if they somehow pull it off and there are delays and/or price increases, it's something we're going to have to accept with the knowledge that they will eventually return to the levels we're used to.

Post by:Calliander

Mac Defender

In category:Technology

Update: 1/23/2012 - Since I don't work for Apple any more, I have made this rant un-private. It's a funny story. My apologies if Mr. Lawyer finds out and his feelings are hurt.

I'm surprised I didn't get any shit about this on Facebook or whatever. Usually, people try to call me out whenever something goes wrong with Apple. The general line of thinking, I guess, is that since I work for them I must be a fan boy. I'm not. It's a paycheck. A good portion of my day, however, is spent dealing with this Mac Defender shit.

People fall for this crap.

Sorry to bust the world's bubble but Apple zealots don't have things like this happen to them. Stupid Americans who bought a Mac because their neighbor got one and now their kids won't shut up about it have things like this happen to them. It's part of a bigger problem, one I call click-through (despite its appearance outside of the tech world), and human beings are chock fucking full of it. College-educated people fell for this. Here is the play-by-play:

  • John Smith is searching Google for images of Mauritania.
  • Due to SEO poisoning, John Smith unwittingly clicks on a page with what seems to be pertinent information.
  • Suddenly, a window pops up on John's computer that looks vaguely like a generic Finder window. It starts rattling off information about viruses, and text starts blinking everywhere.
  • A prompt comes up telling John that it's going to install MAC Defender. Spelled just like that. MAC Defender.
  • John, despite having bought a Mac because they don't get viruses, tells it to download.
  • As with all software, the MAC Defender requires John's password to install. He provides it.
  • MAC Defender loads with the screen you see above. It has obnoxious overlays like in the upper right. MAC Defender brings up a list of viruses that his computer is infected with.
  • When John tries to remove the viruses, the program says he needs to register and requires credit card information. He provides it.
  • The program either claims to have removed the viruses or claims the credit card information is invalid, then John notices that pornographic web sites randomly begin popping up on his screen.
  • At the Apple Store, John is told it's a fake program and to call his credit card company. He explains that he trusted the program because it said MAC. Spelled just like that.

The people behind this actually made an updated version of it after Apple responded so it no longer needs a password to install (it goes to the user's Applications folder as opposed to the system one) but it's still the same steps. There's so much ignorance here:

  • At no point in the history of Mac OS was there ever blinking text.
  • You bought a Mac because they don't get viruses.
  • The program spelled MAC with all capital letters.
  • The program came up, unasked.
  • The program asked for credit card info. In some cases, it said your perfectly fine card was declined and you possibly put in more credit cards.

All of this is prompted because someone I helped today took 45 minutes to realize he'd been scammed. He came up and told me about how he had a virus making porn pop up on his machine and his credit card wasn't working. I saw MAC Guard (the name it's currently running under). I said the following: "Ahh, it appears you've been a victim of the Mac Defender scam. Good news: You don't have a virus. I am going to just remove the program. Since it's a scam, you will need to call your credit card company and let them know you've been a victim of fraud."

His response to me was that none of his cards worked and he was really worried that Apple had a problem with its servers. I said, "Since it's a scam program, not made by Apple, I wouldn't be surprised if it told you your card was declined. I'm sure your cards were fine, but if you put them in you have to call the companies and get new cards."

He then asked me why it would decline them if his cards were okay. A little confused, I said, "Again, it's not a legitimate program. It probably just told you the cards were declined so as to get more card numbers from you." He saw me delete the program and asked why I was getting rid of it. "Since it's not made by Apple and it's causing the pornographic web sites to pop up on you, I have to remove it. If I leave it, it's going to keep bringing up the sites and the annoying windows telling you the computer is infected when it isn't."

He nodded and I finished up by restarting to make sure it was gone. So I said, "Just make sure you call your credit card companies. The scammers can make all kinds of fake purchases until you alert the issuers." He asked if he could check some email and since it wasn't particularly crowded I said okay. He sat there for 30 minutes while I helped a few other people and then indicated to me that he was ready to go. I thanked him for his visit and said my fond farewell stuff. His question: "So how exactly do I pay for this?" I explained that anything we do at the Genius Bar is free. He then replied: "No no, I mean the Mac virus program. How do I pay for it? Do you take the payment?"

I made sure to enunciate as clearly as possible here: "There is no payment because the program that was telling you that you had a virus was asking for the payment and it is not a genuine program. So for whichever cards you tried to use, you will have to call the issuers and let them know you gave your card information to scammers." His response floored me: "If it's not a real program, though, why does it say Mac?"

I almost didn't have an answer that didn't insult his intelligence but finally came up with, "There's nothing stopping anyone from making a program and calling it Mac something."

His equally confounding response: "So you got rid of the viruses, then?" To which I said: "You didn't have any viruses. That was a lie. The program was using scare tactics to get you to put in your credit card information."

And, finally, wave of realization. "So people maliciously got ahold of my credit card information?"

YES! After chatting with him just a little more, post-realization, I got out of him what he does for a living. Senior partner at a law firm.

Post by:Calliander

On the hunt

In category:Technology

I'm trying to find poopin.gif. So far I have been unsuccessful. But I did get this totally sweet GIF of a hot chick from the 90's off of some BBS.

Missing image: /wp-content/uploads/2010/12/image_1_30651.png
Post by:Calliander

Fucking Pappy

In category:Technology

"Oh, I didn't know your site was down!"

When asked how long it would take to get my site and Insult back up, he replied, "Russians took it down. Be back soon." This was several months ago, as evidenced by Action Widow's post mid-March. WTF.

Post by:Calliander

Crazy People Aren’t That Funny

In category:Technology

I keep getting really weird messages on one of my voicemails. It's not a number that is listed anywhere, but it is toll free so it's quite annoying because they fill up the maximum message time each call which costs me money.

This one I got recently:

I didn't really listen to the whole thing, it's very monotonous and political. Er, something ain't right when I try to play it through this media player though, so if the flash thingie doesn't work, try clicking here to play

Post by:Pappy


In category:Technology

So, I'm about to upgrade to OS X Leopard. Hopefully, within a few hours I'll be back here.

Post by:Calliander

Argon is Full!!!

In category:Technology

That error means that the place where PHP stores sessions on the server is full. I think our game uses way too much space. Unless its something else. In any event, it's nothing I can change.

Post by:Calliander

what the hell does that mean?

In category:Technology

Warning: write failed: No space left on device (28) in /home/www/calliander/lotgd/motd.php on line 4

Warning: Failed to write session data (files). Please verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct (/tmp) in /home/www/calliander/lotgd/motd.php on line 4

Post by:Caniprokis

Plasma TV's

In category:Technology

So, as a sales monkey... I hear all manner of stupid rumors about Plasma screen tvs... "They only last 2 years", "The plasmas need to be recharged", and a whole bunch of other bullshit.  So for all you folks out there wondering what the deal with Plasma is I have something to help you.  The following is the only website in the net that tells the truth about plasma.  If someone tells you something about plasmas that at is contrary to this site, they're wrong.

Post by:LioConvoy

Sound Preferences

In category:Technology

Pappy, did you end up purchasing the iBooks from my place or were we still awaiting their arrival? I heard my boss this morning bitching about Ingram-Micro's failure to keep us stocked with product.

Anyway, you can find some hacks to change that volume up/down blip or you can change it in the sound prefs and then it will make the error noise you specified:

Missing image: /pics/sound-prefs.jpg

(Note that you can disable the sound, too.)

Post by:Calliander

New E-mail

In category:Technology

Hey guys, I'm switching my e-mail address. I got rid of the "calliander" name, so just IM me with your e-mail address and I'll re-add you to my address book then send a new e-mail to you guys. Thanks!

Post by:Calliander

RE: Libido Networks

In category:Technology

Yes, we know. It will be changed shortly. We were testing our Latin version of the site for all those clients that might need it ;)

Post by:Kevin
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