
Getting real tired of living through unprecedented and major historical moments

In category:Politics

OK Joe - now that you're out, let's take advantage of that immunity you were granted by the SCOTUS.

  • Assassinate some key conservatives and some of the same SCOTUS justices who gave you the power
  • Direct the Democratic members of congress to put progressive laws on your desk without any involvment or votes from Republicans, and sign them
  • Executive order a bunch of stuff like student loans and robocalls

There's a whole bunch of other "illegal" stuff to do, but those are the first ones that come to my mind.

Post by:Calliander

Been a while

In category:Politics

I feel like Pappy, when he always used to complain on here about not posting a lot.

Anyway: Could we not afford the guy Boeing uses? What the hell!?

Post by:Calliander

I don't get the SOTU

In category:Politics

Something that has always perplexed me is when people are like, "Did you watch President Whomever's State of the Union address?" Usually, they'll proceed to list off things they liked about what the President said, as well. To me, they seem happy - fulfilled even - by whatever was covered in the address. A recent trend, post-Trump, is to say things like, "So and so wasn't afraid to name this thing," about some topic. (Side note: Since white progressives are fond of using that "naming the thing" terminology I have to guess it was co-opted from Black people.)

As far back as I can recall, the SOTU address has just been pageantry where whichever President can bloviate about things they'll never actually do. Sure, sometimes they do follow through, but:

  1. That's coincidental to something having come up in the address.
  2. The thing is an extremely diluted version of the original so it can pass through our nonsense Congress.

That second point is the reason I don't get why anyone bothers. Maybe I'm just a jaded pessimist but telling me you care about the issues I care about isn't enough. Making a big speech so that you can set the stage for an election campaign or to raise money off strong words just doesn't do it for me. Performance isn't action and, to me, the SOTU is a huge act. Because without majority control, there can't be any true follow up. Plus, like we saw with the ACA and other important issues during the last Democrat majority, you still get watered-down legislation.

The other thing that boggles my mind is the opposing party's "reaction" to a State of the Union speech. First of all it isn't a reaction - just like how the address itself panders to the President's base, the reaction is a fan service recap of things the other party is on about. And, more often than not, it's just a way for the party to highlight some heat-of-the-moment jerk they're putting way too much faith in for something they think is lacking. Diversity, usually.

Again, perhaps I'm just burned out on the whole thing. Maybe for most people, hearing those cloying words in that setting is emotional and intellectual nourishment. I don't get it. That may be on me.

Post by:Calliander

Presidential immunity

In category:Politics


Oh yeah, also, once the scotus rules that Trump is immune from prosecution for acts committed while he was president, Joe Biden should have him assassinated.

Might as well take out some justices, some members of congress, etc. while he's at it, too. And that LibsOfTikTok asshole.

That lucky bastard McConnell...

In category:Politics

Mitch McConnell frozen mid-speech

Looks like he had some kind of problem delivering a statement. People seem to think it was a TIA (transient ischemic attack), which is basically a mini-stroke. They escorted him away, but then he came back out to finish his statement.

I hope it happens again but he doesn't come back.

Post by:Calliander

Going Nowhere

In category:Politics

Hey, I'm finally back! Not that it matters.

Well, if you're unstable like me, maybe you've been paying attention to the hellhole known as Twitter. I operate in read-only mode since Elon "Free Speech" Musk banned my account. (It's funny because I never used it to post anyway.) I figure it's somewhat worthwhile to keep tabs on what's happening there, somewhat because news does still perpetuate quicker on Twitter and somewhat to watch it slowly melting while deriving a little bit of schadenfreude.

Anyway, the political side of things is a sludgy mess. The liberal grifters are awful and the conservative wastes of space are even worse. Both of them are in some kind of coked-up, irresponsible death drive into a wall, Wile E. Coyote style, with their daily darlings.

The standard nonsense is going on in the background (drag shows, bank collapse) but boy are the conservatives really focusing on the useless Hunter Biden investigations. Ever since that bullshit laptop materialized they have not shut up and now it's at a fever pitch. Jim Jordan, a known possessor of at least 20TB of child pornography, has found and will find nothing of any real substance. Sure, idiot conservatives are going to flap around and overreact to every little detail because that's what they do best. But, like Benghazi, we taxpayers will get nothing for the money spent on such a worthless topic.

But let me be clear: Holy shit liberals are the most naïve sycophants right now. I honestly don't know how conservatives think these mindless MSNBC parrots and smarmy grifters would even be capable of the nefarious plots that get attributed to them.

I'm, of course, talking about hashtag indictment watch.

That topic is a clogged toilet full to the brim with crap. Fucking hell.

The Hunter Biden stuff may also be going nowhere, but at least that's a in progress thing. These cock goblins have been saying, "Trump's goose is cooked!" for 8 years now. They cling to every little Tweet with Trump in an orange jumpsuit. "But the DA of [place] is going to indict him!" No, the DA of [place] isn't. It's been the same song and dance for all eight years and for decades before that.

The man is untouchable and has shaken literally everything off. Yet these lemmings keep pushing forward.

"Any day now!"

"I got the champagne ready!"

"Jack Smith's gonna take Trump down!"

I can't wait for Twitter to finally implode. Combine that with Meta's layoffs and maybe social media will finally die the undignified death it rightfully deserves. Because, like Hunter Biden's laptop and the nonexistent Trump indictments, it's going nowhere.

EDIT MID-JULY 2023: Whew was I wrong, eh? I'm not upset about it, of course, but I was really off!

Post by:Calliander

Will You *Please* Think About Free Speech?

In category:Politics

While this rant is tangentially related to the complainers at Twitter, complaining about what new leadership means for the site's content moderation under a, "free speech absolutist," it's more about the entire United States.

I say the United States because we are in a constant state of vacillation between crowing about our amazing right to freedom of speech and shouting about having that right curtailed. And while conservative folks are the fucking worst in this arena, it isn't their exclusive milieu.

So let me be absolutely clear: Freedom of speech isn't compatible with the modern day. And while a big reason for this change can be attributed to social media, I hesitate to specifically blame any one facet of life entirely. This is partially because, nestled neatly on the extreme edges of Gen X and Millennials, I can recall pockets of nonsense as far back as 2400 baud.

If you consider yourself conservative, you were probably already angry with me before the statement in bold and you've likely dismissed my opinion because of it – but that's a mistake. A mistake you make about nearly everything, and which is major contributor to the very problem I'm discussing. You, conservative person, do not put enough thought into anything. You take in enough to form a base opinion and then you just run with that. It's infuriating on many levels, but what makes it worse is that liberal people do it, too.

Hence my preface about the United States. So let me go over a few things we deal with on a near daily basis.

It's absolutely maddening that we've reached a point where child arguments about First Amendment rights are taken as, "opposing viewpoints." No, just because Holocaust deniers exist doesn't mean we need to teach kids about that or allow those people to post about it online. That's asinine. We do a great disservice to intellectual discourse by referring to things as conspiracy theories. They aren't theories. They're the products of minds that aren't getting the support they need, fuelled by anger and a lack of considered thought.

If a politician says Democrats support reparations because they think "people who do crime" are owed that, why the fuck are we arguing about what that politician means? Are we going to support that politician just because we're on the same team? Give that more than one second of thought. That shit's racist, and the person who says something like that should face serious consequences.

Or, how about when a school board member rails against the possibility of accommodating trans students by saying they've heard about classes where kids are using litter boxes? Come the fuck on. For real. You have to be super invested in making things difficult for trans people to entertain that idea for even a second. And yet, that bullshit's been repeated multiple times by people who still have their jobs.

I recently wrote about this year's Halloween candy scare, which may not strictly be a freedom of speech thing, but is still relevant. Why? We literally fall for a variation every year, and we've been doing so since well before 2400 baud. All because there's no critical thought being applied.

So what's the solution? If we apply any kind of moderation to all this rubbish, there's solid pushback because we've legitimized the arguments of the no-thought crowd. We've given them a seat at the table when they should be in the other room focused on drinking from sippy cups. They'll cry, "nanny state," or similar – even though some form of that is precisely what's needed for their ill-formed and immature opinions.

Just like my previous post about sore losers, I don't know how to fix it. It's the same root cause, really. Adults who are so angry and invested in their own inanity that they've eschewed reasonable behavior. It's a conundrum with no visible solution. That said, since I've spent this whole rant angering conservatives, let's annoy some liberals:

Not to overuse the metaphor, but back when we were dialing into Wildcat! bulletin board systems pre-internet, whenever we misbehaved our parents spanked the shit out of us. There's got to be a modern day equivalent to that.

Post by:Calliander

Cake By the Ocean

In category:Politics

A baker in central California had a decision go her way last Friday. At issue was whether she discriminated against a lesbian couple when she denied to make them a cake for their wedding. In issuing the ruling, the judge used a classic refrain: She was merely expressing her religious beliefs by denying to make a cake. That meant she wasn't discriminating against the lesbian couple.

Even though she was totally discriminating against them.

Make no mistake – this baker, Catherine Miller of "Tastries Bakery" in Bakersfield, California – just wants to be a dick to gay people. Conservatives absolutely love hiding behind the facade of free speech when it comes to being a dick about something.

And this isn't a binary. Something can be a free expression of religion while also being discriminatory toward someone else.

So how does this get handled going forward? The courts have clearly shown they can't resolve these kinds of disputes. A boycott of a business rarely does much. We must turn to my motto of sorts: Country's broken.

The Insult.org-endorsed resolution goes as follows:

  • You can have your free expression of religion and discriminate to your heart's content.

  • The people you're discriminating against can retaliate in whatever manner they see fit.

Ideally, this lesbian couple should end Catherine Miller's life. After all, it's what she actually wants to have happen to them, even if she would never say such a thing aloud.

Not comfortable with killing Catherine Miller? Burn Tastries Bakery in Bakersfield, California to the ground.

Not comfrotable with arson? Throw bricks through the windows of the store and spray paint, "homophobe," on the side of the building.

Not comfortable with defacing/destroying property?

Grow up. Recognize that there's no use being courteous or civil to people who have zero regard for you – especially when they're hiding behind the shield of religious expression. People should be free to practice their religion in peace, and actual religious people do. Assholes like Catherine Miller want to use religion to bludgeon others (and, spoiler alert: she doesn't actually believe whatever she's claiming as her faith) and that's when the line gets crossed.

What line? Harm. Catherine Miller's supposed religious expression harmed that couple. Even if they don't feel harmed, and even if they found another bakery right away. She harmed them because she perpetuated a bullshit excuse to make herself feel superior. And it emboldens other people like her to try the same ludicrous nonsense elsewhere, harming others like that couple.

Catherine Miller is a fucking bully.

And if bullies want to manipulate their belief in a complete lie in order to harm others, then they should be harmed as well.

Go eat some cake.

Post by:Calliander

America the Awful

In category:Politics

So how about that leaked draft opinion, huh?

You've got supposedly liberal people complaining about how the U.S. is turning into The Handmaid's Tale, like they don't realize that shit is based on real-life stuff Black people have endured (spoiler alert: they actually don't).

You've got supposedly conservative people, excited about what it's going to mean for abortion rights once the Supreme Court issues the real opinion, celebrating their decades of work (spoiler alert: they're actually fascists).

You've got crybaby "progressives" and "centrists" upset that people are protesting outside the homes of the Supreme Court justices. Joining their asinine calls for civility are the standard right-wing assholes.

That last point touches on what I'd like to go over with this post: This country is broken beyond repair.

Republicans have accepted this fact, and are quite delighted by it since it furthers their fascist ends. Don't believe that's the case? Look at all the fucking awful legislation that shitheads like Greg Abbott and Ron DeSantis are putting through. Look at how quickly the various asshole representatives in a majority of U.S. states are throwing ridiculous restrictions at the wall to see what sticks.

What's particularly galling about their actions is that they are more than happy to profess support for the absurd concept of, "states rights." They do this, knowing full well that if any states refuse to cooperate with the Republican agenda, "states rights," will go right out the window with everything else.

If they can't pressure safe states to move on abortion by halting funding or other means of blackmail, don't act surprised when they pass laws to get their way. And they'll do it the way literally all left-wing people are yelling at the Democrats to do: By abolishing the filibuster and passing shit.

Because, again, they know this place doesn't actually work any more.

And they know that Democrats are too busy trying to look like civilised adults to get anything done. Democrats operate under the misguided notion that they can "play by the rules" their way out of all this, and -- even more outlandish -- return to some kind of normalcy/the way things used to be.

Well, just like COVID, no amount of sticking your head in the sand changes the facts of the situation.

Nobody wants to hear it but the only way to circumvent some of the damage this upcoming SCOTUS opinion's going to do is to stop playing by the rules. Did you know that at any point, Senate Democrats could just get rid of the filibuster? Without a vote? The Majority Leader can just say it's gone.

But he won't. Because of that naïve belief in decorum and doing what's right.

So here's the deal, folks. All this stuff that Republicans/conservatives (and some centrists/whoever) want? Abortion bans, book bans, anti-CRT rules, anti-queer laws, you name it?

That's violence.

It's violence because, at some point, all that stuff physically harms someone. And, in most cases, it harms someone marginalized. It harms them emotionally because they have to live every day knowing that their very existence is threatened. All because a bunch of elected miscreants disagree with that existence.

And violence is the only language that conservatives understand. Don't think that's the case? Look at the laws they pass. Everything is designed to protect them from physical harm, even in the face of some egregiously evil shit like redlining and sacrifice zones and conversion therapy.

With that in mind, and remembering that it's folly to think any of this can be fixed through civic means, here comes the hinted pill that's tough to swallow.

These people (conservatives, reluctant progressives, elected officials, appointed officials) need to live in constant fear for their safety. In some cases, they need to be afraid for their lives. It's the only thing that makes sense to them. Only when they are sufficiently scared will they pull back a little -- but when they do, the pressure can't stop.

Alito, Coney-Barrett, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Roberts, and Thomas need to be threatened constantly, day in and day out. Manchin and Sinema need to be threatened constantly, day in and day out. Republican governers. Local officials.

And, once barriers are removed and the Democrats still don't act (spoiler alert: they won't), they'll need to be threatened constantly, day in and day out.

Because this "country" isn't a country any more. It's broken. We have to throw it out and get a new one. And nobody ever got a new country trying to be civil and polite.

Post by:Calliander

Why You Should Pay Attention to Madison Cawthorn's Fate

In category:Politics

So the liberal grifters and their sycophantic followers are crowing about Madison Cawthorn's loss in the primary. As well they should, since he'll be gone... but it's not like his replacement will be better. And a Democrat still has to beat that replacement somehow. At least this bag of dicks acknowledges that in his tweet:

Fred Wellman tweet

Now, let me make myself clear: Cawthorn is a piece of crap. But, as the saying goes, broken clocks or something.

Cawthorn didn't lose because of any demerits with regard to his representation. The GOP took him down because, despite the absurdity of his sex party story, that shit was true and they did not like him exposing it.

Much like how the Qanon people are not 100% wrong — there's a child sex trafficking thing going on, and there are Democrats involved, but the leaders with the most terabytes and whatnot are prominent Republicans — Cawthorn got a little too close to the truth when he ratted out his fellows and it didn't fit the narrative.

Say what you want about the guy, just like I did above, but that took some guts on his part. He had to have known they'd tank him.

Cawthorn in hallway

Anyway: Why is this important? And why should you pay attention to it?

If you're a liberal, it should signal to you that some of these Republican shitbirds can be made to turn against their own without voluntarily leaving Congress ala Jeff Flake or Justin Amash (and he even went IND beforehand to be extra sure). That has to be something that can be utilized beyond inviting someone to a cocaine party.

If you're a conservative, you should take a long, hard look at what happened here before you dismiss Cawthorn as being a RINO or not having been fully committed to the cause. He did everything right up until he didn't. Snitches get stitches, but he pushed the door ever-so-slightly ajar on the bullshit Republicans are up to behind the scenes as they claim to represent the values of their voters.

Post by:Calliander

Pick Your Poison, Liberals

In category:Politics

See: https://twitter.com/willsommer/status/1346828202669436930

I doubt it’s a majority, but at least some of these protestors are willing to fight. Make fun of them all you want, but that’s actually the correct attitude. That I disagree with their politics is irrelevant. There’s simply no reconciling this country. At some point, we fight.

This fresh Democrat government represents all kinds of promise in patching up our problems but there’s a clear line of white supremacy that the country depends upon.

These protesters want the wrong side of that, but most liberal folks are stuck not wanting to rock the boat. And so, I’m convinced that a repeat of 2008 is inevitable. There will be calls for bipartisanship and appealing to moderates. When, really, this government should move immediately on all the progressive points like voting rights, universal health care, etc. What this new government should do is ignore the cries of fascism and push all the changes through.

Because here’s the thing – we overcame Trump. And we may even overcome the next swing back in his direction.

But we for sure won’t overcome the swing after that.

They’ll ignore the cries of fascism and push all the changes through. They flinched this time, thankfully, but have shown the desire and capability to do it. And they won’t flinch next time.

And, at that point, we won’t have any recourse at but to fight. And we won't be prepared.

Instead of crying, ”don’t sink to their level!’ and trying to play fair, we need to recognize the lack of conscience that’s led us here. And then drag them, kicking and screaming, forward. There’s no swaying them with reason, logic, or playing fair. None of that works.

So, sadly, the only path is getting as much done, closing as many of their loopholes, and removing of their lackeys as possible.

That, or we need to start getting ready to fight.

Or give up, like we always do.

Pick your poison. They already have.

Post by:Calliander

civil society

In category:Politics

regardless who wins america’s election, it’s pretty clear there is a large portion of its population that doesn’t want to be part of a responsible society any more. so, if you’re progressive/liberal, it’s time to hang up the mantle of being civil with those people. no need to be polite, respect their personal space, or provide them with things. honestly, there isn’t even a reason to prevent yourself from harming them.

Post by:vastii

The Rule of Law

In category:Politics

“Law and order!”

...they demand.

Even though they exceed speed limits while holding their cell phones.

Despite lying that they don't do those things.

And also after having probably used driving (car accidents, a common result of distracted and/or too fast driving) in an argument against coronavirus safety.

And those aren't even good laws anyway because they feel inconvenienced by having to keep themselves and others safe.

Post by:Calliander

hey joe

In category:Politics

if you really love this country, you’ll sneak a gun onto the debate stage and take that fucker out

Post by:vastii

are republicans racist?

In category:Politics

adam serwer has an epiphany

first of all, yes, republicans are racist.

It wasn’t government spending the Tea Party opposed, it was government spending on “losers,” imposed by the party that the “losers” had brought to power.

here’s the thing, though. this isn’t news to anyone. so adam serwer just kind of dances around calling republicans racist when they prove it every single day. adam’s “losers” are people of color, disabled people, queers, and other marginalized groups. that’s nuance. and people pick up on that.

but here’s the other thing. conservative people in hard-hit areas will protest that they aren’t racist, and bristle at the accusation when they’re just trying to stay afloat. and they aren’t all wrong. saying “republicans are racist” is a straw man. those people who buy into the arguments made by news anchors and conservative politicians don’t necessary pick up on that nuance. that stuff liberals like to label as a dogwhistle? not everyone recognizes that, even people who recognize what “losers” in adam’s article means.

the problem is the politicians who do understand all that nuance yet continue to espouse those views. those are the racists. the homophobes. the ones who want to oppress women. lindsey graham, mitch mcconnell, and yes, the president. (among many, many others.)

that doesn’t mean avoiding confrontation when someone is repeating dogwhistle points, whether they pick up on the nuance or not. but it does mean certain targets are more worthy of having time devoted to tearing them down. bullies like graham et al respond to two things: being ignored or a stronger bully. they are too high-profile to ignore, of course.

being a stronger bully than powerful politicians means utilizing extreme tactics. press should not be so polite to the president. (and constituents should never cease harassing their corrupt elected officials.) part of that is not holding back on calling the president and the rest of these republican representatives out for the racists/ableds/bigots they are. so adam serwer, just say what you mean.

Post by:vastii

this idiot

In category:Politics

this idiot over here

fact checking is only so helpful these days. trump is a bully and doesn’t deserve the common decency given to him by anyone.

ideally, news stations would cease airing him live. reporters in the press pool could then just start shouting out his inaccuracies and dumb statements, refusing to quiet, until he leaves the stage.

oh one other thing...

some of the deaths from this virus were inevitable, but trump is responsible for the rest. we can only hope that the various strikes work, the stock market is destroyed, and he is deposed in a revolution. if so, anyone who lost a family member to the virus should be able to line up and punch him as hard as they’d like – in the gut, the face, whatever – and we prevent him from losing consciousness.

it’s what an immature bully like him deserves.

Post by:vastii

A Simple Explanation of Why the Supreme Court is Wrong

In category:Politics

I am utterly ashamed with America right now. On Monday, June 30th, 2014 the United States Supreme Court ruled on the Burwell versus Hobby Lobby case. The result was a 5-4 in favor of Hobby Lobby et al. The general gist of the situation is kind of like this.

  • The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) mandates that employers provide health coverage for their employees.
  • Part of that coverage includes contraceptives which more conservative business owners consider similar enough to abortion as to cross a line dictated by their religions.
  • In ruling for Hobby Lobby et al, the Supreme Court has allowed these corporations to opt out of having to pay for contraceptives.

The ruling was made with reference to the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which was signed into law by Bill Clinton back in the early 1990's. That act prevents the government from interfering in the exercise of religion.

Monday's decision was seen as a victory by not only the corporations with at least 50% of the controlling interest being held by one family with clear religious beliefs, but also by folks who don't like Obamacare.

Both of those sets of people are assholes.

I don't care about the Affordable Care Act. I don't care about free exercise of religious beliefs. I care about women having access to birth control and other things which are entirely within their scope of what's known to some people as "their own decision."

Some people have made the argument that if you can't afford birth control you shouldn't have sex. Those people are even bigger assholes than the previous two groups. At least for people concerned with religious beliefs and people concerned with sticking it to the Commander in Chief, being a part of either group isn't inclusive of being a dick. If you can honestly say something as cold as, "If she can't afford it then maybe she shouldn't spread her legs," then guess what? You are an exemplary example of a ruthless jerk!

Anyway, while I do support all of the stuff that women are concerned about there's a much simpler reason for my ignominy and it stems from an even more base thing that Americans seem to have a problem comprehending: logic.

These same corporations, during their hiring process, cannot discriminate against potential employees who don't share their religious values. THEREFORE, the very same law that prevents such treatment also prevents the corporation from forcing those values upon said employees since that would be the exact same discrimination.

That's the end of the fucking discussion. That trumps the exercise of religious freedom - which, by the way, is a thoroughly disingenuous rallying cry for anything that anyone does in its name. Want to have a discussion about abortion? That's fine, it's a perfectly acceptable topic. But don't operate a for-profit business in the United States if the issue means that much to you because you're hiring from a diverse crowd who, guaranteed, will not share your views.

There's talk of liberal idiots saying to burn down Hobby Lobby stores and whatnot, as well. If you're a person of sound mind and you see talk of such things, please take appropriate action and report it. This is a tremendously important issue but it certainly doesn't warrant violence or vandalism.

Post by:Calliander

Boobies Everywhere

In category:Politics

Hey jerks, before I get into things, let me just make it known that I'm aware my choice of title for this rant is kind of counterproductive. It also grabs attention.

Okay: my special lady showed me this article that a friend of hers posted on Facebook the other day. If you don't want to read it, it's an article about public breastfeeding. It contained this sentence:

Anytime the issue of public breastfeeding is discussed, there is always a man who makes the statement that if a woman is allowed to "whip out her breast" in public, he should be allowed to do the same thing with his dick.

It then showed some screenshots of dudes saying pretty much that, and listed some pretty good reasons why penises do not equal breasts. I commend the article for taking on such a ridiculous comparison and they did a fine job explaining why that conflation is absurd. Despite my desire to do so, I could not do a better job. I did, however, wish to have a go at the opposition to public breastfeeding in general, since I have a particularly useful point of view on it.

This is quite clever. I approve.

Aside from my idiotic brethren who spout fallacious arguments like the one I quoted above, there are still innumerable people who are a little less malicious in their wording but nonetheless walking around with asinine views on the matter. One of the most common "less aggressive" things that people tend to say is, "Why don't women just cover up?" They are referring to nursing shawls, pieces of fabric mothers drape over themselves and the baby which allow breastfeeding to occur in a more covert manner. There are many women who prefer to do so and that is perfectly fine but nursing shawls, and the request - sometimes, the demand - to cover up centers around what I consider to be an even bigger fallacy than the penis::breast claptrap.

What you'll hear in almost all instances - be it a woman at a restaurant breastfeeding, a woman on the subway, a woman on a park bench - is that the breastfeeding is either offending someone or making them uncomfortable. "I'm sorry, miss, but your nursing is causing these other people discomfort." I've got two pretty simple words for the people who see a woman nursing and think it's gross or uncomfortable:

Grow up.

You see, I used to feel the same way as recently as five years ago. I hated kids, I hated parents, I hated everything having to do with children. As an extension of those things I so loathed, breastfeeding was just another unacceptable injustice I had to endure from "breeders." Aside from that, I was also of the opinion that it was gross. If I saw it, my internal monologue said, "Yuck, that is disgusting."

Well guess what happened? That's right, per my advice above, I stopped acting like a stupid child and put on my grown up pants. I'll have you know that some things haven't changed: I still don't think babies are cute, I'm still annoyed when my friends with kids post pictures of those kids constantly on Facebook, and I still get annoyed by screaming children when I'm in public. The big difference is that now I just deal with it. I stopped sexualizing everything around me and moved on, like an adult.

That's another part of the problem that society seems to have. There's nothing actually gross or offensive about a baby nursing. If I, a person who does not find babies to be cute, sees no problem with the act then that should probably be a pretty big sign. However, large swaths of people view breasts sexually and that is the only context they can see them in. From that point of view, I guess I can see how they would then jump to such a non-sexual activity being kind of off-putting. You guessed it, though: that's immature.

So mothers, nurse your babies in public. Here's a nice list of the laws and such surrounding the matter.

Post by:Calliander
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