
Other shit our society needs less of

In category:People
  • Influencers
  • Performance improvement plans
  • The gig economy (specifically, the contractor loophole)
  • Gentrification
  • Public smoking of weed (this one is petty - the shit should be legal, the smell just bothers me)
  • Customer service people having to recite a script
  • New features that are on by default
  • Conservatives
  • Memes
  • Conservative memes
  • Religion

I’ll keep a running tab and post more over time.

Post by:Calliander

Civil Batman

In category:People

There needs to be a vigilante for people who are just inconsiderate/bad citizens. Or, more accurately, multiple vigilantes.

Like instead of going after villains, these Civil Batmans would be responsible for an area and respond to people who break small - but nevertheless important - rules. Stuff like:

  • Parking in a spot they aren't supposed to, like a handicapped spot or a "no standing" zone
  • Excessive noise at any hour like playing a video out loud on the train or burble tuned cars backfiring
  • Sharing mis/disinformation online, intentional or not
  • Disruptive behavior in stores/planes/restaurants, like cursing out a cashier or not wearing a mask despite having been asked to

There are probably tons you could file under "roads" or something (not respecting pedestrians trying to walk AND pedestrians crossing when they shouldn't). And a whole bunch more about disruptive behavior (breaking into song at Applebee's to show everyone you should be on American Idol). I recognize this is all petty stuff but yeah - I'm petty. Big deal.

Post by:Calliander

She can eat my ass

In category:People

I know where that cunt lives.

I'm 30 minutes from her. I have an AR-15.

Let her try to send her stochastic terrorists after me.

stylized middle finger made of the words "fuck you"

Yo, Don't Fuck w/Libs of TikTok

In category:People

Sunday person: I appreciate the respect and all, and your observation about the Supreme Court is great, but check wishing death upon that awful lady. I'm not sticking up for her, but all it takes is one post and her army of troglodytes will sleuth out who you are in real life faster than you can type GrOoMeR.

Also, while I loved the Brandon Lee movie from the start - and still do - I agree with ToS: Getting a new crowd of people into the story is a good thing.

Post by:Calliander

welcome to the end

In category:People

yo im vastii. i will post opinions about stuff in the news, entertainment, etc. kind of like a blog, but just sometimes really short posts.

Post by:vastii

Wait … Wetbacks? Seriously?

In category:People
My father had a ranch; we used to have 50-60 wetbacks to pick tomatoes. It takes two people to pick the same tomatoes now. It's all done by machine.

Alaska Representative, Don Young. Man, I don't even know where to start or begin here. I'm just going to have to stream-of-consciousness this one:

  • I realize this is an old guy but even my grandparents - older by at least six years - know you don't just casually toss around racial slurs.
  • He can't possibly have thought that it was an acceptable term, could he? I mean, he hasn't actually apologized for saying it.
  • If he had used the term, 'spics,' what kind of reaction would that have generated?
  • Why wouldn't he have just said, 'workers,' instead? What purpose does using the pejorative serve?

That's all I can think of right now but man, that is just too funny. I know I'm a pretty liberal dude with no love for the GOP but I'd like to see how the crazies are reacting to this - probably trying to somehow pin this as a platform of the Republicans or something when it's really just some out-of-touch old dude.

Of course, this does remind me of the time that Billy Ocean's "Caribbean Queen" happened to be playing in the background (at a low volume) during a car ride and my grandmother on my father's side interrupted whatever conversation was happening to note: "This sounds like a bunch of coloreds, jazzing it up!"

Post by:Calliander


In category:People

Hope your birthday was totally sweet.

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Post by:Calliander

Insult Origins

In category:People

I was chatting with xx today and she posed a question that really got me thinking. Normally, it's a really mundane question that people can answer with ease, but with our group of friends, the question, "How long have you guys been friends?" is interesting because of how many different branches we had, and how they converged. Here's what I know, but please feel free to expound and correct! I'm just going to go with the core group of people, those being: Lio, Bloody, Bean, Stone, Gunwalls, Peps, Pappy, Wils0r, Caniprokis, FlyingTim, and myself. (Sorry, Gatekeeper and some other folks.)

Kindergarten: Bean and I were friends. From what I know, Stone, Gunwalls and FlyingTim were friends around this time, too.

Grade School: I kind of met Pappy around this time, but we weren't really friends. Kinda sorta became friends with Lio at this point. Lio became friends with Stone and co.

Middle School: I met Bloody, and if I remember correctly he was not friendly with Lio, but we all eventually merged. Peps appeared at this point, but I don't remember who he knew. Wils0r and Pappy became part of the group here, too, as I recall.

High School: Peps met Caniprokis through the band program, if what I remember is true.

High school was when we all sort of congealed and absorbed all of those other people we hang out with occasionally, like Lothar and whatnot. The Filth Hole was born, Taco Tuesdays, etc.

Do fill in the blanks!

Post by:Calliander

Jocie’s Berfday!

In category:People

Hey guys, In case you forgot, it's Jocie's birthday next week. To celebrate we're going to Mohegan Sun, and you're all invited. Come one, come all!

Post by:LioConvoy


In category:People

Hey guys! Thanks for the happy birthdays and all, and Caniprokis... in answer to your face book I'm not doing anything really spectacular for my birthday. Just some family get togethers and such. However we had so much fun at Mohegan the other night Jocie wants to go there on August 30th to celebrate her B-day. I can hear the slots sucking money out of her pockets now. Anyway if you didn't receive the event invites on facebook or myspace, Y'all are invited. To Blood and Devlin: how did you guys do after we left? Did ya get scalped?

Post by:LioConvoy
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