

In category:Music

Jack Black ends Tenacious D tour after bandmate’s Trump shooting comment

Apparently, KG said, "Don’t miss Trump next time," when asked to make a birthday wish.

This prompted JB to spout some progressive nonsense about not condoning violence. And, of course, KG posted an apology, saying, "I don’t condone violence in any kind, in any form, against anyone."

Two things.

First: I can't believe neither of them thought to mention MIND BULLETS.

Second: As owner/operator of this website, I'd like to make it clear that I do condone political violence, and especially toward conservatives. (Check out my America the Awful rant for further detail about making these shitheads scared all the time.)

Post by:Calliander

insane clown posse

In category:Music

why can’t we just put the insane clown posse in charge?

Post by:vastii

Shut Your Dumb, Stupid Mouth about people who think the Beatles are overrated

In category:Music

A lot of folks are sharing this post from Vice magazine's "Noisey" which, from all appearances, was written by a high-schooler who just discovered them. The author claims to understand why people claim that The Beatles are overrated, and then goes ape shit with reasons and excuses about how great they are. I'm guessing people are sharing it for the same reason that the whole, "Who is OutKast?" thing circulated: a sizable number of people take their music seriously. (I'm one of them.)

This article is dumb, though. Let me first say, I like The Beatles. A lot. I have a friend who is beyond super obsessed with them so from time to time I'll rile him up by claiming they are overrated but there are two reasons for this:

  • He knows that I like them and understand their significance.
  • It allows him to get in some shots about Nirvana being overrated. (Nirvana being another band I like a lot.)

This is the problem with writing an article bashing Beatles-bashers. They fall into two types. One of those types, like myself, is the "pot-stirrer" who just loves getting you all annoyed with their words. You can't get mad and launch a tirade at them because then you're just going to look like a putz when they give you a shit-eating grin and ask, "You mad, bro?" The other type is the straight-up musical pedestrian. They may be a young person who absolutely loves utter shit like One Direction or the Biebs but they also may just be a normal adult who doesn't give enough of a shit, is tired of hearing you prate about musical geniuses, and wants to be left in their morass of Pitbull/Ke$ha/Miley Cyrus.

With the former of that group, they'll either grow up eventually and realize One Direction is audible feces, abandoning them for The Beatles/Joni Mitchell/Neil Young/etc. or they'll switch over to Hot 100 FM and turn into the latter. In the event they continue down the path of pop music consumers, there's nothing you can say or do or exhibit to them that will cause them to change their minds. They are content with filler noise like Katy Perry's, "Roar."

So, essentially, in either instance you're wasting your time. Or, since this is the age of social media, you've successfully drawn tons of hits to your site. Hmm.

Post by:Calliander

“Royals” is not a racist song

In category:Music

You all know I'm the first to call someone racist, oftentimes based on the loosest of reasoning. I am a militant liberal when it comes to social issues.

You also all know that I'm incredibly critical of modern rap, that I draw a distinction between hip-hop and rap, and will argue with you for hours about what makes Lil' Wayne utter crap. I am the white kid in this Onion article/video. I automatically dismiss your song if it contains even one n-word, denigration of women, or any bragging. New Jay-Z album? Crap. New Kanye album? Crap. You all know this.

So it may come as a surprise that I do not agree with this Feministing blog post about some new, typically overproduced pop song by some young girl from Australia (Lorde). Atypically, the song contains some criticism of the subject matter present in most overproduced pop songs.

My friends and I – we’ve cracked the code.
We count our dollars on the train to the party.
And everyone who knows us knows that we’re fine with this,
We didn’t come from money.

But every song’s like gold teeth, grey goose, trippin’ in the bathroom.
Blood stains, ball gowns, trashin’ the hotel room,
We don’t care, we’re driving Cadillacs in our dreams.
But everybody’s like Cristal, Maybach, diamonds on your time piece.
Jet planes, islands, tigers on a gold leash
We don’t care, we aren’t caught up in your love affair

The author of the blog post retorts:

Because we all know who she’s thinking when we’re talking gold teeth, Cristal and Maybachs. So why shit on black folks? Why shit on rappers? Why aren’t we critiquing wealth by taking hits at golf or polo or Central Park East? Why not take to task the bankers and old-money folks who actually have a hand in perpetuating and increasing wealth inequality?

I'm not here to say something mean in response to the blog author because the last two questions are completely valid and there most likely are songs about them - they probably just aren't mainstream. I mean, off the top of my head, I know The Procussions deal with income inequality in a lot of their songs.

But there also needs to be criticism, specifically, of things like what the author is taking issue with. Gold teeth, Cristal, and Maybachs are indicative of dumb behavior, not "black folks" behavior. It's entirely okay, and not racist, to call those things out - regardless of how many rappers/black folks seem to be enamored of them (which makes them stereotypes). It's okay to make fun of those stereotypes, however, because those things are stupid choices - and are just as worthless as golf or polo in Central Park East.

Post by:Calliander


In category:Music

Lio, I think you would like this: (I can't get links to show up)

Sort of like the Cure, but super heavy in parts - track 3 is awesome.


Post by:Stone

I Hope LMFAO Dies

In category:Music

Seriously. Instead of shufflin', I truly wish that every day you weren't allowed to release music. Their current song is ass.

Fuck your face if you like them.

Post by:Calliander

Kells is on a boat

In category:Music

Dead fucking serious, let's bring the ladies and do this:



Post by:Stone

Native Lungs

In category:Music

I highly suggest you download this album. It's free. Native Lungs, by Braille.

The intro track is really tight, along with the second song. He keeps things a little calm for the next few songs but once you hit the track, "Rhymes on Everything," Braille and the insane beats provided by greats like Ohmega Watts and Xperiment will literally blow your face right off. I'm seriously posting from a hospital right now because they have to graft my face back on but that's cool. Braille is a Christian emcee, and you know how intolerant I am when it comes to religion, so for me to endorse this guy so wholeheartedly should tell you something. He is very skilled and yet somehow avoids using any curse words or other things prevalent in rap today.

Here's a song to listen to right here, in case you need some motivation.

Braille - Native Lungs - (7) The New Raw

Post by:Calliander

I Spray That Bible All On Me (ESPEZIAL)

In category:Music

Hey yo, silver morning.!


Mad king route planner!!!! I am playing this song in three different windows at the same time.

Mr. Left F00t


Post by:Stone


In category:Music

The song I posted might not be Cam's best, but the man's a genius. His closet is a pet cemetery! That girl is also a genius.


Post by:Stone

Well, I Can’t Comment On The Quality Of Either Song…

In category:Music

Because neither is exactly my cup of tea. I'm willing to bet it's a site better than whatever sackless indie bullshit iTunes is telling you to like this week. And that woman's ass was magnificent, you're just hating because your penis is too tiny to properly do anal to it.

Post by:LioConvoy

Wow, Cam’Ron is Shit

In category:Music

What a completely worthless song. I sincerely hope you were posting it as a contrast to the Big Boi song.

Also, that girl's ass is WAY too big. Looks stupid.

Post by:Calliander

I Enjoyed That Last Post

In category:Music

Andre 3000 produced this beat! Yelawolf is ridiculous.



Post by:Stone


In category:Music

This may be the first musician death that's actually bothered me in what...fifteen years?

Jay Reatard, dead at 29.


Post by:Stone

DJ Quik

In category:Music

DJ Quik.


Post by:Stone


In category:Music

R. Kelly covering The Dream's cover of "Kelly's 12 Play", a song the Dream wrote about fucking a girl while listening to R. Kelly's record, "12 Play".

In the song, R. Kelly sings like the Dream about fucking a girl while listening to his own record.

R. Kelly is a fucking genius.


Post by:Stone

Alls I know is…

In category:Music

I like T pain because he sounds like a Transformer... he may in fact be Soundwave wearing a Pretender shell.

Post by:LioConvoy
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