
My First (Fan?) Mail

In category:Insult

On the legal page I mentioned that the email address is for site issues only, not for complaints, threatening to mock any of the latter sent to me. This was mainly because, way back in the late 90's and early 00's, that's precisely what we would do: People would email to complain, Pappy would post the email, and we'd lambaste the whiny baby.

But I got a message shortly after my "sore losers" rant and, rather than make fun of the person, I figured it might be fun to answer them. It was the typical length you'd expect from internet stranger who is really upset about the content of a website they disagree with, but toward the middle a question stood out:

You say you don't have any answers, but that's a cop out. So what does your ideal society look like, snowflake?

This came amid being called various names worse than snowflake but it actually sparked some thought. So here's some free-range ideas based off current events. I'll mostly link to non-paywall stories from USA Today since they are such a boring news source.

  1. Union workers feel let down by Biden. Give them the paid sick time! What the fuck is wrong with you? "Oh we don't have the money." Bullshit. I'll happily audit your company's finances for free. I already know what I'll find: Executives who don't need all the money they're getting, and their salaries can cover the gap.

  2. Senate passes bill protecting same-sex and interracial marriages. One of the big areas of debate here was also protecting religious liberty. What a crock. Throw out the idea that protecting religious liberty maybe sorta counts as passing a law respecting religion (they throw in mentions of Judaism and Islam but you know they only mean Christianity). Religion is a perfectly fine thing for people to believe but it's fucking fiction. Even the most devout know this. So opinions that come from Space Grandpa shouldn't be considered when doing things that affect the public.

  3. Death by nitrogen hypoxia versus Georgia heartbeat bill struck down by judge. You often get claims of hypocrisy when someone is against the death penalty but supports abortion. I keep it simple. For the death penalty: Texas executed an innocent man. I wouldn't even trust a case where the person confessed. For abortion: That's health care. It's science. Any thoughts beyond that either come from Space Grandpa (see above for my thoughts on that) or assholes whose opinions should be disregarded.

  4. Student loan forgiveness isn't looking likely. It is absurd that we place this enormous burden of higher learning on teenagers at a vulnerable point in their lives then expect them to make a wise financial decision. That's it. I really don't have much more to say than that. If you can wash your hands of it by claiming they should have somehow known better or lived perfect lives where they didn't make even a single money mistake, you're a lousy piece of shit.

  5. Dark money trickles into political campaigns and early voting is tested. The Citizen's United decision was an egregiously bad ruling by a compromised Supreme Court. That said, the money problems in U.S. politics were around well beforehand. Now here's an, "okay you lost me dude," moment: Political campaigns should be funded entirely by taxpayers. What that means to me is we shouldn't be spending much money on them and there shouldn't be any outside funds used. Aside from that, six months feels like more than enough time to get to know a candidate. Voting, meanwhile, should be ranked choice. And early voting should be universal, with paid time off on whichever day a worker chooses to go. Mail-in ballots should just be opened and counted upon receipt so that a voter can correct any problems early.

Those are just a few. I've got tons of other thoughts like that tumbling around in my head. I hope that, at least, my "fan" hates my answers.

Post by:Calliander

Going Forward

In category:Insult

As the about post mentions, this site used to have multiple users and we "ranted" about all kinds of crap – from our school progress in the early 2000's to jobs/relationships/politics/whatnot in the late 2000's and early 2010's.

I was probably the most prolific author on the original site. Then, the old owner passed away in 2018 without a handoff plan for all his domains and sites. I got the domain back, rebuilt the site, made a Twitter account for it, everything. But it was a) too much to manage and b) none of the other users were interested in returning.

Now, my focus will be on really embracing the domain name. Insults: TV shows, politicians, you name it – I'll attempt to skewer it. That said, as the United States take their final steps into fully embracing fascism and authoritarianism, I'm sure I'll post more anti-government things.

Enjoy. Or don't. I can't tell you what to do with your life.

Post by:Calliander

Whoa... What's Going On Here?

In category:Insult

This is a read-only collection of all the posts we could scrape from Pappy deleted the database at some point, and then after he died in 2018 we couldn't retrieve his credentials to obtain the original code. (We also couldn't get into his registrar account to fix the domain registration, so we lost it for a while there.)

Most of the old posts have broken links/images, so it isn't recommended to do more than read (and even then, most posts did not age well). We should have made the design mobile-friendly-ish but there are probably kinks. Feel free to let us know about any big issues. Especially any accessibility issues. For example, Pappy was colorblind, so we think he chose good contrast colors, but we can't be sure, and some users applied their own formatting at times.

Special callout to FlyingTim, who also passed away, at the end of 2021.

And another shoutout to DaBean, who passed in early 2023.

Post by:CentauR

New Design

In category:Insult

The new design is here.

Or, well, the beginnings of it. There are lot of modifications to be made.

Post by:CentauR


In category:Insult

So Lio and I have been tossing around the idea of an podcast. The premise would be pretty much along the same lines as the site - talk about controversial shit and piss people off. Here's what I'm thinking:

  • Two set hosts (most likely Lio and myself) and then frequent contributors.
  • An area on the site for angry listeners to post their phone numbers and have us call them to argue.
  • 30-45 minutes and probably one or two topics each episode.

What do you guys think?

Post by:Calliander

Design Update?

In category:Insult

So I'm learning how to make my own WordPress theme. You'll probably notice that the admin screen looks different now - I "branded" it for Insult. I also signed up for webmaster services and other things. Once I finish the WP theme for Insult, I'm going to try to get more traffic here. Let me know what you think of this design update (I like the "top post" look in the current theme that I modified, so this mockup should look similar in that aspect). Once I finish the mockups for the other types of pages, I'll add those in here.

Missing image: /wp-content/uploads/2012/03/01-insult-front-853x1024.png
^ Main page

Missing image: /wp-content/uploads/2012/03/insult-post-no-featured-591x1024.png
^ Individual post page with no featured image

Missing image: /wp-content/uploads/2012/03/insult-post-w-featured-512x1024.png
^ Individual post page with featured image

Post by:CentauR

Author Profiles

In category:Insult

Hey, pillow biters: If you click on an author's name, it now goes to a profile. The blurb that shows up is the "bio" portion of the profile you can edit on here.

Post by:CentauR

Insult Update

In category:Insult

When you all log into the site you'll notice the "dashboard" looks a little different. Not sure how I feel about that but it's part of the update. I also installed two new plugins. One allows you to "like" or "share" Insult posts on Facebook if you want to (though, this would more geared towards random people browsing through who want to "like" our rants). There is no longer an app there. It also allows sharing to other social media sites (again, mainly for random hits). Let me know if there are others I should add. At the bottom of an individual post you'll see this:

Missing image: /wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Screen-shot-2011-07-06-at-12.20.38-AM.png

I also installed a Mobile theme that is much better - the one we had prior was complete crap. Now it looks amazing:

Missing image: /wp-content/uploads/2011/07/IMG_0277.png

And you can even add it to your home screen of your iDevice or Android or whatever:

Missing image: /wp-content/uploads/2011/07/IMG_0276.png

Sexy. As is always the case, drop dead if you don't like it.

Post by:CentauR


In category:Insult

Testing the private plugin...

Post by:CentauR

Tennis Ball

In category:Insult

Yo - so can you make a post type that is only visible to us, that is, people with user names on Insult?

That's what I thought private posts were for.


Post by:Stone

Shit Yeah, Pole-Smokers

In category:Insult

So I finally got around to editing the color scheme because the one that was provided with the theme, albeit "yellow," was far too light to be even considered yellow. I'd be willing to bet that Pappy was looking at it and thinking it was teal, that old son of a bitch bastard. So let me know what you think.

Something else you guys may have noticed is the "sticky" rant at the top of the page. As I write this, any time you visit the page it will have Lio's post about the RPG weekend. Stone wrote something and posted it after Lio's but yet Lio's is still first. Because it's sticky. Most likely because Lio masturbated while he was writing it. Or I did. Maybe it was you. I'll occasionally sticky something important from time to time.

The other thing I'm going to work on is a page with a list of the authors. Try to encourage the other faggots we know to take their dicks out of whatever asses they've delved into and get on here. Have them text me, send a message on Facebook or e-mail me for their passwords.

I'll eventually get through editing the posts to reflect their real categories. Not sure how soon. Five hundred rants is a lot of previewing.

If you have a problem with anything, as usual: I hope you die in a fire that could have been avoided.

Post by:Calliander

Color Scheme

In category:Insult

The mobile theme already has tons of yellow in it. I realize that the "yellow" that's part of the theme in the regular version is so light that it's almost grey. I am working on that and hopefully will have it moving soon.

Now, enjoy some boobies.

Missing image: /wp-content/uploads/2011/04/tumblr_liluh01ghR1qz9q81o1_1280.jpg
Post by:Calliander


In category:Insult

Pretend it's Keanu saying it...

Missing image: /wp-content/uploads/2011/03/neo.jpg

The site is back up. Your passwords are not the same as they were before. Miguelito will let you know what they are.

Post by:CentauR

Wai Halo Thar!

In category:Insult

We have some new blood on here - in the form of people who haven't posted in forever and people who knew about the site but never posted and even people who didn't know what the site was for some time. I wanted to re-iterate what the original purpose of Insult was and what it is now (though they aren't much different). exists to piss people off, annoy the shit out of them, disgust them, and insult them.

  1. Think of Insult like Fight Club - anything that goes on here is contained here. That means we have whatever bitchfest bullshit we want on here but we don't take it personal because of the bolded text above.
  2. Try to make public rants (as in, when you add a rant and don't check the "private" box) substantial and well-thought out. It would be great for people who stumble across our site to think it's a news thing and then scroll down to find assholes with arms in them or something. Keep the inane banter to private stuff OR, ideally, as responses to existing rants.

I would suggest using the News page AND the e-mail updates. Word.

Post by:Calliander

New Insult…

In category:Insult

...looks really good, Mikey. It's too bad Hugh destroyed the database that had all the really old posts. It would be fun to read those again. I remember having some kind of silly fight with Devlin's younger brother of all people, but I can't remember what it was about.

Post by:GatekeeperTDS

Word is Bond

In category:Insult

The new Insult is live. Make sure to check your settings page and change stuff, jerks. Also, please let me know about any errors you come across with:

  1. A screenshot of the error (or, if it's some text on the screen, that text)
  2. An image, if you were trying to upload one
  3. What you were doing

I think I fixed the image upload thing, but you never know. Let me know on FB if you need my e-mail address.

Post by:Calliander


In category:Insult

Nice overhaul. I still don't see why you need to leave facebook over it though.

Post by:LioConvoy

Insult Sucks and I’m Lazy

In category:Insult

Years ago I had been working on a new Insult code base that fixed some of my pet peeves about the system. When one of the servers died I lost the will to move forward. Of course, giving up leaves a void and even with Calliander's fine improvements my pet peeves still remain and my interest is still not there.

My desire to have that void refilled is getting slowly stronger, though probably not strong enough for me to do a fucking thing about it.

Writing a base system for what these days gets termed as a social network (like it or not) is more than just thankless. Every change made to the system may improve the experience for 98% of people but that 2% that hates the change are majority of people that discuss the change. I respect that and accept that. So I do nothing.

In the decade since the site was built, I've learned a lot about the world and the internet. Too much really. Understanding the true cost of building a system out is not a realization I wish on anyone.

But at least this site is about friends... the core value is nothing more than building a realm for friends to vent and bitch.

And so now I get to that wonderful point of a post where I no longer have any idea what my original point was. Shame on you if you are still reading.

Post by:Pappy


In category:Insult

the point of insult has always been that we rant under assumed identities in an open forum! if this sites not open to any fucktard to read than whats the point? Lio, you feel like somehow, somebody at your job might connect you to this site and compromise your position(your paranoia runs deep my finely feathered friend), come up with a new posting identity that has no connection to you at all. Stoneman, WTF you of all people should know that this was created to fuck with other people, pass wording it will completely defeat the original purpose.


948 out!

Post by:Caniprokis
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