
Dungeons & Dragons

In category:Gaming

Tonight marks the first real D&D campaign in years. Here's another recent picture of that hot girl I banged back in California. Huzzah!

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That hot chick from Wallingford who moved to fucking Nebraska.

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And the girl from Cromwell:

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Post by:Calliander

Legend of Insult

In category:Gaming

So for a bit now, I've been working on a Web 2.0 game engine. It would be an RPG of epic proportions. Okay, maybe not so much epic: right now you pick a class, start with basic weapons, get money/experience, learn special Insult attacks, etc. But perhaps that could evolve into something else. I'm also looking into perhaps developing it for mobile devices like Android or iOS phones/etc.

Anyway, screenshot:

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Post by:Calliander

Jackson Hole

In category:Gaming
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OK, so we can't play D&D - but let's still do something on Saturday night?


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Post by:Stone

American Dreamer

In category:Gaming

We just playing Dark Heresy? Who is committed to coming? I can't wait.

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I watched 'The Crow' earlier - held up surprisingly well. Now, I'm watching 'Reservoir Dogs'.

Also, this debt ceiling bullshit is driving me insane. Immobilarity.


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Post by:Stone

RPG Weekend

In category:Gaming

Yo - what do you guys want to play? I'm up for running D&D, but I don't know if you have who is running what planned out already.


Post by:Stone


In category:Gaming

I'm calling you out, brother! Get the weekend of July 15th off!!!!

Post by:LioConvoy

RPG Weekend!

In category:Gaming

So for any not in the loop, I've declared an RPG Weekend friday July 15th to Sunday July 17th. So weasel a Friday and Saturday off, Stone. Make me some of that rum punch for my birthday. I'll make us all a bunch of "Barry Motherfuckin' Lyndons". Word to the motherland.

Post by:LioConvoy

Dungeons & Dragons Banned In Prison

In category:Gaming

"Prisons can restrict the rights of inmates to nerd out, a federal appeals court has found.

In an opinion issued on Monday , a three-judge panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit rejected the claims in a lawsuit challenging a ban on the game Dungeons & Dragons by the Waupun Correctional Institution in Wisconsin.

The suit was brought by a prisoner, Kevin T. Singer, who argued that his First Amendment and 14th Amendment rights were violated by the prison’s decision to ban the game and confiscate his books and other materials, including a 96-page handwritten manuscript he had created for the game.

Mr. Singer, “a D&D enthusiast since childhood,” according to the court’s opinion, was sentenced to life in prison in 2002 for bludgeoning and stabbing his sister’s boyfriend to death.

Prison officials said they had banned the game at the recommendation of the prison’s specialist on gangs, who said it could lead to gang behavior and fantasies about escape.

Dungeons & Dragons could “foster an inmate’s obsession with escaping from the real-life correctional environment, fostering hostility, violence and escape behavior,” prison officials said in court. That could make it more difficult to rehabilitate prisoners and could endanger public safety, they said.

The court, which is based in Chicago, acknowledged that there was no evidence of marauding gangs spurred to their acts of destruction by swinging imaginary mauls, but it ruled nonetheless that the prison’s decision was “rationally related” to legitimate goals of prison administration.

“We are pleased with the ruling,” said John Dipko, a spokesman for the Wisconsin Department of Corrections, who added that the prison rules “enable us to continue our mission of keeping our state safe.”

News of the decision spread quickly though the network of blogs that discuss such games and to those devoted to the law, where many commentators revealed perhaps more of their own history as gamers than they might have intended. On The Volokh Conspiracy, a legal blog, a particularly rollicking discussion ensued, kicked off with a post by Ilya Somin, an associate professor of law at George Mason University, who asked, “Should prisons ban ‘The Count of Monte Cristo’ on the grounds that it might encourage escape attempts?”

In an interview, Professor Somin said the prison’s action was reminiscent of a media frenzy in the 1980s surrounding the supposedly pernicious effects of gaming. “Ideally, you should really have more evidence that there is a genuine harm before you restrict something,” he said.

The comments accompanying Professor Somin’s post ranged from hoots of outrage over the ban to constitutionally nuanced discussion, but they showed that there were many lawyers who at some point owned a pouch with some dice of more than six sides. And none of them seemed to think that the risk to the nation’s prisons could be found in the works of Gary Gygax or other creators of the genre.

As Andrew Oh-Willeke, a lawyer in Denver, wrote, “If more inmates were über-nerdy D&D players, life would be good.”

Post by:SpoDudeZ0r

Forced usage of RPG books to combat gaming ADD

In category:Gaming

I've decided that I'm going to force myself to use all of the RPG books I've stockpiled and never touched. I suffer from gaming ADD; I hear about an interesting new book, buy it, read it, get psyched to run it, and then something else catches my eye before anything materializes, resulting in nothing ever getting played. That cycle has repeated itself for about 15 years now. I now have several complete gamelines that have never been used. In the case of Star Wars, I have a complete gameline that was never used, and has been obsoleted by a new Star Wars gameline that I own and have never used. I think that sobering realization was the straw that broke the camel's back (well, that and my g/f asking me at Borders why I'm always buying RPG books that I never end up using).

We recently had fun trying out the new Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 3rd edition (with Lio as a Troll Slayer and Action Widow as a disgraced Wood Elf Thief), and we're getting pretty comfortable with the new system. Next we're trying out Shadowrun 4th edition (which I own every book for and have never used). After an adventure of that we'll try out something else. I do plan on getting back to WFRP3 though, because I really like Lio and Action Widow's characters, and I've got some solid ideas for a long-term campaign. Lio's Troll Slayer (Olaf Runebreaker) is nursing a fallen dwarf back to sanity (when he's not beheading greenskins or trying to create a Dwelf), and Action Widow's Elf (Moonthistle) is seducing haggardly peasant cooks while developing various con-jobs and poison-crafting skills.

Aside from forcing us to finally make use all these books, this approach serves a few other purposes. It gets us comfortable with the rules for all these different games, which makes the prospect of playing them in the future far less daunting. Also, we'll start to figure out which games we really like, and which games we don't; I suspect there are games that we buy books for and wouldn't even enjoy (if we ever got around to playing them).

I think the major benefit, however, is getting comfortable running these different games for our monthly gaming weekends (which I really hope we get going again, because that weekend at Stone's place in Boston was fucking awesome and I miss having us all together). It'll be much easier to get a variety of games going if Lio and I are comfortable running them, so that the burden doesn't always fall on Stone and Calliander to run D&D. I'm envisioning a setup where we get several different games going at once, riffing off each other and trying lots of new stuff like back in the day.

Post by:SpoDudeZ0r

Another RPG Weekend…

In category:Gaming

I'm thinking it's time for another one... Anybody wanna second this? I can hold it at my place, it's a nice halfway point between Branford and Boston. Maybe some of my Branford heads can smuggle me up a pizza that doesn't suck asshole?

Post by:LioConvoy


In category:Gaming

I am so fucking enthused. THIS IS FOR REAL.

Insult should be password protected.

I worked all day today and all day tomorrow.

Fred Armisen is playing Obama and Harry Reid? What the fuck?


Post by:Stone


In category:Gaming

Also, it is not Ken, but all of you who are gay. Odd that you posted screen shots of Ken v E. Honda, because I have been practicing with both on SSF2T emulators on my PC.

My E. Honda game is spectacular.

My E. Honda game is spectacular.

My E. Honda game is spectacular.

My E. Honda game is spectacular.


Post by:Stone

Ken loves the cock

In category:Gaming

The new high definition art shoves him out of the closet. The limitations of 16-bit sprites served as a decent beard for Ken, but he can no longer hide his alternative lifestyle. Exhibit A:

E Honda's about to hate-fuck Ken's mouth, but does Ken look concerned? Of course not. Ryu, in this situation, would be dragon punching Honda in the taint. Is Ken busting out his flaming (come on) dragon punch? Nope. Ken's smirking with excitement, sending E Honda a clear message: "Put that fat penis right in my mouth and don't take it out until I swallow your oriental gravy." Directly behind them, on the boat, we can see Ken's lover Ronald cheering it on. Those teenagers to Ronald's right are cheering because they think they're watching a good fight. The poor bastards are about to be scarred for life, unable to think about sex or sushi without picturing Ken drooling on a sumo meat helmet.

Exhibit B:

Here we see Honda positioning Ken's face on the ground so he can fuck it missionary style. Notice that another gay couple has shown up to watch. The older gay with the grey beard is like "Oh man, I haven't seen hatefucking like this since my days as a long shoreman!" but the younger gay is visibly angry. He's from a different generation, and he's ashamed of Ken on behalf of gays everywhere. He thinks man-fucking should be a dignified and loving act, but Ken's making a mockery of it with his endless hunger for beatings and cock.

Post by:SpoDudeZ0r

It’s the remix!?!@?!@? YEAH!

In category:Gaming

Wait, does this mean that the game finally shows Ken to be the dumb bietch he's always been but we've never been able to prove?

Post by:Calliander

Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix owns me

In category:Gaming

Seriously. It's SSF2T, rebalanced to perfection after over a decade of tournament playtesting, with completely redrawn HD art and flawless online play. And it's only $15, available for download on Xbox 360 and PS3 (why the hell did you need to punk out and get a PS3 Lio?) St11111zzz0000nnn33333 get on this shit immediately.

Post by:SpoDudeZ0r

Another Game Night…

In category:Gaming

I don't know, at most I can wrangle Monday or Wednesday... It's gonna be tricky.

Post by:LioConvoy


In category:Gaming

im down for shadowrun maybe that friday night, no other nights are good for me.

aaron do you still have the sheet for Compliance my shotgun toting cigar smokeing 50 something orc mercinary?

Post by:Caniprokis


In category:Gaming

If I can get commitments for another day, I will put a Shadowrun adventure together.

Post by:Stone
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