
Fuck Boston

In category:Food

Blargh, Boston sucks in so many ways. I just ate the worst pizza I think I've ever had.


Post by:Stone

Awesome Turkey Day

In category:Food

I, obviously, have no idea about all this craziness currently happening on this board so I was going to take this moment and change subjects.

I wanted to give a huge THANK YOU to W1Ls0r and L1bz0r (to translate that into English it would be Wilson and Lib) for a fantastic Thanksgiving. I honestly think it was on my favorites Turkey Day's ever. The food was simply amazing. Wilson made these amazing mashed potatoes and stuffing. Lib put a turkey on his barbecue grill and it tasted so delicious that he made me a true believer that the only way to have a turkey is to grill it. We topped off the meal with our own special blend of herbs and it just made everything even better.

So thanks a ton for all your hard work! You guys should have your own show on the Food Network.

Post by:Kevin

For SpoDudeZ0r

In category:Food

This one is for SpoDudeZ0r. I know, deep down in his heart, he really misses the GD. Click it to see.

Missing image: /pics/gd_pre.jpg


Post by:Calliander


In category:Food

Could you e-mail me the way you make your pasta sauce and maybe get your mom to jot down her jambalaya? That would be awesome.

Post by:Calliander

Lobster Muck

In category:Food

Heh. Stone, that green muck inside of the lobster can be one of two things, I think. If it's just a little, it's probably the guts. If there was a lot, you, my friend ate a female full of legs. Either way, I don't think you're supposed to eat that stuff. Mwah hah. And now I want lobster.

Post by:GatekeeperTDS

Cookbook Entry #1

In category:Food
Title:	Toasted Sandwiches
		(Serves One)

	Two (2) Slices of Bread         	   (Canadian White or Country White seem to work the best)
	Sandwich Contents (see filler instructions below)
	Butter or Margarine (optional)  
Required Equipment:
	One of the following:
	 Sandwich Maker (flat 'iron' style preferred,
		uncommon in the US)
	 George Forman Grill or similar
	 Griddle Surface with cooking iron (metal weight)
	 Clothing Iron + Aluminum Foil
Preparation Instructions:
	Butter both slices of bread, depending on your personal	preferance you may prefer to butter BOTH sides of the bread.
	Load your sandwich with filler, with butter side OUT.  It is important that the bread is cooked with the butter side on the grilling surface.
	If using a sandwich maker, cook your sandwich as normal.
	If using the George Forman style grill, pre-heat as normal and place the bread on a clean grill.  Cooking time is approximately three (3) minutes.  Cook until golden.
	If using a grilling surface, please sandwich on a clean pre-heated section of the grill with the cooking iron on top to compress the sandwich.  Grill 1-2 minutes on each side until golden.
	If using a clothing iron, place sandwich between two pieces of aluminum foil.  Place iron onto sandwich.  Cooking time varies depending on the grill, but can be under 2 minutes per side.  Monitor progress closely, cook until golden.
Filler Instructions/Variations:
	There are many types of sandwiches one can make.  Some options include:
	* Bacon (three to five strips)
	* Bacon (three strips) and eggs (one or two)
	* Banana (sliced)
	* Eggs (one or two) and optional tomato
	* Cheese
	* Sliced un-frozen hot dog
	* Stir-fry steak, pork, or lamb
	Cheese can be added to most sandwiches, not recommended with banana.
Additional Information:
	Toasted sandwiches are very common in South Africa and several European countries.  They are amongst the cheapest commercially available meals costing between $.80 and $2.00 US per sandwich.
Post by:Pappy

More Meat!

In category:Food

Thank you Stone, for your opinion, and for posting the link to an article. And while I'm sure it's a lovely article, and I'd love to read it, New York Times doesn't want to let me read it without a membership. Do you think you could cut and paste the article?

Post by:GatekeeperTDS


In category:Food

Another thing - while a lot of people call a low-carb diet an "Atkins' Diet", I've always cringed at the term. I don't like anything branded like that, seems faddish, for one. But, in addition, I've known for a while that the low-carb diet was what people considered simple common-sense dietary choices, up until the 1970s.

If you read old books, old cooking books particularly (I do), you'll notice that they usually warn you off of starches and sugars, specifically - calling them "the real killers" and "fatty degenerators" and silly 1920 things like that. These books contain recipes for, I don't know, sauteed Foie Gras (not really), so they're obviously not diet books, yet they still recommend not eating many starches or sugars.

In the NY Times Magazine article I'm going to link to below it's mentioned people used to think that the reason there were a lot of fat Italians was because they ate so much pasta, and not much meat.

Anyways, the whole idea of the Atkins'/low-carb diet being a fad diet in concept is kind of laughable, because for the longest time, the principles of the diet (good food makes you eat less, sugar and starch make you fat and hungry) were the rules that guided what mothers cooked for their kids and so on.

Low-Carb Article from the New York Times


Post by:Stone

Steak and Beer

In category:Food

Forget this whole Atkins' Diet thing. The key is to stick to a few good key foods, instead of watching carbohydrates.

When attempting to lose weight, I eat: broiled steak, pan-fried steak, scrambled eggs with butter, and that's it. When not trying to lose weight, I still eat the same three things. They're the only foods I really like, I feel healthy, I hardly ever have to eat, since when I eat I feel satisfied, and so on. No matter how much I weigh, I'd prefer to eat steak and drink water at meals.


Post by:Stone

I think you're just desperate/lazy Gatekeeper

In category:Food

I've done research myself on the Atkins diet, unbiased research, and there's a huge difference between a low carb diet and putting yourself through ketosis. It's pointless to argue this any further with you though Gatekeeper, you were an overweight guy that found a way to lose weight without having to move, you're very very biased on the issue. And yes, there's no reason Atkins couldn't get away with selling his book, you can say you believe anything you want has health benefits. There's people selling dieting books based on eating according to your zodiac sign for fuck's sake. I don't care anymore though, you're adults, do whatever you want to lose weight and get as freakishly thin as you want, I'm just tired of all this stupid rationalization. Eat everything in moderation, exercise and drink lots of water if you want serious results. I'm going back to my old workout routine and boxing to get back into good shape, I think my shoulder's good enough to give it one more shot before I concede to surgery. I got back into working out in Cali and realized just how much I miss it. It also provides a healthy self esteem boost that you can't get from eating a pound of bacon.

Anyway, I flew home from Cali tonight so I should be around tommorow jet lag not withstanding. I'll see y'all soon.

Post by:SpoDudeZ0r

Ketosis Is Your Friend

In category:Food

I've actually done some research on ketosis myself and I have a few things to say about it.

Carbohydrates are what your muscles use for fuel. That's why, when you're working out, any gym will tell you to drink Gatorade or Powerade or something else with a lot of carbs. As you work out, you use up the carbs and then your muscles are forced to use stored body fat, which isn't as efficient a fuel as the carbohydrates. It's like the difference between premium Mobil gas, say, and John's Auto and Gas regular gas for your Dodge Viper.

Ketosis is what they call your muscles using the stored body fat for fuel. If you were to eliminate all carbohydrates from your diet, yeah, you'd probably end up burning through all of your stored body fat and damaging something. The Atkins diet, however, does not eliminate the carbohydrates. Instead, the diet gives you a plan for lowering your intake - this gives your muscles a limited amount of carbs to burn so that you don't use up a lot of the stored body fats. I believe I read that Dr. Atkins recommends exercising; not necessarily working out, but even walking daily helps. (Sorry if I'm wrong, there.) Walking burns a surprising amount of carbs or body fats and speeds up the diet process, obviously, just as exercise and working out would.

If the diet were harmful in any way, there's no way anyone would allow Dr. Atkins to publish his books and make his Atkins bars and whatnot. I don't think it's a suggested diet for morbidly obese people, but for people like Gatekeeper and Lio it's fine because they were only overweight. Is there a success ratio for people who follow the diet, or does everyone succeed? That's generally a sign - if you're using a "results may vary significantly" diet, it's not a good diet. I don't know anyone displeased with the Atkins diet.

Doctors also wouldn't recommend low-carb diets if they were bad. Most physicians are proficient enough to know the difference between a harmful diet and a beneficial one for each patient. I can see Spo's concern, and while I was with him for a significant time, I figured I would read up some more.


ADDED: I see that Gatekeeper posted the same thing pretty earlier, I should have read it. Oh well.

Post by:Calliander

Ketosis, bad?

In category:Food

Hey, Spo, I'll try to be as polite as possible when I tell you this. You don't know what you're talking about. Someone who says "ketosis is bad" without a.) ever reading any medical literature (which I have) or b.) losing 50 pounds from ketosis (which I did) has no room to make uneducated assumptions in this manner.

The ketosis that occurs from a low carb diet is referred to by Dr. Atkins as BDK (Benign Dietary Ketosis). When you remove carbohydrates from your diet (not 100% removal, but removal so you're only intaking 20-40 grams per day as opposed to the government, hear that?, government, what?, government "required" carb intake of 300 grams) your body uses its own fat stores for energy, and yes, the breakdown of your lipids does produce ketones which are eliminated in your breath and urine.

Now, this ketosis is not bad. It STOPS once you have no more weight to lose. I'm still on a low carb diet after 2.5 years now, and I don't think I've lost weight in 1.5 years of that time (after I average out all the tiny weight gains and weight losses I've had since then). So you're probably under the assumption that ketosis will break down muscle and organs an all that other good stuff. It won't. If it did, I believe I'd be dead after two years on this diet.

Now enough of that. Lio, consult with your own personal physician, or do your own medical reasearch and then work up a diet that works best for you. Don't listen to what the government tells you that you "should" eat, don't listen to medically uneducated people like myself (although my experience was positive, I have a computer degree on my wall, not a medical degree), or even less medically educated people like Spo. That's all. You looking better and feeling better is for you and you alone, and you should do it the way that's best for you. If that's a low carb diet, great. If that's a low fat diet, great. If that's no diet and working out at a gym like a maniac or running 10 miles every day, that's great too. Do what's best for you, and fuck everyone else.

So Speaks The Gatekeeper...So It Shall Be!

Post by:GatekeeperTDS

Don't be silly Aaron

In category:Food

Aaron, LOW carb doesn't mean never eat carbs. I told you never eating carbs is horribly unhealthy, not watching your carb intake. You should watch your intake of everything. Not eating carbs at all puts you in a state of ketosis, which is bad. There's no such thing as a healthy way to eat as much as you want and still drop pounds, there aren't shortcuts. Just watch your calories and don't eat tons of carbs and you'll lose weight, and if you exercise a little you'll lose it much faster and build muscle too. BTW I just got home from Vegas a few hours ago, it was fucking amazing. I'll give details later, right now I've got to get to bed now because we're going to San Francisco early tommorow morning, hope everyone's doing well. Later guys, see you soon

Post by:SpoDudeZ0r

More Carbs

In category:Food

Lio, you're not going to die from a low carb diet. The fact that your doctor told you to go (back) on a low carb diet means that people are finally starting to see the benefits of it. As far as your friends telling you that you're going to "die" on a low carb diet, ignore the morons. If I had listened to all that, I'd still be 270 pounds now instead of 200, and a 46 waist instead of a 38. Fuck what uneducated people say about something, and do what's best for you.

But 10 or 15 pounds, that's not a lot. For that much weight, you shouldn't have to eliminate ALL carbs, just BAD carbs. Avoid cookies and ice cream and pizza and anything with processed flour and shit. Talk to me later if you need any more advice, or go buy Dr. Atkins' book (I don't know if you already did before). Enjoy.

So Speaks The Gatekeeper...So It Shall Be!

Post by:GatekeeperTDS

Tom, Water, Coke, and Me

In category:Food

/Yea, so tom collins is damn good. I only had one in this past evening, but we all wish it was more. Beer is good too tho.

Regarding the Coke issues calliander brings up. The active ingredients in many fine concoctions is often fatal or considered very bad if consumed in a large quantity. The coke syrup may be hazardous (its not in reality, the trucks place it there on their own to thwart hijackers.. in the past 15 years the trucks have made a bit of a migration to water/oil markers), but when you drink a fine glass of coca-cola you really arent harming yourself that much.

Myths regarding substances are so horrid. Marijuana has many, including stuff like marijuana will harm your fetus, and marijuana will make you impotent.. coca-cola has had many more, partially due to its secret nature. Myths are myths, and when scientists really analyze them, they probably wish they hadn't begun their research because they usually end up with somewhat unbelievable results compared to what has been believed to be the absolute truth for years/decades.

When it comes down to it, you have never seen the syrup in teh form coke transports it in. It is a secret and well guarded. In countries where you can still buy consumer grade syrup, you are getting very different syrups and none contain that horrid red dye that freaked people out years ago and many surge towards the pre-mixed stuff compared to making your own coke in a soda machine.

I miss being able to use a soda machine.. They are wonderful.

When it comes down to it, the world is stupid and Tom Collins is a genius. I love Tom's fine mixture and you should too god damnit. What is a Tom Collins with tonic water? We'll call it a Wilson, because thats how he makes them. It's like a gin&tonic that is fizzy. Never ginny enough tho.

I forgot to buy toilet paper, god damn me. I hope I don't have to shit before I buy some tho.

Post by:Pappy

Pork Rinds

In category:Food

Dammit all to fucking hell. Okay, just a little bit of background. After eating all the terrible things I did last week (between Thanksgiving, and the wonderful evening at the Outback with all you find people) I started being much more strict with my diet than I had been in the past few months, because I'd gained back a few pounds I didn't want to. So, since last Sunday, I've lost 6-7 pounds already and it's great. But the essential part of the low carb diet is to have things to eat. While cheese and pepperoni and stuff are great, I need a bit more variety.

So I remembered that when I fist did the diet nearly 2 years ago, I lived on pork rinds for a while. Since the things are literally fried animal skin, they have no carbohydrates yet are very similar to most other salty snack foods. So all week, I've been searching with no avail for the delicious little fried skins. I've tried several supermarkets, several 7-11 stores, and a few Cumberland Farms too, but I can't find the damn things. If anyone can let me know what stores still carry these damn things, then I'd appreciate it.

So Speaks The Gatekeeper...So It Shall Be!

Post by:GatekeeperTDS

I thought I'd seen it all...

In category:Food

My sister is the size of a house, literally. I think everyone who was here over last week can attest to this. It's almost as if she's absorbing all the pounds that Lio Convoy is losing! She got this way through her actions. Let me describe a typical day for my sister:

  • Wake up at 11:00 AM.
  • Go downstairs and make two boxes of greasy fish sticks.
  • Eat greasy fish sticks on expensive couch in living room while watching The Jerry Springer Show and similar programs.
  • Breathe heavily and talk back at TV.
  • After end of talk shows, go back into kitchen, cut up two apples and smother them in brown sugar and cinnamon.
  • Eat apples while watching the beginning of soap opera.
  • Go back into kitchen during commercial break and grab cereal with marshmallows and heavy cream mother uses for coffee.
  • Eat entire box of cereal using the heavy cream instead of milk, until end of soap opera.
  • Go back into pig sty room and wallow in clothes that have been on for weeks while watching movie stolen from brother.
  • Act pissy when pregnant friend calls on mother's phone line.
  • Yell at mother about how she doesn't love you.
  • Eat dinner provided by mother.
  • Consume 1/7 of a two-pound vat of cottage cheese.
  • Return downstairs to kitchen, grab bowl of Jell-O made the night before.
  • When finished, prepare another bowl of Jell-O for the next night.
  • Contemplate showering, decide against it. Go to sleep instead, unless strange men in red & yellow cars are waiting outside for sexual favors.

Don't think I'm exaggerating here. Cut out the cottage cheese bit, because my mother stopped buying it, but that's still her day. She does NOTHING. And I know she's my sister, but damn, she is the most useless human being on the planet. What prompted me to write about this tonight?

I just went upstairs to use my bathroom. She, of course, was in the fridge (no doubt wondering where the cottage cheese was). I checked to see what she was doing, to chide her about her weight (not something I usually do to her face), and I see her with the cold-cuts drawer open and a nectarine on the FLOOR. The same floor she spilled cranberry juice all over and "forgot" to wash tonight. She then peeled a slice of ham off the pile and wrapped it around the nectarine.

!!!!@#@&^JK@H @&E^LLLLBBLLLLB!@B&WDMXNCY@!(*!~@@!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Who wraps their nectarine in HAM before they eat it? Is this a common practice?! I'm going to go have an aneurysm now. Goodnight.

Post by:Calliander
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