

In category:Art

Best video ever.

Post by:Calliander

The Gamecube

In category:Art

This is <a href="" target="_blank" rel= noopener">an artist's rendition of the piece of Nintendo hardware known as The Gamecube. Gaze upon the bold stroke of genius inherent in this painting and understand the hidden meaning. Through art, truth has been achieved.

Lio - I left you a message.

Post by:Calliander

In category:Art

The Boondocks

Before today, I used to think that this comic strip was the greatest since Calvin & Hobbes. I know now for a fact that it is the greatest since Calvin & Hobbes after today's Sunday strip:

Huey: Go ahead and call me what you want, but I'm not sledding down this hill. Didn't you hear about what happened to Peter Hoffman last week? Caesar: No... what happened? Huey: He started sledding down this hill and then WHAM!!! Caesar: Wham what?! Huey: Uh... He gets run over by this little blond kid and a stuffed tiger goin', like, 80 miles per hour. Nearly killed him... Caesar: Will you please just acknowledge you're being a wuss?

Great stuff. Rock on. Oh yeah, and a quick quote:

Religion is the practice of taking all the goodness humanity is capable of and attributing it to a remote God instead of recognizing these for essentially human capacities. Good day.

Post by:Calliander


In category:Art

Heh. Mullitor. A definite superhero in my book. And yeah, he DOES kind of look like Kato. Creepy.

Post by:GatekeeperTDS

Look what Tab made me!

In category:Art

Hello everyone. My day was made better when Tab gave me the picture you see below. I think its cool. Tab is cool. Click on it to get a bigger view.

Missing image: /pics/danfromtab.jpg
Post by:danz0r

cool link

In category:Art

check out this link

preach out

Post by:Preacherman
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