
51 rants(2.11% of Insult)

Ham Pants wearin', Mullet sportin', Gum Chewin', Zoot Suit stylin', CRACKER.

Singer, songwriter, producer. Born in 1971, in Harlem, New York. Wilson was raised by his mother, a model, after his father was murdered in 1974. He grew up in Mt. Vernon, New York and attended a Catholic boys school in the Bronx. Wilson gained the nickname “Cum Dumpster” in high school because of his habit of being a human cum receptical for the Jockocracy. Wilson is also known by the nickname “Cum Dumpster Daddy.” Wilson majored in business administration at Howard University, producing weekly dance parties and running an airport shuttle service while attending classes. He dropped out to pursue an internship at Uptown Records, which led to a talent director position. Wilson rapidly rose to the level of vice president and had success producing several key artists for Uptown, but left the company in the early 1990s.

In 1993 he started his own production company, Bad Boy Entertainment, working with such upcoming and established rap, hip-hop, and R&B; recording artists as Mariah Carey, New Edition, Method Man, Babyface, TLC, Boyz II Men, Li’l Kim, SWV, Aretha Franklin, Mary J. Blige, Faith Evans, and the late rapper Notorious B.I.G. (also known as Biggie Smalls). In 1996, Wilson was named as ASCAP’s Songwriter of the Year. By 1997, Bad Boy Entertainment had sold nearly $100 million worth of recordings and had made a multi-million dollar deal with Arista Records for management of the label.

After his friend Biggie Smalls was murdered in 1997, Wilson recorded the tribute “I’ll be Missing You” which topped the Billboard singles chart for six weeks and launched Wilson's first album, No Way Out (1997) to platinum status. Soundscan named No Way Out as the third best-selling LP of 1997, with more than 3.4 million copies sold in the U.S.

Wilson released his second album, Forever, in 1999. He is currently dating the actress and singer Levres.

In December 1999, Wilson and Levres were allegedly involved in a shooting incident outside a New York City nightclub, in which three people were injured. Wilson was later charged with gun possession and bribery, as prosecutors claimed he offered his driver, Wardel Fenderson, $50,000 to say that the loaded gun police found at the scene of the crime was Fenderson's. His trial, at which Levres has publicly stated she will agree to testify, begins in late January 2000. If convicted, Wilson faces a possible 15 years in prison.

After repeatedly denying widespread rumors of a breakup, Wilson confirmed in January that he and Levres had gotten engaged. On March 12, 2001 the happy couple was married in a small vila outside of Pampolona, Spain. They are now awaiting the birth of their first child due in June 2001.

  • Age: 35
  • Gender: Male
  • Sexual preference: Bisexual
  • Marital status: I have a bitch
  • Size of genitalia: I'm a horse!
  • Location: Spain
  • Drug of choice: Weed

Black people think I'm famous

In category:Life

Yeah, I don't get it either. For the third time today, black people have accused me of being famous. Actually, today it was TWO black ladies. I hear an "Excuse me, sir! I know you from the movies!" on my walk back from grabbing a burrito down the way. True to form, they then both freak out when I turn around to talk to them.. which, well, that's an interesting feeling. Of course, when I press them on it, they have no idea who I am or what movie, just that "they know me from the movies". Other black people have yelled at me from across the street about it. Now, this has only happened down-town (that's where we have black people in LA) and only on this one street between work and the burrito place... so, fuck, maybe it's the lighting or something. Well, anyway, black people think I'm famous - but who the fuck do they think I am? The only hint I can give you is that they all freak out specifically in the sense that I'm a "movie star", so no made for TV roles here, herpes commercials, etc. Like I said to Lib one of the other times it happened, at least they're not shouting "kill whitey" or calling me "cracker ass cracker" (quite fond of that moniker, fwiw)... these days I just get to be the white guy they mistake for that other white guy.

I'm just scratching my head on this one.

Wilson out.

Post by:wilson

Looks count

In category:Sports

One thing can be said for the bunch, they're definetly better losers than winners.

As a fan of a team with some class, I would like to extend my congratulations to the Sox, and especially the prettiest man the sport has ever known, Johnny Damon. I just saw an interview with him, and now more than ever I'm convinced he's the spawn of an asian fucking a retard. But BOY that half-yellow half-tard can play, and get my nether regions all tingly at the same time.

So, way to go Sox... As for the fans, just hope your reveling doesnt wind up biting you in the ass. Talk about putting the cart before the horse.

I wish I had a girlfriend with hair this pretty.

Go Astros! Clemens will 0wn j00!

Post by:wilson

More Baseball Fun

In category:Entertainment

Ended up taking the train to the downtown office this morning, where I came to find myself seated across the way from some old cocksucker (think Kenny Rogers, but less of that 'gambler' vibe). We're both occupying the aisle seat, with the window seat empty. At the next stop, a decrepit old black guy (think of an old black guy) gets on the train and just goes to town on me with the eye-raping. Various people have been eye-raping me on the metro for a few weeks now, so I'm starting to take less of an issue with it, but at a certain point it seems like you should react in some way. After a few minutes, my thought is that old black guy wants my seat, and although I've come enjoy the attempted ocular penetration, I slide over to the window side where I'm obscured from his view by ticket-checking-fatty (you see, we have the "honor-system" on our metro, which means that they employ fat chicks to do random spot checks). Non-gambling-Kenny stays put.

The next thing I know old-black-guy comes over and asks Kenny if he can take a seat next to him, Kenny yields, and somehow, as if brought together by fate, five seconds later they're discussing the evils of the Yankees organization. Cue up the music, nothing brings the races together like unilateral hate. They go on for about three or four minutes discussing why the Yankees are an abomination to the sport, why it's unfair, etc. They hit all the basics people fall back on when they're backpedaling for excuses - whiny, idealistic shit. Now, I'm a man known to sport a Yankees cap once and a while, and I take a colossal amount of shit for it, even out here, thousands of miles away. The interesting fact about that, I've found, is that roughly half the time a guy starts in on you with the "I'm an angry Red-Sox fan and you are my Yankee target" shtick, he's also going to make a few awkward passes at you through the duration. Anyway, I'm getting off course here, I'm trying to get to the point that Boston fans are sally-ass bitches who are addicted to self-loathing and losing. What does it say about a man who chooses to align himself behind a known loser, not just an under-dog, but a sure-fire loser?

The end of Kenny and old-black-guy's conversation gave me some clues. After a minute or two of silence, Kenny blurts out "The Red-Sox are such an embarrasment", to which old-black-guy agrees and mentions some of the finer nuances which make them such an embarrassment, along with more speculation as to how the Yankees effected that. That was the very first moment of their conversation when either of them were being realistic about the issue at hand (In case you forgot, we're talking about the Red-Sox sucking), and it took so much anti-Yankee propaganda from each of them, for one of them to be comfortable enough to 'fess up to the truth.. the dirty secret they all share. Now I think we've figured it out. Boston fans ascribe their own loserdom to the fact that they cannot succeed, that there is some insurmountable force stopping winning from being a possiblity (mind you, this will evolve over time.. Sox fans had different reasons for their chosen team sucking 20 years ago). To deal with this, they project all of their self loathing, fears and inadequacies on to the one team with the most diametrically different ethos, the team that knows it can, and does, and will, win. In the end, a lot of Yankee fans have to shoulder the burden of hearing Boston fans cry about how their pussies hurt, while deflecting comments that you're somehow evil if you're a Yankees fan. Most of the time it just makes me sad to talk to one of them... they're so much like fat people that say they want to be thin, yet don't believe they deserve to be thin, and just get fatter as a result, or, say Catholics. Actually, I'd be interested to know how many Sox fans are Catholic, as there seem to be many similarities in mindset... if anyone can dig that up, that'd be cool.

To my friends who are Sox fans, those of you enjoying this rain-out with another day of stewing, pacing, and self loathing - maybe some day you'll throw off the shackles of your mind and join me as a fan of the greatest baseball team in the universe (Cue Imperial Death March). All you gotta do is believe.

"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you."

  • Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil

"Baseball is ninety percent mental and the other half is physical." - Yogi Berra

Post by:wilson

Kurt Cobain

In category:Music

I still think that no good slut snuffed him out..

(Ripped from the page cited below..)

Cobain's heroin, (morphine), blood level was 1.52 mgs per liter. This would require a minimum injection of 225 mgs of heroin, three times a lethal dose, even for a hardcore heroin addict! The drug Diazepam, was also found in Cobain's blood system.

Case you dont know, Diazepam is valium and used in the treatment of anxiety disorders, seizures, and muscle spasms. It is Schedule IV in the U.S... You all know what heroin is


  1. If Cobain injected himself with a deliberate heroin overdose, why would he ALSO shoot himself in the head with a shotgun, leaving his baby daughter - the love of his life - with horrific visual images to remember him by? Why not just "go to sleep" on the overdose and never wake up?

  2. IF Cobain injected three times a lethal dose of heroin, COULD he then pick up a shotgun and shoot himself? Wouldn't he have been immediately incapacitated?

Based on the heroin, (morphine), blood levels found in Cobain's body, preliminary research indicates Kurt Cobain would have been immediately incapacitated. He could not have picked up that shotgun. He could not have pulled that trigger!

www.cobaincase.com WARNING ANNOYING FUCKING AUDIO on that webpage
www.justiceforkurt.com All together better page, more informative.. but the first is an investigator/former detective on the case.

Fucking faggots, I dont want to hear your shit blaring through my speakers as I try to beat off to my Nature's-relaxing-sounds CD.

Saw that cunt Courtney Love on Letterman the other week.. all I have to say is, Awful.

"Just because you're paranoid, Don't mean they're not after you." - Territorial Pissings

Post by:wilson


In category:Politics

Thanks for reading the article and responding, Stone.. I'm not going to argue with you because it seems invariability fruitless, and I'd rather just agree to disagree..

I just wanted to clear up that he IS talking about Ashcroft in the article.. if you do a Google Search for "John Ashcroft Confederacy" (sorry, can't link to it since insult sucks :)) you'll get back a fucking laundry list back. Delicious tidbits like this:

In 1998, Ashcroft gave an interview to the Southern Partisan, a South Carolina quarterly promoting the Confederacy. Ashcroft said, "Your magazine also helps set the record straight. You've got a heritage of doing that, of defending Southern patriots like [Robert E.] Lee, [Stonewall] Jackson and Davis. Traditionalists must do more. I've got to do more. We've all got to stand up and speak in this respect, or else we'll be taught that these people were giving their lives, subscribing their sacred fortunes and their honor to some perverted agenda."

Like slavery.

I'm pretty sure what you've said about Rock & Roll isn't right, based on what I've read and seen in the past.. the foundation of "counter-culture" and whatnot.. I dunno..

Tasty bills like the patriot act and it's new friend, the so-called "son-of-patriot act" definetly makes me feel like this is increasingly a police state, but then again, it's my nature to be paranoid and sensative to shit like that.. so take for what it's worth. I guess I'd be the one laughing when America actually does become a police state, but I'd probably be more likely to be crying.. or be in Canada...



Post by:wilson

Why the Right Hates America

In category:Drugs

I ran across this article the other day.. I didn't write it, I just agree with it, and since there's no other chance anyone else here will wind up reading it,I felt like posting it (hey, at least there's a chance now)..
See it formatted nicely: Here


As a leftist, I'm getting just a bit weary of hearing how much I "hate America." Ever since the big you-know what in late 2001, that little zinger has been the comeback of choice for any objections to US foreign policy. Don't like our new wars? Gee, you must really hate this country.

Friends on the right, you wound us. If we didn't love America, why would we spend so much time and energy on bake sales and discussion groups and lecture series and petition drives and demonstrations to make it a better place? I mean, there may be some parts of Dallas we're not too keen on, and personally, you couldn't pay me enough to live in Phoenix, but on the whole, sure, love that America. Friendly people, nice beaches, great forests, er, what's left of them.

Of course, the relationship is just a bit more complicated than that. We love America kind of like we might love a dear friend or relative who's drinking too much and putting his health in danger, or messing up his home life. We're kind of embarrassed and more than a little bit worried for good old America. But that doesn't mean we don't love her. Hey, we're family!

You know, it occurs to me that when rightwingers can't come up with a better argument than "you hate America," they might actually be projecting. After all, who was it that said that the 9/11 attacks allowed, quote, "the enemies of America to give us probably what we deserve"? It wasn't any leftist, that's for sure. It was that jolly old moral majoritarian, the Rev. Jerry Falwell.

The more you think about it, the more it makes sense. The right can't stand American culture. Rock & roll swept the planet, helped bring down the Berlin wall, inspired everyone with its free-spirited, rebellious American energy. Who fought it every step of the way? The right, that's who. Same goes for hip-hop, another great American export, subject of Congressional inquisitions. And don't even get me started on Hollywood. Billions of people love our movies, but the right acts like the whole movie industry is the last refuge of Stalinism.

The right hates our heroes, too. They had to be dragged kicking and screaming into making a holiday to honor the Rev. Martin Luther King, who helped us try to fulfill the promises of Reconstruction. And some of them still grumble, as Ronald Reagan did, that he was some kind of "communist." Still others, like John Ashcroft, express nostalgia for the Confederacy's fight to maintain slavery as a noble cause.

Come to think of it, the right hates our constitution, too, except for the Second Amendment, and maybe the Eleventh, now that the Rehnquist Court has rewritten it to mean "Congress shall pass no law that we don't like." But the First, the Fourth, the Fifth, and um, the Sixth, and the Eighth, and pretty much the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments are right out the window these days. Damn shame, too, if you ask me. Plus the right is still itching to overturn old decisions like Miranda and Bakke and Roe, if not Griswald. Some of them aren't too crazy about Brown v. Board, either, if you know what I mean.

And it's obvious by now that the right wing really, really hates democracy. If you even bring up the word, they go on about how the Founding Fathers made a republic, not a democracy. Well, sure, but they also wrote in the parts about blacks being three-fifths of a person, and only land-owning males being able to vote. Some of those cool old amendments moved us closer to actual democracy, at least for a while there. Now the rightwingers on the Supreme Court have made it clear that we have no actual right to vote, let alone have the votes counted if it's inconvenient for their candidate.

And the election of 2000 isn't the only one stolen by the right. In 1968, and again in 1980, the right-wing candidates, as private citizens, interfered with foreign-policy negotiations of the US government in order to (successfully) gain electoral advantage. Come to think of it, they did that again in 2000, advising the Israelis to drag their feet in the Camp David talks. But I guess they can get away with that, since they love America more than us pesky leftists.

But if the right loves America so much, why do they keep subsidizing the corporations that foul our air, despoil our coasts, and clear-cut our forests? Just how patriotic is the Bush administration's new rule that allows mining companies to shear off the tops of our purple-mountain'd majesty and dump them into our streams? Don't you think we could express our love of country a little better by tightening up those fuel economy standards, instead of squeezing the Middle East for more fuel for our Hummers?

Now that reminds me. Why does the right keep making so many enemies for our country? You know, like overthrowing elected governments in Iran and Chile and so on, or backing torture-happy juntas in Turkey and Pakistan, or paying for proxy terrorists in Nicaragua and Angola, or subsidizing the occupation of East Timor and the West Bank. Didn't the left keep saying, "Um, excuse us, if we keep supporting violence and terrorism abroad, it might come back to haunt us"? And we're the unpatriotic ones?

Oh, but that's where we got started here. Any time we criticize US foreign policy, we're making excuses for the terrorists. I guess it's inconceivable that the left could love America enough to want us to stop making new enemies. Well, okay, America. If invading Iraq doesn't work out as nicely as planned, you might give us a call. We still have a few ideas, and, gosh, we just love ya to pieces. Write sometime! After all, who gave you votes for women and blacks, and the weekend, and overtime, and retirement pay, and family leave? Your old pals on the left. God love ya.


Umm.. All I really have to add is Legalize Fuckin' weed already, man.. this is fucking insane already. If you haven't been keeping up on Operation Pipe Dreams and other DEA scams, you're realling missing out on some of the finest propaganda work our government has come up with in decades.

Post later.. maybe :P

Post by:wilson

Happy Birthday Levres!

In category:Misc

Happy 22nd birthday sweetie!

I realize this is the tamest birthday wish I've ever sent to someone on insult, but if you think picking out a present for agirlfriend is hard, let me assure you that determining the right kind of odd porn to post for their birthday is even harder. I guess I will sing the TGI Fridays birthday song instead.

I don't know what I've been told *clap*
Someone Here is getting old *clap*
something something something something *clap* *clap* *clap*
Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Biiiiirthday, TO YOU *raucous applause*

Happy Birthday.. I wish I could be there to spend it with you

1212 Out.

BTW: This WAS posted on the 4th, but since you fags are on east coast time and the server is too, I guess this is belated. Fuck you all for making me look bad. :)

Post by:wilson


In category:Insult

Enough of the homo-erotic banter.


Post by:wilson

Happy Birthday Devlin!

In category:People

I always wanted to use the "Level of Filth (be accurate): 6(really obscene photos inserted)" setting on insult, so, Happy 22 Man!

Post by:wilson

My Grandpa is on Fire!

In category:People

Jesus Fuck, man. E-mail. Say it with me, E-m-a-i-l.
An Axe is better than a stupid sword anyway.
Pick up a drug habit, dude.
Thank you. That is all.

Post by:wilson

Happy Birthday, Pappy!

In category:People

Happy Birthday, Pappy!

I thought you might like some balloon popping sluts on your birthday, and as a special present, I went down to the local Super K-Mart and posed for my very own balloon tribute to your birthday... It's the last picture

Missing image: /pics/3.jpg

I'm wet with anticipation, Birthday boy

Happy Birthday Pappy, The Collinses are on me!

Post by:wilson

Fourth of July

In category:Life

Eh, to me the Fourth of July is kind of a farce anyway. It's a great excuse to light off fireworks and shit, have a barbecue, and all that. It's not really about what the holiday means either.. I mean, it's supposed to be about how we're an independent nation, how we live in the land of the free, etc, etc. This is increasingly not true, really. Now, more than ever, we, as a collective body are severely lacking in the most important freedoms of all, personal freedoms. The kind of freedoms that affect your day to day life is what I'm talking about. If you kids haven't taken a look at the patriot act that was shotgunned through congress, you're missing a fucking lot of shit.. Your rights, the shit you were brought up thinking made America the best place in the world to live in, are slowly being erroded in the name of safety.

Here's a little quote for you from Benjamin Franklin.. I'm sure he's spinning in his grave right now..

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.

-Letter to Josiah Quincy, Sept. 11, 1773

So, yeah, the Fourth of July is pretty much a fucking farce, as is every other holiday it seems.. I guess theres still some semblence of respect for silly ass holidays for Arbor Day, or National Coming Out day, or some shit... I wonder if our kids will even have a clue about what the holidays are really about... At least Thanksgiving doesn't bullshit yah, its all about getting fat on turkey, fixins, and pie... Word to that.


Post by:wilson

The holiday season, a sex critique, and a fuck you.

In category:Life

I too find the holiday season to be less and less fun, and increasingly harrowing. I've got no problem with going and sitting on Santa's lap, drinking some hot mulled cider, or going to a holiday party, what I do have a problem with is what the season has increasingly become for me, stressing out, scrambling to get everything done, and emptying my already empty pockets.

It's not so much that I hate Christmas, but it comes at a really shitty stressful time to begin with as a college student, Finals time. I get up at fucking 7:30 every morning to drag my ass to work, where I'm braindead for the first hour due to sleep deprevation, only to get a piece of shit paycheck at the end of the week. This paycheck comes no where close to being enough money to keep me alive, pay for incidentals and sundries, allow me to pay credit card bills, AND have something left over to save. Which, incidentally, means that I'm just being driven farther and farther into debt every minute, and I can't do shit about it.

So, as if the mall isn't always a shitty, soul-sucking experience, it's all that times ten when it comes to the holiday season (the holiday season, for you kids not in the know, is evidently all of the SHOPPING DAYS in between Thanksgiving and Christmas Day). Oh, God, I'm already fucked starting my shopping as late as December 7th. And I swear everyone in the mall is trying to fuck you out of every penny you have this year, because they're not doing as much business as usual, but that's a whole other digression I don't really feel like going into yet.

So, yeah, and I agree with the sentiments about gift buying.. I'm always left in a state of thinking I bought too much, or bought too little, or didn't buy the right thing, or a thousand other things that add up to me being poorer, more stressed out, and angry at the timing of the holiday, and with my school work.

I really could devote a fucking tome to my general distaste for the mall, as well. As soon as I step in that motherfucker I'm immediatly drained, emotionally, physically, you name it. People in the mall then generally come in one of 4 or 5 varieties, annoying middle-schoolers/early highschoolers, annoying old people, annoying fat people, pissed off parents scrambiling to buy shit for their brat kids, and assholes that are just at the mall to hang out. Note that the last group is actually a subset of all the other groups, but I want to seperate them out as well for emphasis. Roving packs of middleschoolers, with fucking 12 year old girls in skintight pants and belly shirts, done up in makeup and looking like theyve sucked dick for 5 years already get to me. As do fatasses shoveling food-court shitfood into their greasy mouths. Frazzled parents are entertaining to watch, but then I get pissed when I see them smack their kids, whether or not they "deserved it" or not. To be honest, the only people that I really like at the mall are the kids, who don't seem stressed out, and have no reason to be. The old people aren't that bad either, as they walk around with their deer in the headlights looks. THIS IS ME SAYING THAT I LIKE OLD PEOPLE, what a wretched place indeed the mall is if they are amoungst the cream of the crop.

Now we will move on to the second topic of the subject. You read the subject, didn't you?. It's time for my first ever, hopefully the start of many, sex critiques!

I had the liberty to sleep in Levres' room last night, as her roommate got drilled on the other side of the room by a frat boy. I figure that if I have to listen to it, and be woken up by it, that I should at least be able to get something out of it, namely this critique.

The sex seemed pretty average at best, she did a little bit of moaning, but the act seemed a little bit drawn out for this audience member. The bed shook probably for about 15 minutes during the sexual act, but the only climax was on the male side. As a matter of fact, there was a period of about 5 minutes of near silence, sans the bed banging into the wall, before "climax". She didn't have her mouth duct taped at the time or anything, from what I could hear, so I can only assume she became as disinterested as I did at that point. I think they then went to their respective bathrooms after that to clean up, or whatever.

To break it down into numbers, out of a ten point scale, her moaning and panting gets a 5, we've got -2 for his over-eager grunting, but a +3 for her asking to be spanked, the end was dissapointing, though, and she never finished, so lets tack another -2 on, but we'll throw a +1 on there for the length of the act. I guess that evens out to a 5 if I did my math right, and if I didn't, fuck you.

Oh, and just before I sign off on this, a big fuck you to my databases professor for taking 2 and a half months to return our midterms, and an even bigger fuck you to my english teacher, who's class sucks so bad that I dont go to it even when I have nothing else to do.. All fodder for another post, I guess.

Whatever, I have a shitty paper to write, and a much shittier book to read, Lick my balls you holly-jolly bastards.


Oh, on a side note, check out: This Link for some local news to those of you who post.

Post by:wilson

This and that

In category:Music

Well... I've been having some luck downloading Full MP3 albums lately, which is nice. Since napster went down, I've had no good way of getting my hands on full albums which didn't require uploading for like 3 hours to some assholes computer on fucking crappy @home service. Then, half the time the fucking server got fucked up, or I got disconnected some how and lost all my credits. Anyhow, I've downloaded a few albums, and it's nice to have some new music.

I don't follow all the self-rightous talk that is bantered about about downloading games, or music, or software, or whatever rather than buying it. Like there is some inherent "goodness" in paying for the things you use. I think it all comes down to personal preference.. Maybe you like to have the big fucking cardboard box and documentation with the software you get, maybe you like the case art on the dvd or cd, and that's important to you. What I don't agree with is the hard line that people take, like it actually makes a difference what I do. I see one of two possibilities happening:

  1. I download and use or listen to the thing I download, and don't pay for it.
  2. Don't download or use this thing, and likewise don't pay for it.

Where is the issue here? It's not as if I have enough money to actually buy the things that I Steal, and yes, I admit, it's stealing. Who cares. So, where do people get off on this self-rightous tangent about how I'm personally killing the gaming industry, movie industry, [insert your industry here] industry? I don't fucking follow, maybe someone here who takes that hard line can interject.

Anyway, so I downloaded the new busta rhymes and de la soul albums. I don't think either of them are out yet... I think the busta rhymes album is pretty good, I'm not blown away by the de la soul album. Maybe it's just because I expected a lot, and was looking forward to hearing it. I also grabbed the Outkast album, which I heard alot of in Vermont, and knew I liked to a certain degree already.

I also downloaded NBA2k2 and NFL2k2 this weekend.. I've only gotten to play NBA2k2.. which I must say looks great and plays great. It's kinda hard to play with lots of people, since each game takes 20 minutes, but I still like it.

I wish they would release super monkey ball for the dreamcast, so I could DOWNLOAD and PLAY it.

There's still a bunch of fucking albums I want and cant find.. Pink Floyd Echoes and a few others come to mind... I wish I knew what CDs everyone else had, so that I could get some copy lovin.. Then again, I bet I'd get a whole bunch of fucking crap about how copying is bad and I'm personally going to put kid rock out of business, and how horrid that would be. Please note that this is just an example, as the only reason I would download a kid rock album is if it actually contributed to kid rock being hurt in some way, financially or otherwise.

One thing that's for sure is that there is a *ton* of garbage music out there right now.. The amount of songs sampling songs that I recognize as recent songs is bothering me.

I saw pork rinds at cumerland farms just the other day in North Branford, I think.


Post by:wilson

My Take on things.

In category:Life

To me, being proper and being foppish go hand in hand. Actually, maybe the person who said it MENT foppish, but didn't know that word, and grasped for the closest thing they could find, in this case, the word proper.

That's my take on the whole thing. Will we be able to get feedback on this, Pappy? Is that primary source still around? You are also called proper very often by your roommate. Perhaps I can quiz him the next time I run into him.

Oh, I have to take 16 credits next semester.. I am not happy. Those three fucking times I've taken calc 3, GET THIS, only counts for taking it once in terms of credits. Oh Great... So, that means 6 credits taken up by the 2 required classes I have to finish up my major.. Then I gotta take 10 more, just pissing the credits away.. What the fuck is that? There is no point... I have all my geneds done, why must I take more credits for no reason.. Fuck that.

That's my shit.

Post by:wilson


In category:Misc

Mickeys Fine Malt Liquor is Truly the Champagne of malt liquors.

And that, My friend, You can take to the bank.

See, When you've got Mickeys.. That extra hour we had today was was just an excuse to drain another two ice cold 40s.. Cheer up, Caniprokis, and get yourself some Mickeys - You'll be glad that you did.

Who the fuck is in your bed? Is it one of your dogs? I was just kidding about that, you know.

Post by:wilson

Eat my fucking ass.

In category:News

I've never posted a news post before, and I wanted to. Here's some fucking news for you all, my alarm clock sucks shit.

About 2 years ago, I think (maybe Pappy can correct me, for some reason he will know the exact date) Pappy and I needed alarm clocks. So, we went to this shitty as dead mall in Hadley, or whatever... It's about 3 minutes away from UMass. All I wanted was a cheap, working, alarm clock. So, we come to this real piece of crap store named Rex... it's one of those stores with HIGH PRESSURE SALESPEOPLE, thank god I'm only there for an alarm clock. The thing cost $4.66 before tax, or something, so it was what I was looking for.

I've fucking hated the thing since the day I bought it. The only good thing about it is that it picks up radio stations from Hartford that I sometimes want to listen to. For some reason, the genuises at GE decided to design this alarm clock with not only a snooze button, which lets you snooze for 9 minutes (why not 10?) but a DELICIOUS "sleep" button. Heres what the sleep button does - it lets you sleep for an HOUR. What kind of motherfucker sets their alarm knowing that they will have an HOUR of sleeping time they will want to snooze through? Just fucking set the alarm for when you want to get up, or stop being such a lazy bitch and get up and re-set the alarm if you need a fucking hour more of rest.

So, anyway, the buttons on the fucking thing are identicle, and in a hazy, usually substance induced coma of a sleep, you just reach out and press one of the buttons.. Usually I'm good enough to hit the right button, which lets me sleep for 9 more minutes. I took a fucking knife to the SLEEP button, so that it's all sharp and shit, so that I wont press it, if you're wondering how I am lucky enough to hit the snooze button every time.

Well, now the alarm clock has given me its final dick fucking.. the snooze button now lets me snooze for an UNDETERMINED amount of time.. that's right, you hit it, and the fucking thing never goes off again. I'm thinking thats how it was designed, to make the alarm clock go off after a random number of seconds, and that I was just lucky for a while that those seconds happened to be 9 minutes worth.. Those GE faggots sure can design a mean piece of electronics.

So, with any luck, I will get to k-mart or walmart or some fucking mart that isnt REX and I will purchase another alarm clock.. Probably another piece of shit, but definetly not this one, and all will be well again.. I have to be in at 8:30 at my new job, which sucks enough ass on its own without having to worry about the alarm clock not going off.

FlyingTim - To quickly answer your question, I lost my sense of humor somewhere around MMMBop. And we cool, but aint nobody gonna fuck wit my bitches.

Oh, and I'm as guilty as english major bashing as the rest of you, but I think that some of them actually do work, and shit.. I don't know, FlyingTim is busy with papers and reading and shit, and I don't see him playing frisbee. I know my lit class sucks the soul out of me.. and I fucking hate every second of it. But, I do see alot of english major motherfuckers doing nothing all day.. The same goes for art history majors.. I listen to these annoying little fucks bitch about their projects and papers all the time... They make me want to KILL KILL KILL.

I missed my first class due to that fucking alarm clock, I should go before I miss my second.

Heres your second piece of news, you news hungry fags - This weekend is daylight saving time... During that hour that we get to repeat, go fuck the dog or something.. You can just claim to your drunk friends that it never happened, since you wouldnt have had enough time to do it otherwise. Work the dog over real well, I'm sure he could use it, especially after all the times you come home from work or home from a date and kick the shit out of it.


Post by:wilson


In category:Insult

FlyingTim - Go fuck yourself.

We're all sniviling little bitches, we all whine, bitch, and moan.. Eat a dick for singling someone out for something all of us are guilty of.

I guess that's all I've got to say. I had a good time in DC. I never knew that there was so much ass sniffing in rugby.

Im fucking sick of that girl Calliander keeps posting. She gets increasingly unattractive every time she takes off more clothes.

QED, I win.

Post by:wilson

What I also dont get

In category:Misc

I also don't get guys who ask you for a sip of your soda before you really know them.

Which one of you guys is like that?

Post by:wilson
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