
15 rants(0.62% of Insult)

i'm 500% smarter than you and everyone else on this site, even if the one old dude is the only person who still posts. seriously. read their old posts. holy fuck.

in case it isn't clear, i'm a fascist. just because i want "liberal" stuff doesn't mean i don't want it forced on you. because i do. you're an idiot and don't know what's good for you, and if i had my way i'd make you do what's right under penalty of death. no cap.

  • Age: 33
  • Gender: i'm a lady
  • Sexual preference: gay as hell
  • Marital status: what do you think?
  • Size of genitalia:
  • Location: somewhere in minnesota
  • Drug of choice: anti-psychotic meds

stimulus checks

In category:Comedy

i hope someone assassinates mitch mcconnell.

Post by:vastii

civil society

In category:Politics

regardless who wins america’s election, it’s pretty clear there is a large portion of its population that doesn’t want to be part of a responsible society any more. so, if you’re progressive/liberal, it’s time to hang up the mantle of being civil with those people. no need to be polite, respect their personal space, or provide them with things. honestly, there isn’t even a reason to prevent yourself from harming them.

Post by:vastii

hey joe

In category:Politics

if you really love this country, you’ll sneak a gun onto the debate stage and take that fucker out

Post by:vastii

oh i almost forgot!

In category:Life

ah, 9/11.

the day we remember an act of external terrorism, committed on u.s. soil. not only did it take around 3,000 lives then, it’s still taking lives today in the form of long-term effects. aside from that, it birthed waves of islamophobia and conspiracy theories (which, of course, are a form of anti-semitism). fucked the united states up. at the time, it seemed like things “got back to normal” but that’s debatable.

and yet, remembering the horrible loss of life caused by that act of external terrorism amid internal terrorism that the u.s. government both sanctions and participates in? seems a little callous. especially when that internal terrorism is so multi-faceted: a non-response to a global pandemic, resulting in an uncountable number of unnecessarily lost lives; a refusal to get even the slightest grip on the outsize violence committed by american police departments and then turning those same, unhinged thugs on the people protesting their acts; a tacit collaboration with cowardly losers calling themselve patriots as they spray bear mace at protestors and shoot them in defense of property.

i lost a loved one when the north tower collapsed, so i’m very wary of anyone trying to compare casualties. one death makes an event awful, whether you brand that death unnecessary or otherwise. so the first person to die in 9/11 made it awful. the first person to die from covid-19 made that awful. while it is by no means the starting point of police violence against black people, breonna taylor’s death makes it awful. the first person to die in the protests.

if you know your history, there’s a point (possibly in the 80’s or early 90’s) where we could have prevented the 9/11 attack. but trying to assign that blame is tricky, even with all we know about the mujahideen fight against the soviets and its aftermath. and 9/11 sparked all kinds of problems that can be laid at the feet of george w. bush for sure.

but the current u.s. president, on the other hand, is directly responsible for all the things i used as comparison. donald trump has, either through his own person or through orders carried about by his administration, intentionally infected millions of americans with a serious virus for no real reason. he’s indicated no concern for the actions of law enforcement officers who kill american citizens, nor for their outlandish budgets or lack of de-escalation skills. and then he turned around and sent unbadged assholes into some cities to incite conflict and make it seem like the protests were riots.

i distinctly remember his calls into tv shows, spreading misinformation and gloating about the size of his building. so, even though next year will mark 20 years, this feels like as good a year as any to make the following known: i wish donald trump had died in the 9/11 attacks. as that didn’t happen, i hope he contracts the covid-19 virus and dies, painfully and slowly while intubated. if not that, then maybe the american people somehow prevail over his blatant efforts to rig the upcoming election and some secret service agents shoot him an obscene number of times when he refuses to leave office. failing either of those outcomes, i hope ivanka overcomes the trauma he inflicted on her in her preteen and early teenage years, sprays him with some mace, and chokes him out like jabba the hutt.

Post by:vastii

why celebrate july 4th

In category:Life

why would anyone celebrate july 4th in the united states? the country’s a cesspool, there’s nothing to celebrate.

Post by:vastii

insane clown posse

In category:Music

why can’t we just put the insane clown posse in charge?

Post by:vastii

coronavirus isolation protests

In category:Life

these isolation protesters don’t want to be members of society any more. when are we going to acknowledge that? they want to block a hospital? blow up their vehicles.

Post by:vastii

happy easter

In category:Life

i don't care about your dumb holiday or your invisible space friend

Post by:vastii

are republicans racist?

In category:Politics

adam serwer has an epiphany

first of all, yes, republicans are racist.

It wasn’t government spending the Tea Party opposed, it was government spending on “losers,” imposed by the party that the “losers” had brought to power.

here’s the thing, though. this isn’t news to anyone. so adam serwer just kind of dances around calling republicans racist when they prove it every single day. adam’s “losers” are people of color, disabled people, queers, and other marginalized groups. that’s nuance. and people pick up on that.

but here’s the other thing. conservative people in hard-hit areas will protest that they aren’t racist, and bristle at the accusation when they’re just trying to stay afloat. and they aren’t all wrong. saying “republicans are racist” is a straw man. those people who buy into the arguments made by news anchors and conservative politicians don’t necessary pick up on that nuance. that stuff liberals like to label as a dogwhistle? not everyone recognizes that, even people who recognize what “losers” in adam’s article means.

the problem is the politicians who do understand all that nuance yet continue to espouse those views. those are the racists. the homophobes. the ones who want to oppress women. lindsey graham, mitch mcconnell, and yes, the president. (among many, many others.)

that doesn’t mean avoiding confrontation when someone is repeating dogwhistle points, whether they pick up on the nuance or not. but it does mean certain targets are more worthy of having time devoted to tearing them down. bullies like graham et al respond to two things: being ignored or a stronger bully. they are too high-profile to ignore, of course.

being a stronger bully than powerful politicians means utilizing extreme tactics. press should not be so polite to the president. (and constituents should never cease harassing their corrupt elected officials.) part of that is not holding back on calling the president and the rest of these republican representatives out for the racists/ableds/bigots they are. so adam serwer, just say what you mean.

Post by:vastii

this idiot

In category:Politics

this idiot over here

fact checking is only so helpful these days. trump is a bully and doesn’t deserve the common decency given to him by anyone.

ideally, news stations would cease airing him live. reporters in the press pool could then just start shouting out his inaccuracies and dumb statements, refusing to quiet, until he leaves the stage.

oh one other thing...

some of the deaths from this virus were inevitable, but trump is responsible for the rest. we can only hope that the various strikes work, the stock market is destroyed, and he is deposed in a revolution. if so, anyone who lost a family member to the virus should be able to line up and punch him as hard as they’d like – in the gut, the face, whatever – and we prevent him from losing consciousness.

it’s what an immature bully like him deserves.

Post by:vastii

welcome to the end

In category:People

yo im vastii. i will post opinions about stuff in the news, entertainment, etc. kind of like a blog, but just sometimes really short posts.

Post by:vastii
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