
17 rants(0.7% of Insult)

Look at me? NO, don't...!


  • Age: 22
  • Gender: Female
  • Sexual preference: Heterosexual
  • Marital status: I have a bitch
  • Size of genitalia: I'm a horse!
  • Location: Long Bizzeach, CA
  • Drug of choice: Crank

The Half Have Spoken

In category:Politics

After watching Election 2004 through the night hoping for an Ohioan lead forSenator Kerryand waking up this morning to find out that Kerry conceded Ohio, it was a mixture of anger and relief. Relief that we wouldn't have to wait an agonizing 10 or so days to find out the results of the Presidency, and anger that Kerry couldn't wait until the absentee ballots (if not the provisional ballots) were counted. I believe that the absentee ballots are valid and should count toward the total (for either candidate) because the ballotsare from real voters who are to be out-of-state for the election (Military, students, etc.) and if it tips or doesnt tip the balance, then so be it. I don't know for a fact if Ohio is going to continue to count the absentees/provisionals after Kerry conceded the state, but I hope they will.

As for my title, it is addressed to Calliander and to all the people who are the Half who fought against Bush and feel complete defeat now that it has been projected that Bush is our Presidentagain. I want to point out that Bush did not win by a landslide, and that half the nation (which is not a insignificant number, by any means) does not want Bush in office. In one of the many election articles I read, a lot of voters that were not inclined for Kerry voted for him mainly because they did not want another 4 years of the Bush administration. And even though every vote was fought for by both parties, in the states that didnt already have a bias towards one candidate or another, the percentages usually read about half for either Bush or Kerry, coming to that final glaring total of 51% Bush to 48% Kerry. That 51% for Bush (because of Ohio leverage) to Kerrys 48% means that the country is seriously divided in both action and thought, and as a whole, the nation does not support what Bush has already done or said he will try to do. I feel optimism that if Bush tries anything drastic, whether it be sending more troops to Iraq, banning abortion, or most disturbingly, trying to get emergency powers bestowed upon him in the name of the war, that there will be real opposition. I dont think that the American people will just stand idly by and let Bush lead us by the nose. I believe that if it comes down to it, as was shown by the record numbers of voters this Election Day, that this is a generation that will act.

The Half Have Spoken.


Post by:Sapphire


In category:People

HAPPY (insert number here ) BIRTHDAY to Calliander!!! It was about 4 days ago, and we celebrated in style as only poor couples can. You can't believe what a determined person can do with a bunch of paper clips, a bottle cap and some spit. We wrangled all of that into ice cream, Soul Calibur II and some socks....I'd like to see someone else do THAT!

Anywayz,'re such an old fogey now ;)! I dunno...if you continue to keep up that old man creak and the continuous incontinence, I might just have to trade you in for one of those shiny new models... You know, the red one. Hahaha, Happy Birthday you (and to your off-the-wall Grandmama)!

Post by:Sapphire


In category:Entertainment

Boobies don't have brains....?!!

*And on a side note - Johnny Cash ISN'T dead. He's with Elvis somewhere fucking Ritter up his pooper.* Oops, did I say too much??

"Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean that they're not out to get ... [continued]

Post by:Sapphire

May I present Le Gran SUV? The Kenworth Pilgrimage!

In category:Leisure

Missing image:
Property of

This post is in honor of Stone gettin' a new ride. But also because my lil sis found something interesting...astounding...and beautiful. She found this site.

THE ULTIMATE POSEUR SPORT UTILITY PAGE!! "As Seen On NBC Nightly News with Tom Brokaw." This is for those of you who actually like SUVs (also known as, Screwed Up Vehicle s, on the site) and for those of you who don't.

This page is a great laugh, and I think very well done. The pictures are so "breathtaking," I almost WANT one of those (oh beautious Kenworth) to roll over me. But I know alot of you will especially like Why Driving an SUV is Rude to other Drivers... Number one on the list, sometimes you just feel that way. And...*drum roll* I know Calliander'll love this...(see Poseur Sightings)The lovely Expedition with... hydraulics!! Like the man said, if the kids don't want to get out of the vehicle when they get to school, flip a few switches and dump'em out! Haha, Enjoy!

"I believe in an open mind, but not so open that your brains fall out."
~Arthur Hays Sulzberger

Post by:Sapphire

Sapphire Doesn't Like Subjects

In category:Misc

Hey know what? This site is called Insult, and you have things to get off your chest. If this site is supposed to be the place where you can say anything...and "SOMEHOW G*d forbid" insult someone, then by all means lay it out. It's not good to keep things inside and let them fester. Believe me, I let the people know. Lol, Calliander gets the long and short end of the stick all the time. Not to mention, if people don't know if they been doin' ya wrong then they can't change the afflicted situation(s).

BTW, about showing us up "unexpected?" If we were unexpected, we're sorry for any inconvenience. You guys helped smooth out alot of the bumps we could have had, transporting us here and there, showing us around that first week we were here. And the big thing...saving us a tremendous amount of money and hassle (Hotels am big money) by letting us stay at your apartment. What you guys have done for us while we were out here was greatly appreciated. And Pappy, if after that you're still mad about it: Sistah, Say so.

Oh yes, and *Thank you, Deh-mehvlin! For also traveling through the wilds of the California freeways back and forth to help us IKEA-it, and move in.

Peace out, y'all.

What Pappy says: "Why y'all always tryin' to keep a brotha down!?" :)

Post by:Sapphire

One last thing...

In category:Misc

I found this picture and I "needed" to put it up if only to alert others that there are cats the size of bears out there 0_0.

Calliander...this cat...could EAT both of our cats, scratch its tummy, burp and go in search of more cats.....shudder

I tell ya...them bovine growth hormones, they aren't only affecting humans...haha.

Post by:Sapphire

Wild Child

In category:Misc

Heh heh heh, I would like to announce....that:

Missing image:

How about that?

And for the war...

"We are not retreating - we are advancing in another Direction."
- General Douglas MacArthur (1880-1964)

Post by:Sapphire

Happier Times

In category:Misc

Ah, the shenanigans those two use to be up to....


"There are two types of people - those who come into a room and say,
"Well, here I am," and those who come into a room and say, "Ah, there
you are."
~Frederick Collins

Post by:Sapphire

"The Critic"

In category:Music

Treading's not a bad name, though they sound like they're going to complain alot. Haha, anywayz...I like the guitarist, he plays some good riffs. The drummer and the singer are kind of mediocre, maybe that's why the guitarist seems to dominate the song.  Overall, they don't sound like they're blending together. You're listening to the guitar, you're listening to the singer, then you're listening/feeling around for the drummer; they all sound like they're competing for your ear and the guitarist is winning. It's not giving you the washover of music, which leaves that state of WOW, that was a great song. But hey...what song in this modern/pop stage of music leaves you that way anymore??? :( Maybe if you did join, Caniprokis, you could liven it up and ROCK OUT! Good luck (maybe the drummer'll die of being ignored...)

"It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment
rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and
happened to things."
~Elinor Smith

Post by:Sapphire

R&DD Rule!

In category:Entertainment

From theesteemable personwhointroduced you to the mental and visual delights of X, written and lovingly drawn by genius X X; I bring you something that "equals", nay...may even be betterthan...(I know, you say how and even WHY!?) I shall show you...

I bring you RADISKULL AND DEVILDOLL....Be prepared, and welcome to almost euphoric heights of aural and visual pleasure:

And if enough people like it, which I don't doubt...maybe we can do something about Joe Sparks finishing up the series. Enjoy!

* A note from This post has been edited to remove references to a comic strip which, at the time, was boring and inconsequential. The creator of the strip has since turned into a horrible human being and uses the strip to spew hatred that even we won't be associated with.

Post by:Sapphire

Happy V-Day

In category:Life

This is from my most favorite comic strip (and in my opinion, shall I say...THE BEST comicin the world.) Classics schmassics, amend former statement, Snoopy andGarfield are kickass still.And the crazy mind-farts of the Far Side and dry wit of Dilbertcan never be replaced... (Note to Calliander: This does include Calvin and Hobbes for obvious reasons.)

Ahhh...but the glory of X and the amazing genius of X X says it all about today. [Chocolate, hugsand death...]


Enjoy it, you bastards! Haha, Happy Valentines Day....

Also something to chew on...

"Wars teach us not to love our enemies, but to hate our allies."
~W. L. George


"There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness."
~Friedrich Nietzsche

"Whoop there it is" ~By whoever

* A note from This post has been edited to remove references to a comic strip which, at the time, was boring and inconsequential. The creator of the strip has since turned into a horrible human being and uses the strip to spew hatred that even we won't be associated with.

Post by:Sapphire


In category:Gaming

It's too bad I never played in the campaigns of which you are all referring to :(. It's cool though that y'all are taking up the mantle of the Ninja Mastar. It seems to me...White Shadow, that you're deader than I am at the moment. Check yo'self,

"You seek Death like you seek Air, when you come up against the Legions of the Phoenix. Fire will consume your spirit, Earth is where you'll lie, the Wind will whip your ashes, to ends of the world, into the deep of Water you die."

~The Silver Shadow

"There's nothing like a katana to the head, to give you a perspective on life." heh heh heh...

~E. J. W.

Post by:Sapphire

- The Silver Shadow is in session -

In category:Gaming

Three silver knives glint like winking stars, as they slice silently through the night air, as if guided by the hand of Fate; separating todrive homeinto the throats of the unsuspecting enemy, *THWUNK* *THWUNK* *THWUNK**three bodies slump to the floor simultaneously, as if a giant hand had swatted them to the dirt from whence they came*

Nothing less than perfect for the Quantum Assassin.


-You won't know when.... You won't know how.... You won't know anything ever again, when the Quantum Ninja come for you.-

(Whoever I dispatch are free to retaliate, it's all in fun.)

Let the ninja war commence...

You too can have ninjas for your very own!!! Go to (this site has problems with Hotmail, so don't stress the Bill Gates mess, aight?)

"Go ninja, Go ninja Go." ~Return of the the Iceman (Vanilla Ice, that is.)

Post by:Sapphire


In category:News

"Whose penis is that?" Is that a question you really want answered, Levres? About Kevin's girls, I don't think they're all that attractive, they just happen to have their clothes off, and a palette of makeup on. And no, I'm not a girl-hater, as some close-minded people would immediately like to label me as. I appreciate other girls, especially if they're beautiful in the natural sense. I'm the girl who turns to whoever she's with and says (be it watching TV or in public),"I think she's pretty," or, "Wow she looks great in "whatever whatever."" Not to say that I've never viewed or previously appreciated porn. I'd be lying if I said I hadn't. Kevin, I know you're advertising your product and you believe these girls are hot (as many other guys might also think) and want to share them w/ us, especially of Ciera with a guy's dick in her mouth. But there was a reason I turned the autoposter off. I didn't want to catch a tit or a clit in the eye, or cock even, when I sign on to see what everyone's currently posted or just to post.

Anyway, "because the President appeared increasingly close to making a final decision about taking military action", to quote from the NYT: "The administration has suggested that it will put off a decision at least until Feb. 14, when United Nations weapons inspectors are to submit their next report to the Security Council, but not much beyond that." So...Valentines Day can NOW "also" be remembered for being the day that we announced WWIII, AND the Valentines Day Massacre? Great...*And do they really believe that Saddam, even if he "voluntarily" goes into exile...won't make anymore trouble, because he was yelled at by the big ol' U.S. of A. and sent to sit with his face in the corner, like a bad little boy?* Bullshit, I agree w/ Caniprokis...and further say, the millisecond we get him in our sights: "Shoot tha bastid and shoot'em good."

"It ain't easy being green." ~Kermit the Frog

Post by:Sapphire

Keepin' Up The Good Work....

In category:Misc

HahahaHA!  Is it me, or was that Pappy's way of saying, "EAT this..." but nicely? *grins* I was just busting your balls about the p-o-r-n.  I've never enabled the autoposter (have seen the stuff), I was just disturbed by the popping up of Kevo's pic.  No more comments about it, it's dead and done with.

To chat a lil's this weather we've been having?

HAVE you noticed how fucking cold it's been!? Wind whipping the chill factor up, well...Down by 10-20 degrees.  Last night/this morning in the dead of 2 A.M., it was approximately....5 degrees. Check it, FIVE WHOLE FUCKIN' DEGREES.  If I had balls, they'd have fallen off and I'd be using them to play pool.  Hmm, that's not a bad idea.  I need 16 balls (cue included)...8 guys to comply.  Heh heh, they never notice their jewels were gone...frozen stiff and huddling as we already are.

This was just a quick rant before bed kicked in, and now it's kickin'...with steel horseshoes.  So hasta luego, suckas...! ;)

"Don't steal. The government hates competition."

Post by:Sapphire

Too much Crank...

In category:Misc

Caniprokis, whaddya mean you can't see the porn..? It's everywhere...oh wait...*coughs* let me take my Porn-goggles off 0_0 . Nope, it's still there thanks to Pappy's autoposter. Sorry 'bout your jobless situation man, I sympathize with you. $$$ makes the world go round..and like you said..."Fight that good fight."

What up to your little friend David, Kevin. What the hell is he ON and I hope he's not sharing. None of the things he believes should happen are ever going to happen, not in America anyway. Maybe he should go to some little remote island and set up his fanatical government...of One. That's the only way he's going to get what he wants...and then three hours after his government is established, he chews all of his limbs off in a manic frenzy.

LioConvoy, the computer is your friend. How would it not let you see things contained within its beautiful, glassy and smoothly plastic exterior? Wait a minute...didn't we tell you that doing that one favorite activity too much would make you go blind?? ;)


"Rusty Moose and Chicken Juice"

Post by:Sapphire


In category:Misc

SWEET Holy balls of Christ! The PORN, oh...the PORN. It it burns.  My eyes they want you say...shrink back into the sockets of the skull, of the cranium.  Crawl back into their little homes in my domus maximus, and close up shop.  Haha, anywayz...I just wanted to post to say, I am now in business. The Insult bizness.  Also, now that everyone is back @ school or back in City of Angels, I want to say: Have fun, hardly work and play safe till next we can all meet again.

Oh more thing.  The following warning has been sponsored by...The septagenarians that have been overcharged by LioConvoy:  "To all the they hairy-eared, brittle-boned, or feeble of hearing. We are All equal in the fact that we are...HIGHLY disturbed and EXCEEDINGLY appalled, that our breasts of fried chicken are no longer safe!  NO LONGER do these fried breasts melt sweetly in our mouths, even after minutes of other people chewing them and regurgitating them for our pleasure. BECAUSE...because We as Old people can be taken advantage of.  We can be...*dramatic pause* Overcharged!!! The outrage...FOUR dollars and ninety cents to be exact.  You know back in my day, what we could do with..."  *a LioConvoy berserker yell sounds from somewhere* *Muffled sounds of old people stuffed into burlap sacks and beaten*  "Sorry for the disturbance, we now continue with our scheduled program, Matlock Goes to Manhattan."

Haha..."It Begins..."

Post by:Sapphire
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