
20 rants(0.83% of Insult)

    from cali with love

    In category:People

    well a friend forwarded this pic to me and i thought id share it with this fine crowd at
    I found it somehow appropriate

    Preach out

    Post by:Preacherman

    bring dvds, please

    In category:News

    if you forget i will make fun of your age and short-term memory

    this is for the two people who have yet to bring a single requested (by YT) dvd since... well since creation i guess

    Post by:Preacherman

    better living through chemicals

    In category:Drugs

    Ok so grades from last semester isn't exactly hot news, lets just say that mine improved to a level im definitly satisfied with and that it should have happened way earlier in my college career. Not only is my gpa good, but i had a decently challenging semester, three cmpsci classes and an easy math.

    So now that ive had some rest its time to look for some answers. How was I able to pull manage this without drastically changing lifestyles or study habits?

    I have come to one conclusive answer. Pot.
    Ive derived this answer by eliminating the non-factors. Its not like my study habits have changed (pappy can attest to this) its not like i played any less counterstrike (pappy can attest to this) and its not like ive started using hydroponic mind-expanding drugs in a recreational setting. Oh wait, maybe except for that last part. A little history, back in highschool (good ol Amherst regional high) I smoked like very little, and it did nothing, i didn't even get high once.

    So to make things short here is my train of thought so far

    bad pot -> lousy high school experience
    good pot -> better grades
    good pot on a regular basis -> better grades for a semester
    good pot addiction -> ?

    preach out

    Post by:Preacherman

    Compunction of a l33t hax0r

    In category:Technology
    Missing image: /pics/handcuff_arrest.jpg

    After reading Stone's very good and very entertaining (that was the first time ive laughed so hard reading a game review since PCXL, RIP) review of Samba De Amigo, i started to realize that as a gamer, I haven't truly appreciated a game for a very long time.

    Let me explain.

    Ever since I found out about the warez/ISO scene around the dreamcast, life hasn't been the same. I mean you name the game, I have it. Shenmu, Metropolis Street Racer, Jet Grind Radio. And all of these games are truely unique and top quality gaming products. But here is the problem: I never got to play them. Once you stop buying the product and start. . .well stealing it, your value system is totally fucked. You start treating games as commodities, not to be used as their origional intention (played/enjoyed) but used as trade goods. When I got Jet Grind Radio, I didn't think about the awesome game play and graphics (okay, I did, but just for the 2-3 hours it took me to play test the game ), instead I was thinking what great trades I could be making on this game.
    This is a seriously fucked up situation. This should not be happening. On some levels I wanna call up the software piracy association and report myself. I mean if this was their true intent, Id be their first enforcer, call me shorty. But then I begin to think. . .What about all the other software I've stolen? Countless PC games (It should be noted that the one major game I bought: HL, is still played to this day. . .hmmm), tons of random shareware products, and of course, a fortune worth of graphics/web editing software that I supposedly use. This dissasociation of value and intent is really distrubing, especially since it means I havn't really had fun with a game/software for a long time. Have I, at the same time lost a degree of proficiency and understanding with programs like Adobe Photoshop or Macromedia Director? Both of which I am supposedly proficient in and teach others how to use.

    I've been blind to the pure intent of software for a long time. But Im also wondering: Is this a natural and obvious course for a person involved in warez? Isn't there a middle road somewhere not taken where this doesn't come about?

    So what road do I plan on taking? Well being the hypocrite that I am, None. At least for a while. Warez is too much fun, warez is life.

    That being said, i gonna make myself go out this winter vacation and buy a peice of software (be it a game or a real copy of dreamweaver) and really play/use it.

    to be continued. . .

    Post by:Preacherman


    In category:Work

    Just wanted to see if the stats thing works
    here are my stats prior to this post:
    Preacherman 20 6.35% Nov 24 2000 - 11:38am View Last Post

    cross your fingers.

    In other news, it looks like Im down to the wire in the job search thing.

    Some stats
    total number of companies: 12 (had face time with even if it was only 5 min at a career fair)
    total number of rejections: 2 ( Microsoft )
    total number of offers: 1 ( IBM )
    on the other hand, i have gotten down to the wire with two of the big five, the andersons.
    Im pretty sure no one else on this here board cares. . . Is anyone else on this board even >21?
    Well anyways, preach out.

    Post by:Preacherman

    "You bought all this beer, but I've got none here"

    In category:Drunk

    well folks its another return of the living partiers, im not inebriated (hell i even drove), im don't have a slut on my lap and its not even past midnight


    all i can say is that someone didn't provide any bitches for this fine evening

    also you may be wondering why that quote is the topic, well, that happens to be pappy freestylin it live after we came back. All i can say is that this line will go down in infamy as the day pappy starts mackin it large, lookout. enimem, (hes just another white boy wannabe anyways) lookout hiphop
    theres a new white boy in town,
    his name is pappy

    preach out

    Post by:Preacherman

    average day in brett 321

    In category:Education
    Missing image: /pics/20000405h.jpg%0D%0A
    This is what usually happens (or what i wish happened) whenever im around my roommate for more than 30 min. Somehow he always manages this.
    Post by:Preacherman


    In category:Drunk

    iam going to be laughing like a mad person a lot in this rant and for the sake of my tendons i will subsitute what will constitue lots of maddeing laughter with: hehe


    i just paid parking services 505 american dollars


    they told me that purple == orange


    they told me that the only spot worth buying is now about a weeks salary for me


    i actually paid!!

    please visit and support our cuase by remembering the number 418 for next semester (my spot in the bat cave)

    Post by:Preacherman

    a little funny for your unfunny day

    In category:Comedy

    There was this businessman who was getting ready to go on a long business trip. He knew his wife was a flirtatious sort, so he thought he'd try to get her something to keep her occupied while he was gone, because he didn't much like the idea of her screwing someone else. So he went to a store that sold sex toys and started looking around. He thought about a life-sized sex doll, but that was too close to another man for him. He was browsing trough the dildos, looking for something special to please his wife, and started talking to the old man behind the counter. He explained his situation. The Old man said,

    "Well, I don't really know of anything that will do the trick. We have vibrating dildos, special attachments, and such, but I don't know of anything that will keep her occupied for weeks, except - - " and he stopped.

    "Except what?" the man asked.

    "Nothing, nothing."

    "Cmon, tell me! I need something!"

    "Well, sir, I don't usually mention this, but there is the voodoo dick."

    "So what's up with this voodoo dick?" he asked. The old man reached under the counter, and pulled out an old wooden box, carved with strange symbols. He opened it, and there lay a very ordinary-looking dildo. The businessman laughed, and said "Big fucking deal. It looks like every other dildo in this shop!" The old man replied,

    "But you haven't seen what it'll do yet." He pointed to a door and said "Voodoo dick, the door". The voodoo dick rose out of its box, darted over to the door, and started screwing the keyhole. The whole door shook with the vibrations, and a crack developed down the middle. Before the door could split, the old man said. "Voodoo dick, get in your box!" The voodoo dick stopped, floated back to the box and lay there, quiescent once more.

    "Ill take it!" said the businessman. The old man resisted, saying it wasn't for sale, but he finally surrendered to $700 in cash.

    The guy took it home to his wife, told her it was a special dildo and that to use it, all she had to do was say, "Voodoo dick, my pussy." He left for his trip satisfied that things would be fine while he was gone. After heed been gone a few days, the wife was unbearably horny. She thought of several people who would willingly satisfy her , but then she remembered the voodoo dick. She got it out, and said, "Voodoo dick, my pussy!" The voodoo dick shot to her crotch and started pumping. It was great, like nothing she'd ever experienced before. After three orgasms, she decided she'd had enough, and tried to pull it out, But it was stuck in her, still thrusting. She tried and tried to get it out, but nothing worked. Her husband had forgot to tell her how to shut it off. So she decided to go to the hospital to see if they could help her. She put her clothes on, got in the car and started to drive to the hospital, quivering with every thrust of the dildo. On the way, another orgasm nearly made her swerve of the road, and she was pulled over by a policeman. He asked for her license, and then asked how much she'd had to drink. Gasping and twitching, she explained that she hadn't been drinking, but that a voodoo dick was stuck in her pussy, and wouldn't stop screwing. The officer looked at her for a second, and then said: "Yea, right. Voodoo dick, my ass!"

    Post by:Preacherman

    I know why the caged computer sings

    In category:Technology

    Computer Randomly Plays Classical Music

    The information in this article applies to:

    • Microsoft Windows 95
    • Microsoft Windows 98
    • Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition


    During normal operation or in Safe mode, your computer may play "Fur Elise" or "It's a Small, Small World" seemingly at random. This is an indication sent to the PC speaker from the computer's BIOS that the CPU fan is failing or has failed, or that the power supply voltages have drifted out of tolerance. This is a design feature of a detection circuit and system BIOSes developed by Award/Unicore from 1997 on.


    Although these symptoms may appear to be virus-like, they are the result of an electronic hardware monitoring component of the motherboard and BIOS. You may want to have your computer checked or serviced.

    Additional query words: beethoven

    Keywords : kbhw win95 win98 win98se
    Version : WINDOWS:; Win2000:95
    Platform : WINDOWS Win2000
    Issue type : kbinfo
    Technology :


    a small small world is classical music?

    Post by:Preacherman

    cool link

    In category:Art

    check out this link

    preach out

    Post by:Preacherman

    A special Happy B-day to Oldie!!!

    In category:People

    Went to Applebees to celebrate wilson0r's (aka Oldie) 20th birthday (which was yesterday). Wilson0r received the special clap(TM) treatment by the Staff and merry was had by all. Let it be noted that the Chicken Fried Chicken is a stupid name but is quite delicious and can be enjoyed by all.

    In honor of this special occasion I've consulted our special SM Oldie-Visual-Ager-Basic-Generator-Microsoft-Is-Screwed(R).

    Heres what it came up with:

    Missing image: /pics/old-bishop.jpg
    [oldie @ 21]
    Post by:Preacherman

    First Post!!

    In category:Insult

    First Post First Post.
    yeah biznatch, b0y im 3r33t

    . . .uhh wait this isn't slashdot

    okay I do have something though to say goto

    All the Muffin Stuff is great.

    Post by:Preacherman
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