
44 rants(1.82% of Insult)

I am tall with slightly graying dark hair, but not unlike a Latino Elvis. My Latino blood fills me with pride. My body appears in the porn autopost logo, but its hard,even for me to determine which one I am.

I was born here in Quito in 1943. I enjoy playing bridge, and studying the black art of necromancy. In 1974 I wrote the long-running musical "Cats." In 1980 Wayne Newton's rendition of Danke Shoen influenced me to invent crack cocaine. In 1982 renowned cosmologist Stephen Hawking constructed tiny robots to clean and maintain my body hair. Its really difficult to keep them properly fueled. They run on coal. I currently train baboons for the armed service. I like Sting's music but it makes me wet my pants every time I here it.

  • Age: 57
  • Gender: Male
  • Sexual preference: Heterosexual
  • Marital status: Married
  • Size of genitalia: Average
  • Location: Quito, Ecuador
  • Drug of choice: Robitussin


In category:Comedy

Holy shit, Conan (acting as America's new Oprah) has just recommended the movie "Troll 2". Recently he suggested "Leprechaun in the Hood" (parts 1 and 2) as well. I've seen them all, and I can attest to their quality.

Post by:Peps

I am the angry customer

In category:Work


I love a good story about someone who tries to make someone out to be in an idiot, but in the process only manages to show what a fucking moron he himself is. I'm surprised that anyone who calls the marketing department to ask about a country code even has the opposable digits necessary to operate a telephone.

Anyway, I've been an angry customer myself lately. Last Sunday morning my modem burned out. I called AT&T, they tell me it's dead and that I need a new one. I get a new modem and wireless router (separate units, unlike my last one, so if one shits the bed, I only have to replace one of the two). I get the wireless network up and a day later, I can't get on line again. I call AT&T, and they tell me that the modem is working, now it's the line. I've had similar problems on and off for months, by the way. They finally send a tech out to fix it-our wire was touching another wire and this was causing the problem. We're finally out of the woods, I hope, but the real pain in the ass in all of this was that my wife has finals for her on line classes this past week! What a coincidence that my modem shits out AND I have a line problem all at once at the worst possible time! If these were good coincidences I'm sure people would say that it was a miracle and say that god was looking out for me. I'd like to take the chance to tell god to fuck himself for this and many other slights.

Post by:Peps

Shit, I didn’t know insult was still going on.

In category:Life

Just like it says in the title: Shit, I didn't know insult was still going on. When the fuck did this happen? It will be great to rant here, I'm really full of rage. Who's using what nickname? I can't even tell anymore.

By the way, I'll be in CT for the holidays. Hope to see you guys. Come to think of it, maybe not since I'm not sure to whom the phrase "you guys" refers since I don't really know who is on the site. I'll just stop typing now.

Post by:Peps

Two thirds majority.

In category:Life

All of the recent complaints about the pathetic love lives of our group here have encouraged me to do some assesments of my close friends. I realized that about two thirds of my closest male freinds are single and can't get women. To measure this I counted the number of friends who go out least one date per month or have a steady girlfriend (labeled those who get women) vs. those who fall into neither of these categories (those who don't get women). Out of the sixteen people that I consider to be my closest male friends, five fall into the "getting women" category, while eleven fall into the "getting no women" category. That is pretty sad. So those of you that are pathetic, who can't get chicks, don't worry, you're not alone. There are a lot of losers out here.

Post by:Peps

Viente y dos anos!

In category:Misc

Yeah Lio, have a happy birthday, although it was yesterday. When are you coming back from PA, by the way?

Post by:Peps

What did I miss?

In category:Misc

Hey folks. I was jutst in Japan for five weeks. Its a great country. I wish I was still there. Insult has really been changed around. Damn. Is John Ritter really dead? Joe Henderson died, who was a really great jazz saxophonist. That sucked.

Post by:Peps

The Best Education Rant To Date

In category:Education

Man, finals suck. I have had four so far and a paper. I was up to about 5:30 am, went to sleep, got up around 10:30. Then I revised my paper, took my Greek examination, wrote another paper. Had Chinese food with my professor. One more exam tommorow. I have five frigging exams in total, and a paper. Too many classes. In two weeks I will be in Tokyo. That will be great. I'll be there and in Kyoto for about a month. Just have to go and write one more note card for one more examination. And I voted to not use the note cards in class. It would have been so much easier that way. Just learn the basic information that you need and regurgitate it onto the exam. I want to be done with the semester. Oh well. Hey, there isn't enough profanity in this post to justify the level three rating. I don't really feel like changing it. Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck. Sexual intercourse. Alright.

Post by:Peps

presbatero eu legomen

In category:Misc

Hey Pappy, I hope that you don't really think that we are all just making fun of you behind your back. You're not really an outcast. You are kind of a wacky guy, and we choose to highlight this part of your character, and poke fun at you sometimes, but you aren't an outcast or anything. We all tend to make fun of each other at times, that is why we have a website called Insult. For example somtimes I might shit all over the Gatekeeper in one of my posts. Hmm, that was a bad choice of words. You all know why, he he. But it is all in jest. When we call you the "C" word or the "O" word it isn't really serious. I hope you don't take it all too seriously, because you are Wilson's sugar daddy. He is company property to you. You may not command a great deal of respect, but we don't really mean any harm to you. But if you weren't such an old fuck, you'd understand that already anyway. I mean, good night.

Post by:Peps

Lio VS The Demon Prince of Suburbia

In category:Misc

Shit. I don't know about you guys but this has been kinda funny to me (Not the thing about Bleaker). I'm just glad to see that a Renessance woman such as the Girl Next store could all point us in the right direction. Clearly, enlightenment can be attained by drinking a combination of semen and beer. What a post, I mean it had the wit of a simian poet wrapping aimlessly at the keys of a typewriter. As for telling us not to whine on this site, that seems pretty dumb to me. I have always been an advocate of running the site in a way that no one will be restricted from posting anything, but if you don't like what some one has to say, then don't read it. Telling us not to whine on this site is like having a one-man klan rally in downtown Harlem. I think that your advice about not using computers is best left to yourself. GND=Ort

Anyway, on to matters of some importance. Lio, man, don't feel bad. Yeah, Bleaker is going to marry that guy, but you are right. He is a loser. If Bob Marley knew this guy, he would stage a drug intervention for him. He has a baby with her. Bleakers isn't known for the finest of decision making. Nor is the Demon Princess. They could have been with a future sucessful businessman who looks like D. Matthews, but they chose the filthy gangaphile , and the dark overlord of suburbia. It sucks. I know how you feel. I can't get chicks either, because the majority of them love assholes. Just think, women like some of them on this site, hmmmm, lets get one in mind, that appears to make really bad choices. Hmmmmm, Arcee? No. Levres? Hmm. No. Who's that other one, Twisted something or other. Eh, we'll leave her out of it. Well, just try to think of one who seems pretty dumb. Now, you like women, but would you go for that one? She seems like a damn idiot to you, doesn't she? You could spend your time chasing her, but what's the point? She and some other women are too dumb to realize that you are worth putting time into. They would rather be fratmatresses. So, while women are nice and all, there are some out there that are just not worth your attention. Some just make bad decisions. Now, not all women, but we have some primary examples here. Don't worry about it, man. Things don't work out as it seems they should. I know what a fan of schadenfreunde you are, so just sit back and let it role in from Bleaker and the Demon, and any others. GND says: ME AM LIKE COK!!

Post by:Peps

Lies, Damn Lies, and URLs.

In category:Misc

Goddamit, Calliander. That last post was almost as big of a lie as, "I have another site that came up in a popup window when I was looking at NORMAL porn several years back. Due to the hilarity of it, the URL stuck in my mind..."When does the deception end? The Gatekeeper does not find poop-oriented websites accientally.

Post by:Peps

Don't trust your professors, kids.

In category:Misc

Man. I almost lost a paper, nine pages in length, that is due on Tuesday. That would have really sucked. I have two ten pagers due that day. Man, fucking twenty credit semester.

Anyway, I got a paper back the other day from a (ugh) literature teacher who criticized an argument that I made in a history paper. I argued in one part that a large amount of Russian serfs, several hundered thousand or million in number were recruited into the Russian military over the time in which conscription was prevalent, and I made this argument in a way that left a lot of room for error since the evidence is not at all conclusive since the historians don't agree about the Russian population during that period. My professor didn't like the argument appearently because he first refuted it by stating that I didn't need all the information that I put into the argument. He then said that he felt that I "just didn't have enough information to do such a statistical analysis." And, to wrap it up, he stated that I should have just assumed the conclusion that I came to at the end of the argument anyway. So I'm sure you're thinking now the same thing that I was. "WHAT THE FUCK? HOW IS THIS GUY A PROFESSOR???" Let me just spell it out one more time. 1. I do not have enough information to make an argument in which I admit that there is not enough evidence to come to any definitive conclusion, but only a likely conclusion. 2. I don't need to put in argument all of the information that I concluded. 3. I shouldn't have made this argument in the first place, in which there is barely enough evidence to come to a definitive conclusion, and I should have just assumed the conclusions of this analysis anyway. Ergo, (using the Latin to sound haughty) I should next time assume something instead of cluttering up my paper with all sorts of evidence and other crap. And even if the evidence for belief is not definitely conclusive when argued, I should still abandon the examination of the conclusion, and just go ahead and believe it. So, when there is bearly enough evidence to believe something, it is tautalogical. This is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. I should and get some logic professors to go down there and kick his ass around. So stupid. I have spoken with others who have had trouble with this professor. I don't think that he has any principles that guide his judgement of papers. Its pretty fucked up to see that some people who can't really judge things that well go off and get doctoral degrees.

This isn't the first time that this has happened either. I think that this is one of the most blatent marks of stupidity that I have seen from one of my professors, though. I had a professor one time that wrote a book, a hagiography (book about a saint) of sorts. The saint saw a vision of Jesus' mother Mary. He argued that the vision of Mary was actually seen by him, and we know this because he was drowning at the time, and he called out for Christ to save him. He saw Mary, not Christ, therefore, he didn't imagine it. Now, my account of this may be somewhat characatured, but not by much.

Idunno. I'm just appauled by the shit I hear sometimes. I rely on these peole for grades, and ultimately, whether or not I get into graduate school. That is pretty fucked up. I have to argue with these people some times to show them that my points are valid. I mean, it would seem that they might not be if I have to argue with them, but I do win most of those arguments. Meh. Well, they're not all bad, but there really are a few shitty professors. Well, enough for now. Time for some hard core drugs and liquor. test

Post by:Peps

Ramblings for final paper writers.

In category:Misc

So there's an idea that was moderately popular about fifteen years ago, and it was a pretty mediocre idea to begin with, but they go and present it to the teeming millions today anyway. That is appearently what is happening with the release of the new Crocodile Dundee film. What the fuck is that? I had almost entirely erased the first two from my memory when they revive it. What the hell were they thinking? The script must have been written by the guy that designed the Ford Pinto. It just hit me that they actually made and released this film when I saw that crocodile guy on the Late Late show earlier. Its so wrong. Anyway, I am writing papers right now for the end of the semester. Maybe the stress involved with getting them done on time combined with the insanity of a third Crocodile Dundee film has made me snap. Idunno.

And another thing. I reeeeeeeaaaaaaaly dislike Dr. Laura. She is incredibly ignorant. She dogmatically dispences morality and ethics and talks about how people should do things for god and family and shit like that. But she never says WHY these things are good. There is no basis for her system of morals. She tries to hide behind the Bible or I guess the Torah in her case, but it really doensn't hold water. The Torah doesn't tell us that it is wrong to invite your ex-girlfreind or ex-boyfriend to your wedding ceremony. It is such bullshit. She must have her doctorate in Psycology and not philosophy or ethical studies. So annoying. I think I really begin to hate her show when I am up late at night reading Aristotle or Plato and her show comes on.

You know what? You know those wwjd bracelets? "What would Jesus do?" is what they stand for. I really want one that says "wwad." What would Aristotle do? He he. I think it would really be funny if I started quoting the Nichomachean Ehtics in conversations about morals. Sighting it in the same way as people sight scripture. It would be funny but the whole point of reading things like the Nichomachean Ethics is really not to believe in what it says dogmatically, anyway, but to accept it sceptically. I think it would still be funny, though. Well, if you've read this far, I'm glad to see that you have gotten through what most probably consider to be an incredibly boring post. Anyway, back to writing or some shit like that. Yeah, almost done with my commentary on Bloom's translation of Plato's Republic. METAAAAAAALLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by:Peps


In category:People

Wilson, Levres, don't worry. I have heard a lot about your concerns over Pappy not wanting to live with you two next year. Let me tell you a little something about him. You see he and I went to the good ol' Republic of South Africa for about three weeks this past summer. I had to share a room with him for that whole time, and I quickly learned that he is completely insane. I can't stand him one bit. After about two days I wanted him dead. The man constatntly goes on and on about Appletiser and Aero bars. We went hunting out in the North West territory. I wanted so badly to shoot him. God damn it. We had acess to guns 24/7 for much of the trip, and I could have done it at anytime. Shit. Well, if I had done it I likely would have ended up in a South African prison, that wouldn't have been that great. It still would have been better than that time when he got naked and lubed up with canola oil. Oh well. Thats just a bit of encouragement for you. Oh wait. Sorry Pappy.

But wait, we have Argentinian Christian groups monitering our site?! What the fuck is up with that? Jesus fucking Christo! (Thats Hezus for you Gringoes out there) Although I must say that I find it amusing that they believe that satan lives in people's butts and anal sex gives birth to him. HAH! That is hilarious. Granted, satan probably does live in Lioconvoy's ass, but that is such a silly concept. Wow, a lot of people have reacteed to this topic. That is fucking disterbing. To think, we get the most reaction from our audience, whoever the fuck they are, when talking about putting objects one's rectum. We have spoken about more traditional forms of sex on this site, you know, the whole penis and vagina thing. Does anyone react to that? Is this some sort of lost art? Doesn't anyone have something to say about that? Are we a world of people that just sit around cramming things in our asses? Damn. Has there even been an e-mail about foreskin? Has there? That is almost as useless a subject. Idunno.

People who read this site make me sick. What the fuck are you doing? Go CNN and read the news or something.

Post by:Peps

A Cellmate Named Bubba

In category:News

Yesterday the the court in Belgrade Yugoslavia upheld the conviction passed by the Milosevic regime that had been passed on fourteen dignitaries. Among this group are Gerhart Schroder Chancelor of Germany, French president Jacques Chirac, former British Prime Minister Robin Cook, current British Prime minister Tony Blair, and, of course former US president Bill "Bubba" Clinton. The dignitaries involved are being called war criminals for the NATO bombing campaign in 1999 in which about 500 civilians died. I can not think of any other time in which a foreign power has charged a US leader with war crimes. According to CNN, the conviction comes through a legal technicality, but it does mean that there may have been very legitimate grounds for this conviciton. This means that many of our current and some of our foreign world leaders in the West are war criminals in some sense. These dignitaries would only be arrested if they set foot on Yugoslav soil, and they could then be arrested by any police officer, at which point they would serve twenty years in prison. The Yugoslav government is hoping to overturn the decision. But just think, we could here:

"Ah did not have sexual relations with that cellmate."

Post by:Peps

Macgyver is not Milton.

In category:Television

Man, Caniprokis, I would NOT want to be Gatekeeper's hero. Beware. Nggggh.

Anyway, I am not at all trained in the discipline of psychology, which means according to my own opinions of many involved in that particular science, that I am perfectly qualified to dispense psycological analysis. That being said, I think that Calliander is right in many ways about everyone's love for old cartoon shows. I think it is very likely that you all enjoy these shows because you enjoyed them during your childhood, and they remind you of being a kid. I think things can be good in that they are enjoyable, but I think that we can all admit that Thundercats is not a great work of art. Sorry, folks but the history of Western Literature does not progress as follows:






I think you all know that you enjoy watching TV from back in the day, but come on. The writing was not brilliant on He-Man or Transformers. You probably just like them because they remind you of when you were a kid. This group certainly loves re-living their youth. Many of us here still spend time doing so, and some probably have not even grown that far away from it. Anyway, yeah, Thundercats does kinda suck, and I never liked Macgyver much, but I'm sure that they can be fun to watch anyway.

And what the fuck is it with those kids that light themselves on fire after watching that show "Jackass"? That is just stupidity. There is no need to censor shows like that, there is a need to have children be less stupid. Idunno. Maybe those kids should watch Scooby Doo or something.

Post by:Peps

Reflections on Calliander's last statement.

In category:Entertainment

Now Flying Tim, I'm sorry but I have to correct you here. There is NOTHING American about not using a gun. Mr. Winchester must be spinning around in his grave right now. I mean not using a gun, thats like a Japanese or a Swiss or French thing or something. I guess that is what happens in countries with lax restrictions on alchohol and pornography. Those monsters. God bless America. But anyway, McCarthy may have had it in for Calliander in the past, but you better watch it before Charlton Heston gets on your ass. He and Jesus might just hunt you down for sport or something.

Anyway, in response to Calliander's post about things not being as good as they used to be (I know that I risk sparking a huge debate on this subject) I must say that the Star Wars prequel sucked. I think it may have ruined my enjoyment of the Star Wars movies all together. I did enjoy the first three in the past, like any geek worth his or her salt, but now, I have lost a great deal of regard for the films as a whole. It was so bad. I could tolerate it at first, I never really thought that it was good, I thought that it was okay after first seeing it, and if there was some sort of justification for its mediocrety that came immediately after the first film, then that may have saved the story as a whole. Unfortunately, it has had time to fester and my perception of the first movie has become so bad that it has spread to my perception of the other films. Ugh. So bad. That clumsy, goofy, backwards-talking,(sorry Pappy), annoying anthropomorphic lizard. Ugh. What was Lucas thinking?! Idunno. But I think this is another case of something that we liked as kids not being so great now. Its so bad. Fuckie fuck fuck.

Post by:Peps

Prickisms: part one

In category:People

Now everyone spell with me, O-L-D.

Alright. Now for Beanisms part 738:

"Do you take Visa here? Oh great. I'll have the tuna melt, and a Coke. What? Oh it comes with coleslaw? Ugh, no thanks. Can I get a salad instead? Great, blue cheese."

Post by:Peps

Mcgyver: in memorium.

In category:Drugs

Alas, Mcgyver. I never knew him, however, I had heard the endless stories of countless hours spent by Pappy, Wilson, and Caniprokis spent in an orgy of pleasure with Mcgyver. I have heard the tales of how they would take turns pressing their lips to Mcgyver, sucking forth the bounty from his oraphace. Why there was hardly a time when the three of them were together that they would not make mention of the spastic breathing that marked the pleasures and euphoria of putting their mouths to Mcgyver. I'm sorry to hear that he has gone, since I know how much fun my friends had sucking at his shaft, while lighting his other end on fire.

Mcgyver will be missed. I hope you can find some confort in these words, my friends.

Post by:Peps


In category:News

People like Bush, and the administrators of the US military that allow spy planes to cruise the borders of China, knowing that they will be escorted by fighter jets, and knowing also that those jets are flown by pilots who tend to fly in an erratic manner, which may be dangerous to thier spy planes, yet order them to be there any way, are DUMB. These administrators act chidishly, they acted legally, but taunting China by flying just along the borders is still malicious. If the US really wanted to avoid a conflict, it could have done so when it first recognized the threat of having these fighter planes in such close proximity to our nation's spy planes. The US created the situation, so we can't whine about now. Our military was asking for this to happen.

Some of you on this site sound like conservative dumbasses talking about "whiny liberals" and such. Every one here seems to agree that the US is the most powerful nation in the world, yet you are concerned that the US will look weak if it apologizes. What a fucking crock. Its not looking strong that makes us strong, its being strong that makes us strong.

Now stop your pseudo-conservative bullshit. No one here is anti liberal, because I have seen you all smoke up while watching violent and or pornographic films and talking about how you much you love a women's right to have an abortion. You all LOVE abortion. A lot.

And if there was ever a draft I would be conscripted in a second (if I wasn't in Ecuador. So what if war is different now from what it was years ago. Many of you would shit yourselves if you had to kill someone anyway, and few people here have the discipline to deal with bootcamp.

But the news report that I just saw said that the situation has ended anyway. I guess the Chinese are done looking over the equiptment, so the troops are coming home, if the report is true. But any way, you all sound like a bunch of 75 year old men who fought in Korea or something. Its silly. Pappy is the only one here anywhere near 75. By the dog! I'm only in my fifties. You crazy gringos.

Post by:Peps


In category:News

Yeah, this incident with China is fucking ridiculous. Its a "crisis" now. What the fuck? The fact that this is a crisis is silly. If China wanted an apology, then why didn't we give it to them? Well there are some consequences that come along with this, such as indicating a level of fault in the incident, but the US is at fault in some degree. The Chinese pilot may have fucked up, but the US put itself in the situation by flying right up against the borders of China and putting the plane at risk. The US may have been in the legal right of being over international waters, but there was a hostile intention behind the presence there. The US did have some fault in this situation, it was not all the fault of the US, but there was some that certainly warrents an apology. I'm sure that if the airplanes of foreign powers flew up and down along our borders, then the US would not be particullarly happy about it. So, lets just get the situaion over with and admit some fault. It seems advantageous to do so if it will preserve relations. Maybe its too late now. Eh.

Post by:Peps
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