
13 rants(0.54% of Insult)


    In category:Life

    looks like pappy doesnt know how to talk to cops! ;) probably didnt help that the car was full of kids too. hehe.

    Post by:danz0r


    In category:Politics

    how did a religious fanatic like the one below get to a site called "insult.org"?

    Post by:danz0r


    In category:Politics

    As I sit here listening to "Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow", I can't help feeling sad that Bill Clinton's presidency is coming to end. This president is a man of incredible charm, talent, and ability. I can still remember watching his victory party on election night, 1992. I didnt like him much from the start, but as the years went on, that feeling wore off. They say that this man has a remarkable ability to win people over. He has succeeded with me.

    I can only wonder why it has happened so close to the end of his presidency. For the past eight years, I have followed politics very closely at times, and from a great distance at others but its been an interesting and exciting eight years nonethless. Never again will I be able to follow the life of an American president as I have with Clinton. He was elected president when I was 12 and will leave office when I am 20, thereby serving as president through my teenage years. I remember watching Air Force One take off from Westover Air Force Base and fly right over my house, en route to Maine to campaign for 1996 re-election. The plane was the only thing in the clear, dark sky and i watched it in awe until I could no longer see its lights on the northern horizon. At this impressionable period in life, I really didnt have to worry about the economy or any of the other big issues that really matter to working people. I was able to view the whole thing from a safe distance so to speak... I really wasnt directly affected enough by any of the issues to be polarized at one side or the other. So, when someone asks me in the future about Clinton's presidency, I wont be able to really describe my feelings towards this man in a tangible way as someone older than me might. They perhaps would say that their job was created by Clinton's work on the economy or that they were able to stay home with a sick family member because of legislation he pushed for and ultimately signed into law, or any of a wide variety of other things. For me, it just more of a good feeling. I watched him summarize the achievements of the past eight years last night during his speech in Los Angeles and they were certainly impressive. He cant take all the credit of course, but his campaign for the presidenct in 1992 was symbolic of a man with a mission... he was going to washington to change things. And he did. And I am definetly pleased with his performance.

    But, like I said, for me, its more of a feeling. There is a certain aura that surrounds this person that I dont think we will see for a very long time, if ever. Clinton is already a legend in my mind. Some say his legacy is uncertain. I don't think he has anything to worry about.

    Post by:danz0r

    anyone got a vid card?

    In category:Technology

    i need a cheap video card for an older system i have. it has a 17 monitor, so i want to run in 1024x768 at bit color. pci or isa... pci preferred. and xfree86 has to work with it. if anyone has anyhting, let me know.

    Post by:danz0r

    or HIV

    In category:Life

    the % of HIV positives in South Africa is one of the highest in the world. Gotta figure that if they were sluts, your chances are even higher.

    Post by:danz0r

    Look what Tab made me!

    In category:Art

    Hello everyone. My day was made better when Tab gave me the picture you see below. I think its cool. Tab is cool. Click on it to get a bigger view.

    Missing image: /pics/danfromtab.jpg
    Post by:danz0r


    In category:Misc

    La La La. I felt the need to post something since insult.org seems to be having a dry spell lately. Anyway, I just wanted to bitch a bit about my attitude lately. Have you ever just been alone and had so little to do that you actually started analyzing yourself? Well I really dont care if you have or not but that is besides the point.

    Wait. I was just about to bitch but now I am wondering why. It serves no fucking purpose whatsoever and would just require alot more keystrokes than I have the patience for right now. Fuck it. Goodnight.

    Post by:danz0r

    at least MC posts

    In category:Journal

    What is going on here at insult.org? Seems as if there is a dry spell. I guess everyone is a bit busy finishing up finals, moving home, etc. I pity people like wils0r who are subjected to atrocities such as 56k dialup connections. At least I will have cable, which is fast sometimes.

    UMass is definetely a ghost town right now. I just got back from the DC and there were very few people there. The only action is in the parking lots where students and parents are busy packing all their shit into the car.

    My room is totally deconstructed. Anyone who has come here to drink would find it unrecgonizable. The rug is up, the table that held my computer is broken down, everything is off the walls, the clothes are packed in bags, etc. otherdan left this morning... it started POURING right when he had to bring out his monitor, computer, and posh leather chair.

    MC, I am glad to see a post on here. Even though it took complete boredom to drive you to post, I was glad that i came here and saw something new. What did you end up doing to ease the boredom? It probably sucked so you will have to rant about it. ;)

    Post by:danz0r

    some thoughts...

    In category:Education

    Well everyone, I am here to rant about nothing in particular. We all know the school year is winding down really quickly. For those not at umass, you may already be out enjoying(perhaps) your summer vacation. I will be out of here friday... others may be out sooner. For me is that for the past three semesters I have been here, at the end of the semester I had become so sick of this place that I wanted nothing more than to leave. I grew so sick of the classes and the work that vacation looked extremely appealing. What's strange is that this semester, I feel the exact opposite. I dont know what it is, but the past three semesters I felt totally burnt out at the end and was on the verge of going insane alot of the time. This is esipcially true last semester, when graham did his best to ass fuck us with his homework assignments that were completely lame, unrealistic, and took way too much time. I dont know if this semester is just lighter or if I have somehow learned how to manage things better, but I dont feel burnt out, classes were cool, and I really dont want to go home. I am quite content here. Home will just be extremely boring. I guess it wont be so bad as I will be working, but after about a month that will get lame too. I just want to go live in Alabama, or Mississippi, or Texas, or something. Texas would be nice. ;) What the fuck is everyone else doing this summer? Rant about it even if you arent really bitching about it. Is insult.org going to be up during the summer anyway?

    So next semester I'm going to be living with wils0r. Or at least that is the plan. Housing says we are living in Baker, which is in Central. Each area has its stereotypes associated with them, and more often than not, they are dead on true. Central is known for its high population of hippies. I just realized today that I am not going to fit in there. Not that I give a fuck, but whatever. After I tell this story, you will see why I came to this realization.

    This morning I got up and decided I should read the rest of Looking Backward, a book by Edward Bellamy about the socio-economic situation in the year 2000, written from the perspective of a guy from the 1800's. Anyway, im sitting by the campus pond reading and this guy looking over his shoulder and shit comes up and sits on a bench close to mine. I continue reading. I look up like 10 min later and he is staring at me. Then he mouths something that at first i couldnt understand... He said "Come over here for a second." This guy looked very sketchy... but i went over anyway. He introduced himself as 'K' and I shook his hand... then he asks me if I am an "undercover officer". hahaha.. i thought.. and as i was saying no, he pulls out a joint and tells me he wants to sit by pond and smoke. i said no problem and went back to my reading. Ok, I barely look 17 and this guy was wondering wether I was an undercover officer. This isnt the first time something like this has happened. I was asked on two occcaisions wether I was "military". Hahaha. ok. this rant is getting old. I started it 2 hours ago but since then, phil and tab came over... talk to you all l8r.

    Post by:danz0r
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