
12 rants(0.5% of Insult)


    In category:Misc

    Two fireman are buttfucking in a smoke filled room

    Post by:DaBean

    One red hen

    In category:Literature

    Repeat after me.
    One red hen.
    Couple of Ducks.
    Three Brown bears.
    Four running Hares.
    Five fat, fickle females feeling fine.
    Six simple Salesman sitting on a stoop.
    Seven Sinbad sailors, sailing the seven seas on a sleuth.
    Eight egotistical egotists echoeing their egotistical ecstacies.
    Nine nude nubians nibbling on nags, nuts, and nicotine.
    Ten, I wish I was a fig plucker or a fig pluckers son, cause Id pluck figs till the fig plucker comes.

    Post by:DaBean

    CT Seasns

    In category:Misc

    May 18th, a while since weve spoke. Life keeps twitching and times keep switching, my mind keeps itching,Everything was perfect once, jaded up on certain fronts, Im faded permanent frustrated,reinstated, issues never stated, ducked down, turned around, sought and found, Im better now, forever sound, thick and leatherbound. Never too deep, I creep cleverly, seek sanity, banana peel, relentless offensive assault, load and blast like catapult, lift away ,lose a day and booze a week, now my brain peeks, no sleep upkeep optional, will unstoppable. But the end is still real far, not even a real war, more skirmish, untarnished, burning quick like thick scandal, focused in like soft handle, eyeball, why stall, try one, try all, lies fall, scattered like broken glass, lava like molten ash, erupt and quick flash, lightning, right thing, wrong place,bright space. Rethink everything, stock what you bring never front a thing look in front of me still gonna be the chillest head to get my feelings fed another place instead face the dread I never bled clever yet better yet most respect toast and bless the shit is easy yes.

    Felt kind of good to rant a little bit on some old school free flow shit. That's original El Jeffe circa 2000. Lio please call me to hang out I miss you sucka. With much love to my folks From the BFD to the LBC and back and forth from Cali to the CT the shit is greasy, 3000K miles between these, believe me. And with that I leave thee.

    Love Me

    Post by:DaBean

    Its been awhile

    In category:Misc

    Good lord I haven't posted in a long fucking time. Mistakes have been made by many, mostly myself, but life still goes on. I've personally fucked over some of the people that I've had intense personal relationships with. And never really thought twice about it. But life has evened the score and left me broke and unemployed again. So whats good for the........... Ah fuck a proverb. People make mistakes, some are forgiven some are unforgivable. But I personally have always found forgiveness.

    Post by:DaBean

    Shit Smeared Red Sox Uniforms

    In category:Sports

    Last night at Twin Pines Diner I finished my meal of 1 lb of rare prime rib with a heaping helping of Boston Cream Pie. Hoping to give the Red Sox a little luck, because it just wouldn't be as fun defecating in the mouths of the Oakland Craphletics in another miserably boring debacle.

    I welcome the Bosox to Yankee Stadium with a Bronx cheer and know that nothing will be more satisfying than dismantling their playoff hopes once again and sending them home to their co-loser soccer playing fiance's, and their readied nooses hanging in Bill Buckners closet.

    I would like to make a friendly bet with Stone. I offer my penis and testes up to a public castration if Boston wins. However if the Yankees win all I desire in return is your birth certificate, SS card and Cornell Diploma. Think it over man.

    Hey if the Red Cox lose again, maybe you could call one of the 16 people that was alive the last time they won a World Series and ask them what it was like.

    And in response to your question Stone, yes, blowing Ben Affleck would be considered "taking one for the team." Ahr No-Maa suck it haa-da

    Post by:DaBean


    In category:People

    My condolences to Spo who lost his dad this past week. Keep your head up bro everything will be ok. My thoughts are with you man. Very happy belated birthdays to Sapphire and Calliander. Oh to be young and in love. Living proof that it's never to early for Viagra. Man its getting cold in CT already, so much for 4 seasons, a Swamp Cracker like me needs some sunshine. 1

    Post by:DaBean

    Inherent Goodness

    In category:Misc

    Damn it must be nice to be oblivious to the woes of society. People are not inherently good. People will fuck, rob, pilfer, rape, sodimize, and masturbate upon the sleeping face of their own mother's given the proper level of capital gain, and oppurtunity cost. It helps you sleep a little better to think otherwise but the fact is people do mindless shit that forever scars the hearts and minds of others 100 times with every breath we take. Creating a numbing cycle of violence and misery when those scarred lash out against someone else. Can't keep typing severed veins clogging keyboard with blood...................................................................................................

    Post by:DaBean


    In category:Sex

    That's the way it goes my brother. Every relationship has one person that is madly in love with the other and one person willing to settle until the next best thing comes around. I've been in both situations before and my last relationship began the same way that yours is now. Over the course of 18 months it completely turned around and reversed itself. I began feeling lethargic about the whole thing and in the end I was in love with her and she had fallen out of love with me. There is no right or wrong answer. You have to take it day by day and do what feels right. As long as you are honest to yourself and honest to her about your feelings you have nothing to lose.

    If it is meant to be then you will know it. The pieces will either come together or they will fall apart and you will definately see it when it happens, as long as you have honesty as a backdrop then there is nothing to hide behind. You need to stop and appreciate her feelings for you and communicate well with her. Find out what she sees in you and it may be easier to see it in yourself or to find things that you like in her.

    Also don't get so stressed out so fast. It's only been a couple of weeks, how much can you really know or feel about each other anyway? SLOW DOWN your stream of emotions and realize that relationships are built over years and months not weeks and days.

    As a sidemark: Pussy has no face. Stop at no limit of lies, deceit and mistrust to get it. (Come on I couldn't lose face sounding all soft like that, could I?) If all else fails just whip it out and go UGGHHHHHHHHH! Some girls like to be slapped in the face with it while they're sleeping. YEAH

    Post by:DaBean

    Thieving Indians

    In category:Drunk

    Fucking Mohegan Bastards have once again left me broke and hopelessly intoxicated. This time my casino adventure was even worse than usual. I actually tasted success only to have it ripped from my drunken hands as I was led along my own trail of tears. Damnit I was ahead almost 600 dollars and still gave it all back. They didn't even give me a complimentary feather. FUCK

    My name is Bean and I have a gambling/weed/meth/coke/beans/pk/cognac problem

    HELP ME?

    Post by:DaBean


    In category:Misc

    I'm sorry I have no idea why my post repeated itself in triplicate.

    Post by:DaBean


    In category:Sex

    Oh the tangled webs we weave. I have no idea who said that. I think it was that bitch Charlotte from that literaty epic of our childhoods.j/k     The bottom line is everyone is someone elses ex-boyfriend/girlfriend.  So when do the lines blur and become non-existant. I know that people on this site have faced this quandry from both sides, sometimes we hold respect for each other so much that we deny ourselves of life changing opportunities. Other times we shit on each other in a heartbeat for a casual parlay of the old in/out. Never considering the ramifications of our actions. Damn, ramifications is a thick ass word huh. But I digress. It is very important to be happy with your own life and conquests and to not deny yourself the right to be happy even at the expense of others. This to me is the true test of friendship.

    Post by:DaBean

    Pappy is the shit

    In category:Life

    Wow, I can actually post now.  I've been reading Insult for like 3 months and It will be quite nice to add my biased opinions and filthy thoughts. I look forward to spewing forth volumes of mindless babble and sexual frustration to a forum where it can be truly appreciated.

    Happy Belated B-Day to Lio.  You big, old, hapless, helpless, hopeless, useless, cockless, sorry excuse for a floating piece of human shit!  Love you Man.  Oh and Calliander's sister is extremely huge.  I just couldn't keep from mentioning that.  Goddamn the filth-hole has been especially filthy lately, Home Sweet Home.

    I'd love to keep ranting but I just bought a floor pump bottle of lubricant and the Bald Headed Champ is challenging me to a slippery confrontation. A nut's a nut

    Post by:DaBean
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