
144 rants(5.97% of Insult)

I am like the hottest ever!

Is this a test?

  • Age: 24
  • Gender: Male
  • Sexual preference: Bicurious
  • Marital status: I don't remember
  • Size of genitalia: I'm a horse!
  • Location: Branford, CT
  • Drug of choice: LSD

There can be only ONE!

In category:Television

Highlander is one of the greatest stories ever told, period! i don't understand all this hatred from the Bleeders, i mean, is it the monthly loss of blood that makes you unable to comprehend the genius behind this story? and calliander, well you've always been an honorary bleeder so im not surprised at your business as usual flip flop on a subject.

lets take a look at xx(i assume the "x"'s are because your so edge) list

black hawk down, i saw this in theaters, it was a good movie, if not completely and utterly depressing i would not label this as an action movie though, much more of a drama set in the background of war.

Rules of engagement, another Drama set to the backdrop of war, this one with a lot more flash backs.

Three Kings, a comedy set to the back drop guessed it seeing a trend here.....

Star wars, war is in the tittle of this one so it must be good right? while a little broad considering this comprises 6 movies ill give you they qualify fro action most of the time, though the new ones are more like dramas.

Band of Brothers, i happen to love this mini series, but again its a drama.

now that we have figured out xx likes dramas set to the back drop of war we can move on to actual action movies.

here are 6 actual action movies in no particular order

  • Drunken master 2
  • The Rock
  • Die Hard
  • Predator, this one is kinda about war so you should like it.
  • The Rundown
  • Terminator 2
Post by:Caniprokis


In category:Drunk

So its been a while since i passed out on a lawn from excessive drinking, luckily i knocked that one out of the way on Saturday. Awesome party, great time!!!

Post by:Caniprokis

Ya Might Rabbit, Ya Might.

In category:Life

Stoneman, Jason Newstead wore Metallica shirts all the time, while in Metallica.

Missing image: /upload/jasonnewstead.jpg

im down on an RPG weekend as well.


Post by:Caniprokis

Grow a Pair America

In category:Politics

"Vigilantism is never a good thing," said Bernard Gonzales, public information officer for the Chula Vista, California, Police Department. He's had some interactions with real-life superheroes. "The very best thing a private citizen can do is be a good witness." from the article found here on CNN:

This fucking guy, typical cop, oh we can handle this citizen, don't get in our way. FUCK YOU! while some fucking douche cop is giving out speeding tickets three blocks away a child is being kidnapped, a women being raped, or a man being murdered. where are you then tough guy?

and what if there was someone, seeing this happen, watching as some crime unfolds....really the best thing to do it watch and wait for a cop? that way you can tell him the make and model of the car that just drove off with a 7 year old screaming on her way to being turned into a cum dumpster for some half retarded scum fuck who cant make it with a women.

now im not saying we should all get costumes and go patrol the streets, but, if you happen upon a crime in progress, you should try and stop it. what happened to people helping people?

most of the time, all that you would have to do is walk up and be like...what the fuck are you doing pal? and thats going to end whatever is happening.

anyway, thats it....

948 out

Post by:Caniprokis

Fuck Yo Couch

In category:Misc

I HATE YOU. yes you! the one reading this right now. i hate your stupid face and your obnoxious voice. i hate you fucked up hair and your pickle green teeth. oh "but that doesn't sound like me" you say. FUCK YOU! it is you. its how you look to everyone you meet. you don't see it because your so wrapped up in your fantasy world that it escapes your vision, its as if you are "Dim" to yourself. but not to me, or anyone else for that matter

There was a time when you were not so ugly, a time long ago and fr away, so long ago that it has passed from history to legend and from legend to myth and it has left you to rot in misery for all eternity. this brings a smile to my face.

so dear reader, fuck your face, fuck your ideas, fuck your mouth, fuck your ass and FUCK YOUR COUCH!


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948 out!

Post by:Caniprokis


In category:Insult

the point of insult has always been that we rant under assumed identities in an open forum! if this sites not open to any fucktard to read than whats the point? Lio, you feel like somehow, somebody at your job might connect you to this site and compromise your position(your paranoia runs deep my finely feathered friend), come up with a new posting identity that has no connection to you at all. Stoneman, WTF you of all people should know that this was created to fuck with other people, pass wording it will completely defeat the original purpose.


948 out!

Post by:Caniprokis

Musical Musings

In category:Music

Trying to label a decade of music as better than another just seems like a argument of opinions that will all have value and all make me sick.... we all sitting here arguing what corprate pushed pop is better than another, i mean anything you listen to released by a label of any kind is part of the system. weather were talking about Sun records or Motown or Geffen or Victory, its all the same. packaged over produced garbage. you know whats good?? live music. period.

Post by:Caniprokis


In category:Sports

first off, congradulations!!!!!

now, does this mean your going to be an even bigger douchbag about all your faggot teams????

we should go to a celts game if we can this year.

ill bring mike up, id like a weekend in boston that dosent blow ass!!!!

Post by:Caniprokis


In category:Gaming

im down for shadowrun maybe that friday night, no other nights are good for me.

aaron do you still have the sheet for Compliance my shotgun toting cigar smokeing 50 something orc mercinary?

Post by:Caniprokis

POWER, PURE POWER!!!!!!!! (said in a menaclingly evil yet shakespearin

In category:Gaming

came on, weve all played these mid level games to DEATH! lets make it epic, great worms and gods should be our enemies! im playing a game right now where i just got to level 12 and its just starting to get interesting. Magic is so fucking awesome at the higher levels and it would open up multicalssing to not blow ass. we should make this the grandest battle of our lives, one we might not survive!

i mean seriously, lets have to fight the fucking Tarrasque! i wanna be throwing fire and ice at things that shug it off! calling lightning down from heaven as a direct favor from my god and still have whatever it is keep coming!!! improvise, adapt, overcome!!! RECON!!!!!

lets not pussy foot around and leave some open ended crap! lets either save the fucking world or die trying! the fate of mikes world should rest squarly on our shoulders. weve been playing in one version or anouther of andrasar now for almost 10 years, it should be an allstar team of god status adventureres who come together to end this evil once and for all!!! win or lose!!! and if we have to break the world to do it, if we have to burn it down to rebuild it without the taint of evil, then so be it!

Post by:Caniprokis

Niggas….i mean Whites…..I mean; Shoes……

In category:Gaming

dont worry Big A your dice will come with me to this event. i also have your third ed PHB and DMG and i think a MM so ill bring those as well. I think we should be playing at least level 12 id like to see something stupid good and high since its a one off for the most part. plus backstory and such can be pretty awesome for a higher level game!!! lets do like level 16 or something make it really interesting...also make charectar creation retardedly long!!! i think i might resurect Matrim Locindus if i can find his sheet.

Post by:Caniprokis

Rymes and Reasons

In category:Gaming

Tuesday would be fine with me, i get out of work at 5 and ill stay up however late it takes and working in meriden im pretty much half way to aarons s to branford.. i would say that we should all make charecters before hand to maximize gaming time, were all adults and should be able to roll without cheating, i of course will have all 18s. anyway sundays are no good for me, i have way too much football to watch!

Post by:Caniprokis


In category:Misc

Missing image:

i guess none of these people know about the wars going on or the oil crisis or almost anything more important than an R rated FUCKING COMEDY!!!!! i hate this guy!

Post by:Caniprokis


In category:Literature

i would just like to fucking point out that the level of fucking filth, grime and general disregard for humanity on a whole that this site used to embody has fallen far FAR to the wayside.... i aim to change this.

first off a big FUCKING DIE DOUCHBAGS!!!! to soccer moms and old fucking faggots that have nothing to do but get coffee at 7am and drive like noone has anyware to be, like its fucking sunday or something!!! jeasus fucking christ get off the fucking road, or wait untill after rush hour to get your fucking coffee, stay in bed, masterbate, enjoy fucking life, god knows for you old people there isent much left. And soccer moms, oooo soccer moms, why dont you take that stick jammed so far up your eleitist, pertentious, prude christian ass and blow your husband when he gets up for work..... just imagin how much more money he can make for you to steal from him if hes going into work every morning with the pipes clean and a smile on his face, and itll make paying for your SUV and its gas so much more satisfying, come on ladies, earn that paycheck!!!!! and for christ sakes, swallow or take it on the face, be a team player!



i would also like to touch on the taint....grundle if you is a part of the body badly in need of a booster!!! have you ever had your grundle licked? let me tell you i have, and its awesome!!! dont be afraid of the taint, it wont bite you, or hurt you, its your freind, so stick that tounge out and give it a lick, your partner will thank you for it, and so will I!

Blow more cum bubbles! its hot, we like it and itll extend your life an average of 4 years!

mike you should bring back the autoposter for porn and comics.....definitly one of the better features missing these days!


Post by:Caniprokis
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