
46 rants(1.91% of Insult)

"the little erin" im the girl all the bad guys want

me = sexy bitch...... xx instead of xxx, actually fuck edge....punker than your mother....

"when in Rome, do like the Romans.....when in Philly, steal a car"

  • Age: 21
  • Gender: Female
  • Sexual preference: Heterosexual
  • Marital status: I have many partners
  • Size of genitalia: I have no penis.
  • Location: Boston
  • Drug of choice: Bathtub Gin

the jockocracy that is northeastern university

In category:Life

Tonight I would like to rant about the fair city of Boston. I live in between two sections of Boston called Mission Hill and Jamaica Plain. Some would call it the "ghetto," I feel like it's no better or worse than any other part of the city. I have lived here for two, going on three years now and I have never felt this unsafe.

A friend of mine was walking his girlfriend home (she lives in a dorm) earlier this week and noticed a group of guys following them. They were yelling at him about how hot his girlfriend was and so on. Then they approached, my friend asked them what they wanted and to leave them alone. They did not ask for any money, only spoke of their intentions for the girl. He told her to run, and swung his backpack in an attempt to ward the men off of her. One of them pulled out a knife and stabbed my friend, puncturing his lung and hitting the bone. The men ran, the girl was unharmed, my friend was let out of the hospital last night.

Tonight I went to Blockbuster to pick up a movie with a female friend of mine. As I was returning with my movie, a horde of frat boy type meatheads were roaming around in front of us. They were taking up the entire sidewalk and some of the adjacent street. There was oncoming traffic, so we couldnt cross the street and avoid them, and stopping would have invited attention. To pass them, my friend and I walked into the street and back onto the sidewalk in front of them. I don't know what we did to offend them, but a barrage of sexual threats were made. The ast comment I heard was something to the effect of "It's all the same in the dark sweetheart." I wanted to turn around and ask them what the fuck was wrong with them, but I thought that may not be to my advantage.

Around 2:30 this morning, I finished watching a movie at my friend's place and walked the three blocks home. There were the usual bums, and my friendly neighborhood prostitute, and I realized, that I had more to worry about walking through the Northeastern University area than I did in the place where the Northeastern fucks call the ghetto. I guess all this rambling has taken me to a few conclusions, 1: The only thing worse than a meathead, is a group of meatheads. Fucking Assholes. 2: Pepper spray is illegal in MA, but is legal in CT ( and on order). 3: I'd like to think that all people are inherently good, but lately that is difficult to believe.

Post by:arcee

yes, yes,...dinner

In category:Drunk

When were we trying to write that? I have a sneaking suspicion that you and Peps were attempting to type that while sobering up, but judging by the fact that I have no recollection of the activity, I think I was, umm, sleeping.

Regardless, the dinner party was a success. For the first time in a long while the filth hole was an eerie reminder of what it once was. A place to see friends, have fun, and wake up the next morning with a slight headache and a mysterious substance in your hair. Ahh...memories. Well I suppose I'm babbling now. It's time for someone else to be the three man. I'm departing soon and will miss the few that are left in these parts. later.

Post by:arcee

Threats from random people on the internet?

In category:People

Hi all!

So it's been awhile because, well, there's not all that much to say. I received an interesting threat today via email. It was from someone I don't know, and it was through insult. It was something completely inane and idiotic to the effect of "I'll fuck your mom and make you watch like the bitch that you are."

A few things occured to me when i read this. 1) Clearly this boy doesn't know me because to offend me is a little harder than mentioning my family, whom I insult on a daily basis myself. 2) This boy also doesn't know me because he would never have the chance to fuck my mom, well for the simple reason that is, that he has a penis. 3) Also, I wonder what after all these years brought about the random email, I don't know if anyone else has received one but I think it's strange because I haven't posted in quite awhile. 4) And finally, if I were to send a threat to someone through insult, I think maybe I would use an email address that didn't include a full name. I know the rules are that we are to only use an alias while on this site, but if he sent me his name and what I'm guessing is his father's name, isn't it only fair that I share it with my fellow filth holers and ex-filth holers in the event that one of us actually knows him? Well I will take the chance of having my posting account enabled, although I'd like it if it wasn't.

JARED HENERY, and or SCOTT HENERY thank you for the filthy comment about my mother and myself, I appreciate it whole heartedly and welcome more in the future. It amazes me that there are people that have enough time to not only read our babblings, but then respond with comments that have absolutely nothing to do with what we write. bravo, you fuck.

Post by:arcee

to caniprokis

In category:People


Post by:arcee

Miss me?

In category:Misc

So umm yeah....i suppose to most of you i seem as though i must have fallen off the face of the earth.  I guess i did in a way, like stone, finals are keeping me sleep deprived and the term "starving artist" is not so much a term anymore as it is a way of life.  anyways, i posted because im pretty sure its Wilson's birthday and that he is officially way too old for my sister. if im right then, Happy Goddamn Birthday!!!, and if im not, i apologize, but know that i wish you a happy birthday whenever the hell it happens to be.

Post by:arcee


In category:Misc


like ill even bother to respond to your ridiculous bullshit. im sorry that youve mistaken dollar signs for class and youve resorted to insulting the friends of the kid "you never dated." its sad really.

get over him, get over it. its over, get a life and stop intruding on everyone elses.

karma is an evil thing, bitch, watch out, it's comin for ya.

Post by:arcee


In category:Misc

What is this I hear? I have been insulted without being made aware of it? instinct is  to not respond, since I could really give two shits, but what the hell.  Now let's see here, from what I understand this "female" has deemed me as not having any class. That's quite interesting really, I mean if you've met her, it's down right ironic.  Calliander, I would never say anything negative about this "girl" to you while you were dating her, simply out of respect for the fact that you're dating her, because it's the classy thing to do.  Apparently it's over, with no forseen reunion, so here it goes...I guess really my question is how could a "girl" that feels it's attractive to wear a nasty ass scarf as a shirt and hang all over her significant other while bitching about his friends, him, and everything under the sun attack someone's integrity?  I mean really, you don't even know me, you met me what..two, three times? I would like to fill the rest of this page with name calling and abuse, but ya know I'm above that.  You've got some issues and I suggest you work them out before getting in another relationship that begins at a prestigious bar such as the "Cue and Brew."  Life is short, why waste your time being spiteful towards people that you don't know.

Oh and another thing, yes the filth hole can be at times down right filthy, but if you can't stand the heat in the kitchen, get the hell out. Thankfully, it appears that you have, let's all pray that I never see you there again.

Post by:arcee

happy birthday

In category:People

Happy Birthday Baby!!!!!! I love you.

Post by:arcee


In category:People

it seems quite odd to call you wilson, but pappy would probably be upset otherwise so HAPPY BIRTHDAY WILSON!!!!

Post by:arcee

the osbournes and Progesterex

In category:Misc

yes this show, the osbournes, fuckin rocks, basically because it is so ridiculous.

they do have another daughter by the way, she didnt want to live on camera, which to me makes sense, so rumor has it that she lives in another house. i also heard it was like a house on the property, but who knows.

oh and i recently recieved an email about the new rape drug coming to a campus near you....this shit is apparently used legally to sterilize horses. the idea behind slipping it into a drink along with roofies is that after raping the victim, you wont have to worry about a child coming into the picture. if this isnt bad enough, apparently, this shit will sterilize a girl for good. meaning that a rapist not only has the power to emotionally scar women for life, but also take away the woman's power to have a child,..... ever. how much more fucked up can you get?

Post by:arcee

the osbournes

In category:Misc

yes this show, the osbournes, fuckin rocks, basically because it is so ridiculous.

they do have another daughter by the way, she didnt want to live on camera, which to me makes sense, so rumor has it that she lives in another house. i also heard it was like a house on the property, but who knows.

oh and i recently recieved an email about the new rape drug coming to a campus near you....this shit is apparently used legally to sterilize horses. the idea behind slipping it into a drink along with roofies is that after raping the victim, you wont have to worry about a child coming into the picture. if this isnt bad enough, apparently, this shit will sterilize a girl for good. meaning that a rapist not only has the power to emotionally scar women for life, but also take away the woman's power to have a child,..... ever. how much more fucked up can you get?

Post by:arcee

Happy Birthday!

In category:People

Happy Birthday Hugh! Here's to another year of Tom Collins, Outback dinners, and never knowing whats actually going on. Best Wishes.

Post by:arcee

In category:Entertainment

nice points and all lio, but the fact of the matter is that you haven't seen it, therefore you can't truely have an opinion of it.

take it from me, it was painfully awful. i held high expectations for it after seeing the ridiculously misleading trailer, but it sucked. gah. (i believe this is the sound i actually made after watching the movie.)

Post by:arcee


In category:Misc

the only city where its normal to wake up to bagpipes. i cant believe how loud they are. all my windows are closed on the eleventh floor and three bagpipers (i guess you would call them) are across the street at ground level.

i guess its better than the stupid car alarm that normally goes off. thats all for now. later.

Post by:arcee

brotherhood of the wolves and some other jazz

In category:Entertainment

well i have to keep this short because im on my way to an invigorating two hours of art history, but i just wanted to state for the record that brotherhood of the wolves sucked. it was awful. i advice you all to spend the money on something else. im sure caniprokis will go into further detail on the subject so i will leave it at that.

i hope everyone is feeling well and doing well. later.

Post by:arcee


In category:Misc

That is fucking ridiculous.

Post by:arcee


In category:Life

There's a kid missing in the ghetto where I live. His house is right up the street from the park where I work. He's only 11 years old. I recognized his face on the missing posters that have been put up on telephone poles in the neighborhood. I can't seem to shake the feeling that something horrible happened to him. I ask that you all say a prayer or whatever you do in your respective beliefs and non-beliefs that this kid is going to show up ok.

I know shitty things happen, and that for the most part they are out of my control, but a little faith never hurt anyone.

Post by:arcee

no she's really not

In category:Sex

Not Hot At All, not even a little bit, well her hair is ok but other than that no. I'm sorry, but no.

Post by:arcee
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