Getting real tired of living through unprecedented and major historical moments

In category:Politics

OK Joe - now that you're out, let's take advantage of that immunity you were granted by the SCOTUS.

  • Assassinate some key conservatives and some of the same SCOTUS justices who gave you the power
  • Direct the Democratic members of congress to put progressive laws on your desk without any involvment or votes from Republicans, and sign them
  • Executive order a bunch of stuff like student loans and robocalls

There's a whole bunch of other "illegal" stuff to do, but those are the first ones that come to my mind.

Post by:Calliander


In category:Music

Jack Black ends Tenacious D tour after bandmate’s Trump shooting comment

Apparently, KG said, "Don’t miss Trump next time," when asked to make a birthday wish.

This prompted JB to spout some progressive nonsense about not condoning violence. And, of course, KG posted an apology, saying, "I don’t condone violence in any kind, in any form, against anyone."

Two things.

First: I can't believe neither of them thought to mention MIND BULLETS.

Second: As owner/operator of this website, I'd like to make it clear that I do condone political violence, and especially toward conservatives. (Check out my America the Awful rant for further detail about making these shitheads scared all the time.)

Post by:Calliander

Political spam messages

In category:Technology

Though I'm registered to vote, I'm not affiliated with a party. This means that while everyone around me gets a billion texts/emails/phone calls/postcards about election stuff, I only deal with the occasional scam car insurance b.s.

People have shown me some of the political messages they get, however.


The junk fundraising crap from Republicans is about as laughable as could be expected. What takes my breath away is the language used by the Democrats in their messaging. A couple of samples:

  • I'm so disappointed in you...
  • If you don't verify your information soon...
  • Trump did THIS and it's DISGUSTING...

It's super aggressive, guilt-trippy, and disingenuous. It's grifter speak. And, as we all know, I really don't like grifters - irrespective of their politics.

How is this shit even legal?

Post by:Calliander

Been a while

In category:Politics

I feel like Pappy, when he always used to complain on here about not posting a lot.

Anyway: Could we not afford the guy Boeing uses? What the hell!?

Post by:Calliander

Other shit our society needs less of

In category:People
  • Influencers
  • Performance improvement plans
  • The gig economy (specifically, the contractor loophole)
  • Gentrification
  • Public smoking of weed (this one is petty - the shit should be legal, the smell just bothers me)
  • Customer service people having to recite a script
  • New features that are on by default
  • Conservatives
  • Memes
  • Conservative memes
  • Religion

I’ll keep a running tab and post more over time.

Post by:Calliander

Civil Batman

In category:People

There needs to be a vigilante for people who are just inconsiderate/bad citizens. Or, more accurately, multiple vigilantes.

Like instead of going after villains, these Civil Batmans would be responsible for an area and respond to people who break small - but nevertheless important - rules. Stuff like:

  • Parking in a spot they aren't supposed to, like a handicapped spot or a "no standing" zone
  • Excessive noise at any hour like playing a video out loud on the train or burble tuned cars backfiring
  • Sharing mis/disinformation online, intentional or not
  • Disruptive behavior in stores/planes/restaurants, like cursing out a cashier or not wearing a mask despite having been asked to

There are probably tons you could file under "roads" or something (not respecting pedestrians trying to walk AND pedestrians crossing when they shouldn't). And a whole bunch more about disruptive behavior (breaking into song at Applebee's to show everyone you should be on American Idol). I recognize this is all petty stuff but yeah - I'm petty. Big deal.

Post by:Calliander

...and another thing: The (Political) Oscars

In category:Entertainment

I'll be the first to admit that it was pretty hot when Will Smith slapped the shit out of Chris Rock but otherwise the Oscars are just boring nonsense.

Like the SOTU address, the Oscars are pageantry - designed by the people who receive the awards to make themselves feel good about what they do for a living.

And just to be clear: I get that awards given to marginalized creators are important for various reasons beyond just the representation element. But those awards are very rarely given when there isn't an uproar about all the straight, able white folks winning.

An exception to that, of course, is the insulting inspiration film. CODA wasn't a particularly special film on its own merits. But those same straight, able white folks absolutely love to see someone they pity fit into whatever they consider, "normal."

Black person succeeding during Jim Crow era, albeit doing so on racist terms? Queer person breaking down barriers in a phobic society, albeit doing so on prejudiced terms? Best picture.

Disabled person walking/hearing/seeing/etc. for the first time? Queue up the tears. (Yes, I know CODA wasn't about this.)

For all the complaining against Land Back - especially as it relates to Native Americans - we're probably not far away from an award for some movie about an indigenous person in some rural area winning over the locals and having a tiny portion of their tribe's land returned.

Post by:Calliander

I don't get the SOTU

In category:Politics

Something that has always perplexed me is when people are like, "Did you watch President Whomever's State of the Union address?" Usually, they'll proceed to list off things they liked about what the President said, as well. To me, they seem happy - fulfilled even - by whatever was covered in the address. A recent trend, post-Trump, is to say things like, "So and so wasn't afraid to name this thing," about some topic. (Side note: Since white progressives are fond of using that "naming the thing" terminology I have to guess it was co-opted from Black people.)

As far back as I can recall, the SOTU address has just been pageantry where whichever President can bloviate about things they'll never actually do. Sure, sometimes they do follow through, but:

  1. That's coincidental to something having come up in the address.
  2. The thing is an extremely diluted version of the original so it can pass through our nonsense Congress.

That second point is the reason I don't get why anyone bothers. Maybe I'm just a jaded pessimist but telling me you care about the issues I care about isn't enough. Making a big speech so that you can set the stage for an election campaign or to raise money off strong words just doesn't do it for me. Performance isn't action and, to me, the SOTU is a huge act. Because without majority control, there can't be any true follow up. Plus, like we saw with the ACA and other important issues during the last Democrat majority, you still get watered-down legislation.

The other thing that boggles my mind is the opposing party's "reaction" to a State of the Union speech. First of all it isn't a reaction - just like how the address itself panders to the President's base, the reaction is a fan service recap of things the other party is on about. And, more often than not, it's just a way for the party to highlight some heat-of-the-moment jerk they're putting way too much faith in for something they think is lacking. Diversity, usually.

Again, perhaps I'm just burned out on the whole thing. Maybe for most people, hearing those cloying words in that setting is emotional and intellectual nourishment. I don't get it. That may be on me.

Post by:Calliander

She can eat my ass

In category:People

I know where that cunt lives.

I'm 30 minutes from her. I have an AR-15.

Let her try to send her stochastic terrorists after me.

stylized middle finger made of the words "fuck you"

Yo, Don't Fuck w/Libs of TikTok

In category:People

Sunday person: I appreciate the respect and all, and your observation about the Supreme Court is great, but check wishing death upon that awful lady. I'm not sticking up for her, but all it takes is one post and her army of troglodytes will sleuth out who you are in real life faster than you can type GrOoMeR.

Also, while I loved the Brandon Lee movie from the start - and still do - I agree with ToS: Getting a new crowd of people into the story is a good thing.

Post by:Calliander

Every Night I Burn... Every Night the Dream's The Same

In category:Entertainment

The Crow gatekeepers can kiss the fattest part of my ass. Here's a little post I wrote responding to the hate:

Oh man, I remember these feelings... back in 93. Being a fan of the comics I was stoked to hear about a Crow movie. Then slightly less stoked when I saw Brandon Lee in costume because he didn't look EXACTLY like the comic (my ideal Crow movie would be Goth/Punk Rock flavored early 80's period piece). Then I was BITTERLY disappointed by the anemic and compromised adaptation we got. I would grow to enjoy the movie on it's own merits, but it will never be the Crow movie I want. I actually like this version's esthetic, it feels like the original comic filtered through this generation's view of what's cool. Just like Brandon Lee's version was the comic book filtered through grunge look. My point? Every piece of Crow media is someone's first and favorite version of The Crow. Let's not poop on it for them. The story itself is timeless, like Shakespeare, it should be told in a modern setting to keep it relevant. So that new people can be exposed to it.

Presidential immunity

In category:Politics

Oh yeah, also, once the scotus rules that Trump is immune from prosecution for acts committed while he was president, Joe Biden should have him assassinated.

Might as well take out some justices, some members of congress, etc. while he's at it, too. And that LibsOfTikTok asshole.

The Crow

In category:Entertainment

Haha all my friends are screaming about Skaarsgard and Twigs in that movie even though none of us were alive when the comic book came out and the movie dropped when I was two! Like wtf are they even upset about?

I'd expect people your age to be upset. Respect, Calliander.

Anyway, if i was into dudes I think i'd probably find him hot.

The New Crow Movie

In category:Entertainment

bluesky screenshot of people complaining about the way the character looksSo people are apparently upset about the appearance of the actor who plays Eric in the Crow remake.

I'd like to go on record as saying I don't mind how he looks. I feel like it's bringing a modern take to a (now) fairly old story. I actually think that guy's body is closer to the comic book character's body than the Brandon Lee version.

Post by:Calliander

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity Jig

In category:Life

Ahhhhhh. Good to be back. I used to post on this site as a much younger man, but the name I used doesn't feel like me anymore. So I've chosen a new one.

The Three of Swords. The wounded heart. It represents a deep emotional wound. I have a few of those. Some are legitimate. Some are self inflicted. They've been piling up recently.

But, for those not in the know of Tarot, a fascinating thing happens when a Tarot card is viewed upside down, the meaning inverts as well. In this instance the wounded heart is tipped upside down. Gravity works it's magic. The swords fall out and the heart can heal.

As I fumble through middle age, I realize I need to flip some of the cards on their head. Release old grudges. Go to therapy. Be there for my parents like they were there for me.

So here I am. Back where I started 20 years ago, vague posting lIke the good old days. Time to flip some cards.

My thoughts on Alabama

In category:Life

As a person who used IVF to conceive with my wife, the court's ruling is infuriating. In the eyes of Alabama, we are complicit in a crime. Because we wanted a kid.

As a cynic who - unfortunately - hasn't been wrong about any of the things conservatives have done or will do, I saw it coming.

Neither is a feeling that I wish to have.

Post by:Calliander

Alabama's IVF Ruling

In category:Life

How about this: People who want a baby, but could only have a baby via IVF, and now can't have a baby because of this ruling – find the people responsible for ruling and take their baby?

Seems fair. If we're just going to arbitrarily decide that nonsense like, "a fertilized embryo is a child with rights," is valid, then nonsense like, "I can take your child because you have prevented me from having one," is also valid.

Post by:Left on Sunday


In category:Misc

Hi, I'm LoS. Found this site's archive after a post that got the owner banned from twitter. Asked to join & he gave me an account.

Seems like a quiet place to vent. And vent I shall.

Post by:Left on Sunday

That lucky bastard McConnell...

In category:Politics

Mitch McConnell frozen mid-speech

Looks like he had some kind of problem delivering a statement. People seem to think it was a TIA (transient ischemic attack), which is basically a mini-stroke. They escorted him away, but then he came back out to finish his statement.

I hope it happens again but he doesn't come back.

Post by:Calliander
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